author - "Odd de Presno"
When you get tired of hunting for a job, why not relax withHUMOR at [email protected]. This mailing list distributeshumor of all types, topics and tastes. To subscribe, send thefollowing command to the LISTSERV:
SUB HUMOR [firstname] [lastname]
Chapter 6: Your personal HealthNet==================================
Health is a concern in most families. Where a family member or afriend is suffering from cancer, AIDS, a serious disability, or arare disease, finding help is imperative.
When you get tired of hunting for a job, why not relax withHUMOR at [email protected]. This mailing list distributeshumor of all types, topics and tastes. To subscribe, send thefollowing command to the LISTSERV:
SUB HUMOR [firstname] [lastname]
Chapter 6: Your personal HealthNet==================================
Health is a concern in most families. Where a family member or afriend is suffering from cancer, AIDS, a serious disability, or arare disease, finding help is imperative.