ADVENTURE books online

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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: Ā«Who discovered America?Ā»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online Ā» Adventure Ā» The Adventures of the Futuristic Islander Twins by Shannon Yang (free ebook reader for ipad .TXT) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«The Adventures of the Futuristic Islander Twins by Shannon Yang (free ebook reader for ipad .TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Shannon Yang

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Elizabeth was woken by the stomping and hitting of her twin brother Ed. ā€œNo, Ed! No, no, no! It is too dark to be morning!ā€ she complained, not wanting to wake. However, she realized that she was wide awake, unlike other times when she had accidentally woken up at midnight. ā€œFine. Iā€™m not sleepy. But I still donā€™t think itā€™s morning. Letā€™s go ask Mommy for a little snack.ā€
It was so dark that the twins could not find the door or even the lamps. They walked around, trying to find the door, lamps, or computer. They stumbled into a hole in the wall like a doorway. They were a bit surprised because they thought their father had closed the door. They were only seven years old, after all, so they didnā€™t really worry, and thought whatever.
Elizabeth and Ed walked and walked until suddenly there was a super bright light. They were again surprised since they thought it was midnight, and this wasnā€™t their house at all! As her eyes adjusted to the blinding light, she made out the unmistakable shapes of St. Chrissy Hall and the emperorā€™s palace.
ā€œItā€™s Halloween, right? This must be a joke our parents put on. Letā€™s trick-or-treat in the palace district,ā€ Ed suggested. Elizabeth agreed, for she was attracted by the riches and candy of the imperial court.
The smiling faces of Elizabeth and Ed stood out among the serious, mysterious guards serving the emperor. ā€œBy the order of the emperor!ā€ a loud voice boomed behind them. They turned around to see a large man wearing a coat of armor with a sword on his belt and a badge on his chest. ā€œChildren, are you lost?ā€
ā€œYes,ā€ said Ed. An impulsive, honest little kid could easily make a mistake. As the expression on the manā€™s face changed, Elizabeth dug her nails into Edā€™s hand so hard that he almost grimaced.
ā€œHe is lost, but I am not. My name is... Casselinda, and Iā€™m... eleven years old. I was going trick-or-treating today, and I found him here alone, wandering around the district. Maybe you could help him find his way. I shall be off to get candy.ā€
Ed darted her a mean, revenging look, not surprising, but before he could say anything the strong man took his hand and walked away with him, inquiring personal details and his address. Of course he did not find out that they were siblings, even twins. The two of them were so different.
Elizabeth was such a tall girl, not like the average second-grader, but the average fifth grader. Her wavy hair in a braid was a long golden rope. Her blue-green eyes shined like an emerald lagoon in the sun. She was brave and daring, and very ahead of the game. While she hurt feelings sometimes, everyone at school knew Elizabeth was a clever, smart, mature girl.
Ed could grow up to be a soccer star. He loved sports, and his P.E. teacher always used him as an example. Edā€™s brown hair was often ruffled because of using his head in soccer. Though not wise, he was honest and insightful. However, one could always detect a hint of confusion and impulsiveness in his bright brown eyes.
Elizabeth watched Ed and the man slowly ripple away from her eyes, and in doing so saw a tsunami headed for her. It was a teacher at school with her son, who was Elizabethā€™s classmate. She knew she had to hide from them, so she ran and ran, away from the palace district, out of town, and into the tropical forest beyond the hills, occasionally seeing a classmate trick-or-treating in the distance. She sprinted with eyes closed or tears blocking her vision. There was no one as lonely as her on the island of Taginystin.
Night fell, and Elizabeth collapsed on a deserted beach five miles away from St. Chrissy. The sunset view was beautiful, so she didnā€™t know why it was deserted. She fell asleep under a palm tree. She dreamed about her in St. Chrissy, reading on her magnetic floating bed. Then, she went with friends to the cloud park and rode their flying play vehicles. Then it started raining, and they all played the sprinkler game where they went right under the rain cloud. Later, the friends all went back to St. Chrissy, but Elizabeth rode to the deserted beach, soaking wet.
Elizabeth woke up with her flying vehicle and soaking wet clothes. How had she woken up as if her dream was real and had just happened? She must have had a special gift.
Elizabeth got on the vehicle, roamed through the clouds, and went to St. Chrissy. She just had to avoid the palace district. She just did nothing almost the whole morning. When she speeded beside a house that belonged to a guy who was sort of old and was mowing his lawn using hi-tech suction and razor blade techniques, he accidentally caught a part of Elizabethā€™s hair. She shrieked in a brief moment of pain.
ā€œOh, Iā€™m so, so sorry, young lady. That must have hurt, and now your hairā€™s weird and uneven. And I slowed you down and you donā€™t have as much fun. My wife can fix this for you. Hey, come in my house.ā€ He seemed so empathetic, and he probably didnā€™t get that kids were supposed to be in school.
The manā€™s wife gave her a cute haircut. Now she had shoulder-length straight hair. Then the couple gave her a nice lunch. It was only then that she realized that she had been starving. She got new clothes, and her parents probably wouldnā€™t recognize her.
After dinner, she stayed in the house for a night. This time she dreamed about a woman reciting a monologue to her. The woman was tall and had wavy golden hair and blue-green eyes. She reminded her of some character in a book she had read when she was little. Her voice was beautiful and hypnotizing.
ā€œMy dear Elizabeth,ā€ she started. ā€œMy name is Vasilissa. I was born in 1796 in Greece. My family and I went on an expedition in 1831 on the HMS Beagle

