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author - "Peter Jones"

In our online library you can read for free books of the author author - "Peter Jones". All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

This is not Eliot. There are times when it isn’t even Edward Lear (though John Donne does make a cameo appearance). What it is is very Curate’s Egg.

But if you can manage to eat your way around the less palatable bits (and thereby avoid a possibly fatal case of brain-poisoning) you may find a mouthful or two that will linger in the memory for a while—and perhaps even rearrange your mental furniture by a few inches...

Moral: If you are suddenly given everything you desire, you may not be able to use it...

Haiku are poems of exactly seventeen syllables — neither more nor less. I wrote these for a Christmas Card I made for my wife Hache in 2009, to celebrate our thirty-seven years of marriage.

This is not Eliot. There are times when it isn’t even Edward Lear (though John Donne does make a cameo appearance). What it is is very Curate’s Egg.

But if you can manage to eat your way around the less palatable bits (and thereby avoid a possibly fatal case of brain-poisoning) you may find a mouthful or two that will linger in the memory for a while—and perhaps even rearrange your mental furniture by a few inches...

Moral: If you are suddenly given everything you desire, you may not be able to use it...

Haiku are poems of exactly seventeen syllables — neither more nor less. I wrote these for a Christmas Card I made for my wife Hache in 2009, to celebrate our thirty-seven years of marriage.

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