ADVENTURE books online

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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » After The Fall by Megan Glock (pocket ebook reader TXT) 📖

Book online «After The Fall by Megan Glock (pocket ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Megan Glock

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Hey, just your friendly neighborhood procrastinating writer. Just a couple of things before you begin your journey: The first four chapters were written... several, several years ago. The story's plot (and my skill as a writer) have changed exponentially since then. But for the sake of not getting sucked into the endless voice of editing and revising a story that mostly needs to be scrapped, I've decided to just continue from where I left off and wait until I've completely finished it to actually get around to all that technical mumbo jumbo.

With this in mind, please excuse how cringy, unrealistic, and slightly disjointed the upcoming chapters will be. I've written chapter five as if the previous chapters were written correctly, so if you notice any inconsistencies (specifically with Charlotte's contract? That was wack, but I'm gonna fix it, I swear) then I assure you, it was most likely intentional.

Thank you for being patient with me, and I sure do hope you enjoy the story.

- Merrick

Chapter 1

There was so much blood. More blood than he ever seen in his entire life. It pooled around the small body of his brother, who lay motionless on the ground. The initial shock subsided and his mind caught up with the events. He screamed, _"Mom!"_ He scrambled back towards the house, he spotted his Mom and Dad exit, panicked. He met them halfway.


"Dayton, what is it? Where's Dakota?"


He couldn't speak. He collapsed, falling to his knees.


"Dayton!" They yelled, "Dayton, Dayton wake-




Someone tipped his chair back and he jerked awake, gripping wildly for the counter in front of him so he wouldn't fall. "I-I'm up!" He stammered quickly. He looked up. Staring down at him was Sarah, her lips pulled down in a frown across her pale face.


"You should get to sleep earlier so you're not dozing off at work." She said, pushing her brown curls from her face.


Dayton avoided looking at her, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry."


She leaned against the counter, smiling sympathetically. "You're just lucky I'm the one that always finds you, instead of Kaitlin."


Dayton could agree with that. Kaitlin- there boss, an older woman -would kick him to the curb before he could blink if she ever caught him sleeping. Despite being blind, Kaitlin was eerily aware of all of her surroundings.He worked in a small rune shop with a dark atmosphere, which also sold things like incense, potions, spell books and other items associated with magic and religion. While working there it didn't pay much, it was something and he needed it badly.


Sarah's hand on his arm brought him out of his thoughts and he looked at her again. "Are you doing okay?" She asked.


He wasn't okay, not nearly. He didn't even remember what being okay felt like. "I'm fine." He answered, mustering up the most convincing smile he could.


She seemed to buy it, returning the smile. "If you're sure. If you ever need anything, I'm here for you, okay?"


He nodded. "Thanks, I'll make sure to keep that in mind."


Sarah reached up to fix the collar of his uniform and pat his shoulder once. "I'm heading home, so you're closing today." She said. He acknowledged her with another nod. "Don't fall asleep again, I won't be here to save you this time." She added playfully, walking into the back room with a wave over her shoulder.


When she was out of eyesight, Dayton let his smile drop. He sighed, leaning back in his chair and running a hand down his face. The ambiance of the store didn't help his mood. If anything, it made everything so much worse... He sighed, he could leave in about an hour. Then he could go to an apartment that, if he were honest with himself, wasn't much better.


* * *


By the time Dayton got off work, the sun was setting and the streets were quiet. He hated closing. The shop wasn't in a great part of the neighborhood, and walking home filled him with anxiety every step of the way. He doubted he'd ever actually get jumped or mugged or anything, but his imagination drove him wild. He didn't have much time left before the sun set completely and he'd be stuck in the dark.


He locked the door to the rune shop and stuffed the key into his pocket, making his way down the sidewalk in the direction of his apartment. It wasn't a great place; rundown, the streetlamps around it didn't even work, it was literally falling apart. But it was the only play Dayton could afford, currently. So he sucked it up and kept going.


As he went, he stopped briefly to stare up at the towering walls that surrounded the city. He liked to admire them, he wasn't sure why. They were an easy four stories high, built from smooth stone to prevent anyone from climbing them- from either side. They'd been built after the fall. The fall... he still remembered everything that had happened during that time. It had been a string of catastrophic events that destroyed almost everything. The little survivors that it left... well, they lived in Riverhollow. As far as Dayton knew, there were no more survivors that were still sane.


