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author - "The Storyteller"

In our online library you can read for free books of the author author - "The Storyteller". All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.

What a little parrot can do when his life in cage is too boring? Well, he can have some fun!...

"One sole desire, one passion now remains To keep life's fever still within his veins, Vengeance! dire vengeance on the wretch who cast O'er him and all he lov'd that ruinous blast." Thomas Moore

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you." Ray Bradbury

Did it ever happened to you? A shadow missed in a blink of the eye, a soft touch in the middle of a dream, a deep echoing whisper calling out your name; and your heart sinking in a black pit for a moment? Was it real or only a trick of your tired mind?

What a little parrot can do when his life in cage is too boring? Well, he can have some fun!...

"One sole desire, one passion now remains To keep life's fever still within his veins, Vengeance! dire vengeance on the wretch who cast O'er him and all he lov'd that ruinous blast." Thomas Moore

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you." Ray Bradbury

Did it ever happened to you? A shadow missed in a blink of the eye, a soft touch in the middle of a dream, a deep echoing whisper calling out your name; and your heart sinking in a black pit for a moment? Was it real or only a trick of your tired mind?