, which had Darwin on it. We escaped from South America on some random canoe and discovered the island of Taginystin. There is something Darwin and the landlubbers do not know, besides the fact that we left? Do I look like a normal person?ā€
Yes, Elizabeth thought she did, though she did not say it to the Vasilissa woman, since she was hypnotized.
ā€œWell, no. How am I here talking to you? How do I know that you think I look normal? I am magical. I am, you could say, a fairy tale character. All magical characters shared one thing: the ring. I have my ring. Others had theirs. They lived in Europe. However, they were discovered by the Brothers Grimm. They told ridiculous stories about us. Even you have heard them when you were little. They got rich and famous. Then they destroyed every last one of the rings so no one else could get that tale-telling reputation they thought only they deserved. But I was on this island. I still have a ring. I established a special city, Taginystinople. It is the best place on Taginystin. Ever heard of it? No. This is the secret place where I live. As the ringkeeper, I have also created fairy, nymphs, trolls, and other magical creatures. The ring is here, and I have chosen you to inherit it, as prophecized in my 1859 book On the Origin of Magic

ā€œYou may have been wondering what you and I are. We are simply magical humans. Amazing, right? Now my poem will help you get here:
ā€œTo find the place where I reside,
by my rules you must abide.
With no doubt jump in your car,
and fall in a hole chock full of tar.
I wonā€™t give you the ring right now,
ā€˜cause it will be lost and POW!ā€
The dream was over. Elizabeth woke up. Nothing new had appeared. Now she was homesick, but didnā€™t know how to find her way home, even with a scooter vehicle. She decided to get the ring situation over with. She wondered if Ed was waiting at Taginystinople. She briskly opened the window and flew out with the vehicle, carrying all her things. She squinted at everything dark that might be tar, until her eyes became so bad that she couldnā€™t tell.
So to her, everything possibly black was tar. The first time she dove, there was a play about witches with black hats. When Elizabeth flew down, an actress said, ā€œIntroducing the modern broom! This will be a breakthrough, but what we are using to assassinate the enemy wizard is this potion. It will make us invisible and untouchable, no brooms needed,ā€ and to Elizabeth she said, ā€œThank you for the idea. This is a present for you.ā€ She handed a bottle of invisible potion to Elizabeth, who quickly flew away. The audience clapped, thinking it was part of the show.
The next time she thought something was tar was when she got to her best friendsā€™ house, which was black and silver, modern, made of metal, and underground. Alisonille and Sal were home-schooled with hi-tech programs, so they didnā€™t know about Elizabethā€™s disappearance yet. Their parents were tutoring an after-school math class on the heated patio. The smart board was showing a mirror image for their mom to see if students were focused enough. She knew that everyone noticed, and Alisonille and Salā€™s dad waved, so she had to go in.
ā€œHey, Elizabeth,ā€ greeted Alisonille. ā€œNice haircut.ā€ She was in fifth grade. Elizabeth followed her down the hover platforms. Her black hair bounced like a ball on a string. At least this time Elizabeth could be sure that it wasnā€™t tar. They saw Sal reclining on a couch.
ā€œIā€™m sick today,ā€ said Sal weakly. ā€œMom and Dad are going to check that there is no more of this sticky cough syrup left. I wonder who made it; I donā€™t want to drink it. Itā€™s sticky, lemony, and way too know, the list goes on and on and on. Please, Elizabeth, take it, so Mom and Dad will think I drank it all.ā€ Elizabeth went to the kitchen with Alisonille and poured the syrup into a cheap disposable bottle.
ā€œSal!ā€ There was a call from above. Alisonille tossed the original bottle to Sal just as their parents were scrambling to the hover platforms. It was just in time. Sal faked a smile and told them that he drank all of it, but he wasnā€™t feeling better. His parents actually believed him. Elizabeth bid them good-bye, went upstairs, outside, and into her vehicle.
Elizabeth was having a long day. She fell asleep as she was floating in the clouds. Suddenly a sharp but smooth voice came. She didnā€™t find herself crashing into St. Chrissy Hall or the palace.

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