The walls were to prevent the lunatics from getting in, and to protect the civil from going out. Dayton didn't know what it looked like out there now, but it was said to be a wasteland which everyone referred to as the broken cities. You'd think he'd feel safer having them up, but they did little to make him feel protected.


He kept going; it was getting darker and darker by the moment. A shiver ran down his spine as he passed through an exceptionally dark stretch of the sidewalk where the streetlamps has shot out. Predictably, his heartbeat quickened along with his pace. The thought of someone sneaking up behind him and stabbing him in the back played through his head. He could almost feel it happening already. He looked from side to side, telling himself to calm down. When he spotted the figure across the street, though, that didn't help matters.


He didn't take the time to look harder, instead he took off at a run. Why did he have to live in such a fucking shady part of town? He didn't stop until he reached the apartment complex. He looked behind him. He doubted whoever that person was would have followed him, they were probably just walking home or something themselves. He looked nonetheless, to ease his raging paranoia; no one was there, as expected. He stood there for a moment, catching his breath, before beginning the trek up the creaking staircase to his apartment.


The rusted 107 on Dayton's door was missing- again -and an envelope was slipped halfway under the door. He bent down and picked it up, looking at it as he opened the door and walked inside.


On the front of the envelope, in handwriting that was barely comprehensible, it read, 'To the freeloader in Apt. 107' He stifled an exasperated groan, ripping it open a pulling out the orange slip that was inside.


'7 Day Notice For PaymentDayton A. Wilson and any other OccupantsTake NOTICE that unless payment is received in SEVEN DAYS, otherwise you must vacate the premises.Payment must be full and be by cash, cashier's check or money order.'


The note went on, explaining how to pay. Scrawled at the bottom, in the same messy handwriting that was on the front of the envelope, it said, 'Pay up or get out!'


Dayton sat on his bed, running a hand through his hair. The total came out to over three hundred dollars, money he didn't have and wouldn't have any time soon. He tossed it onto the end table next to the bed and it landed on top of all the other bills that had slowly accumulated there. He kicked his shoes off and pulling his shirt over his head. He threw the shirt to the floor before laying down. He was fucked.

Chapter 2

In the morning, Dayton found it hard to open his eyes. The battle for consciousness was a difficult one, considering he'd hoped he wouldn't wake up in the first place. He got out of the bed begrudgingly and wasn't up more than five minutes before wishing he could just go back to sleep. He went into the bathroom, splashing cold water on his face in an attempt to wake himself up. What time was it? He glanced at his watch- he had time to get ready; visiting hours wouldn't start for another thirty minutes.


He took a cold shower, due to the fact the hot water shut off right after he'd got in. He pulled on a pair of jeans and the shirt from yesterday and left the apartment. He did his best to be quiet as he descended the stairs. He didn't need to have any encounter with his landlord, Grady. If the eviction notice from the last night was anything to go by, Grady wasn't happy that he was nearly a month late with his payment.


Dayton came to the end of the stairs, the exit was in plain view and he figured he was home free. He froze as Grady came into view. Fortunately, the man didn't notice him. Grady was older than Dayton by roughly fifteen years, his hairline had receded and grayed and it would probably do him good to skip dessert every once in awhile. For the most part, Grady was pretty decent personality-wise. 'Unless you're like me,' Dayton thought; taking up space and not having the money to pay for it. Dayton couldn't say he necessarily blamed Grady for having a sour attitude toward him.


Grady rifled through some papers at the front desk then left, disappearing behind a corner. Dayton felt a pang of guilt in his chest for avoiding the man, but he didn't need- nor did he particularly care to have -any confrontation with him. He made a break for the door before Grady could come back.


* * *


Dayton walked through the doors of the hospital, going straight to the receptionists desk and signing in.


"Mr. Wilson." The girl sitting at the desk greeted with a bright smile. She reminded him of Sarah, somewhat. With the curly brown hair and the pale complexion.


"Anne." He acknowledged and smiled back. However, his was a lot less vibrant. He

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