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author - "Patrick Whittaker"

In our online library you can read for free books of the author author - "Patrick Whittaker". All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

On an otherwise normal day in Wonderland, the Knave of Hearts is arrested by the secret police. Outraged by what he believes to be an injustice, his valet, the March Hare, sets out to free him. Along the way he attends a mad tea party, witnesses the death and resurrection of the Queen of Hearts and uncovers a terrifying secret that could destroy not only his world, but ours too.

On an otherwise normal day in Wonderland, the Knave of Hearts is arrested by the secret police. Outraged by what he believes to be an injustice, his valet, the March Hare, sets out to free him. Along the way he attends a mad tea party, witnesses the death and resurrection of the Queen of Hearts and uncovers a terrifying secret that could destroy not only his world, but ours too.