author - "Robert S. Carroll"

wenot see that this woman's nerves were crying out for help; that, asher wisest friends, they were appealing for right ways of living; thatthey were pleading for development of the body that had been onlyhalf-trained; that they were beseeching a replacing of morbidness offeeling by those lost joyous happiness-days? Were they not fairlycursing the wrong which had robbed her of the hope and rights of herwomanhood?
A new life came when she was twenty-eight, with the saving helper whoheard the cry of the suffering nerves, and interpreted their message.She had told him all. His wise kindness made it easy to tell all. Heshowed her the wrong invalidism thoughts, the unhappy, depressing,devitalizing attitude toward death. He revealed truths unthought byher of manhood and womanhood. He pointed out the poisonous trail ofher enmity, and she put it from her. He inspired her to make friendswith her nerves, who were so devotedly striving to save her. Simple,definite counsel he gave, for her body's sake. H

wenot see that this woman's nerves were crying out for help; that, asher wisest friends, they were appealing for right ways of living; thatthey were pleading for development of the body that had been onlyhalf-trained; that they were beseeching a replacing of morbidness offeeling by those lost joyous happiness-days? Were they not fairlycursing the wrong which had robbed her of the hope and rights of herwomanhood?
A new life came when she was twenty-eight, with the saving helper whoheard the cry of the suffering nerves, and interpreted their message.She had told him all. His wise kindness made it easy to tell all. Heshowed her the wrong invalidism thoughts, the unhappy, depressing,devitalizing attitude toward death. He revealed truths unthought byher of manhood and womanhood. He pointed out the poisonous trail ofher enmity, and she put it from her. He inspired her to make friendswith her nerves, who were so devotedly striving to save her. Simple,definite counsel he gave, for her body's sake. H