author - "Oliver Goldsmith"
kly to do any good. A school would be his death. When he comes tobe a little stronger, who knows what a year or two's Latin may do forhim?
HARDCASTLE. Latin for him! A cat and fiddle. No, no; the alehouseand the stable are the only schools he'll ever go to.
MRS. HARDCASTLE. Well, we must not snub the poor boy now, for Ibelieve we shan't have him long among us. Anybody that looks in hisface may see he's consumptive.
HARDCASTLE. Ay, if growing too fat be one of the symptoms.
MRS. HARDCASTLE. He coughs sometimes.
HARDCASTLE. Yes, when his liquor goes the wrong way.
MRS. HARDCASTLE. I'm actually afraid of his lungs.
HARDCASTLE. And truly so am I; for he sometimes whoops like aspeaking trumpet--(Tony hallooing behind the scenes)--O, there hegoes--a very consumptive figure, truly.
Enter TONY, crossing the stage.
MRS. HARDCASTLE. Tony, where are you going, my charmer? Won't yougive papa and I a little of your company, lovee?
TONY. I'm in haste, mother; I cannot
kly to do any good. A school would be his death. When he comes tobe a little stronger, who knows what a year or two's Latin may do forhim?
HARDCASTLE. Latin for him! A cat and fiddle. No, no; the alehouseand the stable are the only schools he'll ever go to.
MRS. HARDCASTLE. Well, we must not snub the poor boy now, for Ibelieve we shan't have him long among us. Anybody that looks in hisface may see he's consumptive.
HARDCASTLE. Ay, if growing too fat be one of the symptoms.
MRS. HARDCASTLE. He coughs sometimes.
HARDCASTLE. Yes, when his liquor goes the wrong way.
MRS. HARDCASTLE. I'm actually afraid of his lungs.
HARDCASTLE. And truly so am I; for he sometimes whoops like aspeaking trumpet--(Tony hallooing behind the scenes)--O, there hegoes--a very consumptive figure, truly.
Enter TONY, crossing the stage.
MRS. HARDCASTLE. Tony, where are you going, my charmer? Won't yougive papa and I a little of your company, lovee?
TONY. I'm in haste, mother; I cannot