author - "Peter Barns"

Tales From The Cottage is a collection of Flash Fiction written in 2012. The eighteen stories range in style from the macabre to the heart-rending.
You'll never look at a robin, or a bat, in quiet the same light again, and for certain, you'll check your facts before jumping from your office window.
This collection is the perfect companion with which to curl up in front of a log fire.

After reading a few quotes from famous people posted on Twitter, I decided to create and post some of my own.
Unlike the other quotes, which were mainly serious or witty, my quotes tended to be silly and humorous, and were posted as #Twittclass items.
Reading through these posts sparked some ideas for nonsense verse and so this book was born.
As the poems are short, Twittclass makes the ideal companion for those moments on the toilet when you have little else to do but stare at the wall opposite and dream what you'll do when you win the lottery.

Hobart is a pugnacious, yet lovable rogue, who
manipulates his long suffering nephew into numerous tricky situations; including, hunting an ostrich with a smelly sock, visiting France in a home made balloon, exploding the farm's best cow, and shooting the world's only homing pig. Hobart is the kind of man that you like to meet, but can't wait to walk away from. His home made philosophy is: “Everything's okay, so long as there's plenty 'o beer ter be drunk.” Recently, widowed, Hobart is on the look out for someone to cook, clean and tidy up for him, a point his nephew misses until it's far too late. Hobart is a forceful character with strong views, and woe betide anyone who disagrees with him.
If you like a chuckle at people's misfortunes - you'll love Hobart at Home.

Tears is a collection of fourteen micropoems that have been paired with images taken from the Internet.
The more recent popularity of “micropoetry” to describe poems of 140 characters in length or shorter appears to stem from a separate coinage, as a portmanteau of “microblogging” and “poetry” in a notice on Identica on January 23, 2009, announcing the formation of a group for fans of poetry on that microblogging service.

during the past thirty odd years with my love partner ive often pondered the meaning of love is it just electro chemical connections in the brain is loving a sibling more satisfying than loving a pet can loving a parent be the same as loving a spouse is love really more powerful than superman is love of a good wine comparable with the love of a good view will love really conquer all does love taste as nice as chocolate can love overcome hate just what the hell is love anyway im still as confused today as when i started out on lifes great adventure all i know is living life without love is like trying to read sentences without punctuation not impossible just far far harder to enjoy

Cautionary Tales is a collection of 25 poems with a message in mind: if you're not careful, bad things can happen to you. The poems take a dark look at such varied subjects as picking your nose, baking bread, and touch-typing while wearing your girlfriend's basque. I hope you enjoy reading this collection as much as I enjoyed writing it.

How far would you go to save your family?
Marine biologist, Alex Winters, is about to find out.
When a secret experiment goes terribly wrong Dawn Winters is trapped, her life is in danger and Alex is the only one who can rescue her. While Alex battles to reach her, Dawn and virologist Sheena McKenzie make their own voyage of discovery.
Until Gonzalez, an American mercenary arrives to clean things up for his paymaster.
And the bodies begin to mount.

Boddaert's Magic portrays the unending struggle between good and evil, set in a world seldom visited by man.
Boddaert's Realm is a world dominated by magic and the moon - a domain where the Prime Mover holds the ultimate power.
The struggle to gain control of Boddaert's Magic takes Darkburst on a long and dangerous journey to Migaro Lake, where he discovers the Circle of Claws. How could he know that allowing the Preceptor access to the relic would destroy them all?

Tales From The Cottage is a collection of Flash Fiction written in 2012. The eighteen stories range in style from the macabre to the heart-rending.
You'll never look at a robin, or a bat, in quiet the same light again, and for certain, you'll check your facts before jumping from your office window.
This collection is the perfect companion with which to curl up in front of a log fire.

After reading a few quotes from famous people posted on Twitter, I decided to create and post some of my own.
Unlike the other quotes, which were mainly serious or witty, my quotes tended to be silly and humorous, and were posted as #Twittclass items.
Reading through these posts sparked some ideas for nonsense verse and so this book was born.
As the poems are short, Twittclass makes the ideal companion for those moments on the toilet when you have little else to do but stare at the wall opposite and dream what you'll do when you win the lottery.

Hobart is a pugnacious, yet lovable rogue, who
manipulates his long suffering nephew into numerous tricky situations; including, hunting an ostrich with a smelly sock, visiting France in a home made balloon, exploding the farm's best cow, and shooting the world's only homing pig. Hobart is the kind of man that you like to meet, but can't wait to walk away from. His home made philosophy is: “Everything's okay, so long as there's plenty 'o beer ter be drunk.” Recently, widowed, Hobart is on the look out for someone to cook, clean and tidy up for him, a point his nephew misses until it's far too late. Hobart is a forceful character with strong views, and woe betide anyone who disagrees with him.
If you like a chuckle at people's misfortunes - you'll love Hobart at Home.

Tears is a collection of fourteen micropoems that have been paired with images taken from the Internet.
The more recent popularity of “micropoetry” to describe poems of 140 characters in length or shorter appears to stem from a separate coinage, as a portmanteau of “microblogging” and “poetry” in a notice on Identica on January 23, 2009, announcing the formation of a group for fans of poetry on that microblogging service.

during the past thirty odd years with my love partner ive often pondered the meaning of love is it just electro chemical connections in the brain is loving a sibling more satisfying than loving a pet can loving a parent be the same as loving a spouse is love really more powerful than superman is love of a good wine comparable with the love of a good view will love really conquer all does love taste as nice as chocolate can love overcome hate just what the hell is love anyway im still as confused today as when i started out on lifes great adventure all i know is living life without love is like trying to read sentences without punctuation not impossible just far far harder to enjoy

Cautionary Tales is a collection of 25 poems with a message in mind: if you're not careful, bad things can happen to you. The poems take a dark look at such varied subjects as picking your nose, baking bread, and touch-typing while wearing your girlfriend's basque. I hope you enjoy reading this collection as much as I enjoyed writing it.

How far would you go to save your family?
Marine biologist, Alex Winters, is about to find out.
When a secret experiment goes terribly wrong Dawn Winters is trapped, her life is in danger and Alex is the only one who can rescue her. While Alex battles to reach her, Dawn and virologist Sheena McKenzie make their own voyage of discovery.
Until Gonzalez, an American mercenary arrives to clean things up for his paymaster.
And the bodies begin to mount.

Boddaert's Magic portrays the unending struggle between good and evil, set in a world seldom visited by man.
Boddaert's Realm is a world dominated by magic and the moon - a domain where the Prime Mover holds the ultimate power.
The struggle to gain control of Boddaert's Magic takes Darkburst on a long and dangerous journey to Migaro Lake, where he discovers the Circle of Claws. How could he know that allowing the Preceptor access to the relic would destroy them all?