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author - "reflection"

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Is it possable to be able to remember your hole baby memorys till the day coming out of your mothers womb until today? You may not belive it but I have the power to. I can control the way my body temperature rise and fall like no other human being can. Crazy but true. I can transform into a human and then suddently to an animal in a blink of an eye.
What am I? I ont know. But what I do know is..........

Is it possable to be able to remember your hole baby memorys till the day coming out of your mothers womb until today? You may not belive it but I have the power to. I can control the way my body temperature rise and fall like no other human being can. Crazy but true. I can transform into a human and then suddently to an animal in a blink of an eye.
What am I? I ont know. But what I do know is..........