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author - "Shanlynn Walker"

In our online library you can read for free books of the author author - "Shanlynn Walker". All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

When her village was attacked by raiders, Lena tried to help as many as possible escape, but ended up getting captured in the process.  When she wakes, she finds herself tied, naked to a bed and fears the worst, but little does she know the worst is not what she fears.

This is the beginning of the second book in the Dragons of Daegonlot series, titled Into the Myste.  The first book, Dragon Orb, introduced Daxon and Drakthira and set them on a journey to destroy the orb that they fear is holding dragons in thrall.  Along the way they meet Sylas, a dog borne of the Myste with the help of his companion, Trakon, who proclaims he is the first dragonrider.

When her village was attacked by raiders, Lena tried to help as many as possible escape, but ended up getting captured in the process.  When she wakes, she finds herself tied, naked to a bed and fears the worst, but little does she know the worst is not what she fears.

This is the beginning of the second book in the Dragons of Daegonlot series, titled Into the Myste.  The first book, Dragon Orb, introduced Daxon and Drakthira and set them on a journey to destroy the orb that they fear is holding dragons in thrall.  Along the way they meet Sylas, a dog borne of the Myste with the help of his companion, Trakon, who proclaims he is the first dragonrider.

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