author - "Whiskers the rat"
In our online library you can read for free books of the author author - "Whiskers the rat". All books are presented in full version without abbreviations. You can also read the abstract or a comment about the book.
Hi, my name's Andrea, and this is my life. From boyfriend Trent to my son Danny, I have the messed up life of a 17 year old.
Meet Andrea, your average teen, except that
she has a baby and lives all alone in an
apartment with just her boyfriend, Trent and her son Danny. Her life is messed up, but shes determined to fix it.
Hi, my name's Andrea, and this is my life. From boyfriend Trent to my son Danny, I have the messed up life of a 17 year old.
Meet Andrea, your average teen, except that
she has a baby and lives all alone in an
apartment with just her boyfriend, Trent and her son Danny. Her life is messed up, but shes determined to fix it.