author - "Maximus Romulus"

Can you pull in a Leviathan with a fishhook, or tie down its tongue with a rope? Can you put a cord through its nose, or pierce its jaw with a hook? Will it keep begging you for mercy? Will it speak to you with gentle words? Will it make an agreement with you for you to take it as your slave for life? Can you make a pet of it like a bird, or put it on a leash for the young women in your house? Will traders barter for it? Will they divide it up among the merchants? Can you fill its hide with harpoons, or its head with fishing spears? If you lay a hand on it, you will remember the struggle and never do it again! Any hope of subduing it is false; the mere sight of it is overpowering. Nothing on earth is its equal, a creature without fear. No one is fierce enough to rouse it. Who then can stand against me? Who has a claim against me that I must pay? Everything under heaven belongs to me. I am she, the natural mother of all things, the mistress and governess of all the elements. The initial progeny of worlds, chief of the powers divine. The principle of them that dwell in heaven, manifested alone and under one form, of all the gods and goddesses; at whose will the planets of the sky, the wholesome winds of the seas, and the lamentable silences of hell are dispersed. I am, that I am.

Can you pull in a Leviathan with a fishhook, or tie down its tongue with a rope? Can you put a cord through its nose, or pierce its jaw with a hook? Will it keep begging you for mercy? Will it speak to you with gentle words? Will it make an agreement with you for you to take it as your slave for life? Can you make a pet of it like a bird, or put it on a leash for the young women in your house? Will traders barter for it? Will they divide it up among the merchants? Can you fill its hide with harpoons, or its head with fishing spears? If you lay a hand on it, you will remember the struggle and never do it again! Any hope of subduing it is false; the mere sight of it is overpowering. Nothing on earth is its equal, a creature without fear. No one is fierce enough to rouse it. Who then can stand against me? Who has a claim against me that I must pay? Everything under heaven belongs to me. I am she, the natural mother of all things, the mistress and governess of all the elements. The initial progeny of worlds, chief of the powers divine. The principle of them that dwell in heaven, manifested alone and under one form, of all the gods and goddesses; at whose will the planets of the sky, the wholesome winds of the seas, and the lamentable silences of hell are dispersed. I am, that I am.