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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » James Blonde by Bexxo :P (free novels txt) 📖

Book online «James Blonde by Bexxo :P (free novels txt) 📖». Author Bexxo :P

Just the begining

James pov

The year of 1993 i was born an evil villain was out to murder me. My family was scared but i was fearless until that one horrid day come. My mom and dad were in hospital waiting for Jennie to be born but the second the baby was out the room they were killed by the villain known as terminator. That day was the best day of his life because A. he'd killed his arch nemesis and B he had know got a boy my age. For us this day was about running and leaving. With my baby sister Jennie in my arms and the twins dragging the cases we left for somewhere new. I am James and this is my story...

I am walking down to the gym with my hair to the side of from face so i can see when my leg randomly starts vibrating..wait it my phone. I look at the caller ID anonymous and i know who it is.
"Hello JC009 here wat is my mission" I say in a whispered voice.
"First of all we have some news and you aren't going to like it"
"What is it"
"Terminator's son has been located at the school we don't know any thing about him so we need you to look at the files and hack into the school system"
The phone cuts dead. This is the phone call that changed my life and know a name pops into my head. Jennie. She's the most vulnerable out of all of us and would go out with any boy who asks her even if he's my year. She's only 15 but the twins they are strong and they are 16 and they go to J.L Academy and are name Gennie and Jules. They go to most ballet classes and do karate with me. Jennie can do self deffence and boxing but that's not enough. I fear for all the girls and boys in my school now.

I slide into the head teachers office and hack the computer for files and personal information to try and guess who is missing. There is files missing. Mine and Jennie's. This is bad because it means the terminator's son is after us. I look for other files missing but none. Then i hear the door click. Shit i got to hide. I look round to the wardrobe thingy and hide behind it before the door opens. I see the head teacher walk in followed by a girl about my age with neat layers of black hair and intense green eyes. I know to things about this girl.A) She is new B) She is my age.
They talk about rules and dumb shit she looks like she doesn't care. After they finish he takes her outside to show her to her lesson. I squint at the timetable it says P1 Science.
Holy Shit that's with me and the head teacher will look for me because im the only sensible boy in the class. After they leave i feel someone break from the shadows. How the hell didn't i see it. He or she lays down a 2 files and leaves. I look at the files they are mine and Jennies...

Files and dreams

New girls Pov

I'm sure i saw someone in the shadows like a boy-like figure watching me. The headmaster was rushing me out the room towards my next class. Hopefully i don't see my brother. He's such a dickhead and a Div can't he just get a life. But he's family and properly the only person i know here in this shit hole. I've seen most of the girls they look like proper woe's and sluts. Man why don't they get some clothes on !! I stop by my locker and the head teacher leaves me to find maths on my own. When a dude about my age walks out from a random corridor with blonde hair and deep green eyes. He's proper hot !!
" Heya Eve hows your first day ??" i hear i sly voice says and i turn towards it. My brother.
"Fine until i saw you" i reply.
"Well i'm sorry but i think im in all your lesson " he says making my spine shiver.
I check my timetable and im in none of his lessons.
"YES!!!!" i shout and everyone in the hall is looking at me. My brother walks away defeated and the bell goes. Now lets find maths.

James Pov

Holy Shit mine and Jennie's files. He after us already i have to warn her and fast. I run out of the office and head towards the hall. Where the headmaster is leading the new girl round. She's the one from the office. She looks at me for a split second we make eye contact and then she turns away towards the biggest Jerk in the school. Ryder. The conversation shocks me . Ryder is her brother. Now that fucking scary. The next thing makes me smile she shouts yes and everyone else glares and Ryder for the first time walks away defeated. The bell goes and i head for maths. Our teacher is lying asleep on the desk as everyone creeps in and starts whisper/chats and checks their messages. I have 3 bbms from all my sisters. One from Gennie saying something scary just happened at her skwl and her and Jules have gone home. I have the same message from Jules. And there's one from Jennie saying something about she's going home early because she feels ill. I'm deffo gunna go home after this lesson coz ive just had another phone call from head deparment. Just that second a girl tip-toe's in. It's the new girl and the only spare seat is next to me.

Eve's Pov

The only seat is next to hot guy from hall. Whoop whoop !! I'm so frigging happy. I slide into the seat next to him which surprises him.
"Hiya my names Eve" i say extending my hand.
He shakes it and i feel a spark between our fingers and palms," Hey i'm James"
He deffo felt that spark i know he did it's all over his sexy frigging body and face !!


Publication Date: 12-27-2011

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