ADVENTURE books online

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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » The 4 Elements by Mistflower the Warrior Cat (top inspirational books .txt) 📖

Book online «The 4 Elements by Mistflower the Warrior Cat (top inspirational books .txt) 📖». Author Mistflower the Warrior Cat

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Chapter 1: The Peaceful Beginning

The sun shined on the kids playing. I watched as my friends, Jane, Flame and Natalie train. I wasn't much of a fighter. Some say I'm too kind. But some say I am the symbol of peace and love. Shi Fu always said that even though we are not the masters of some things, we have something the other's don't.

My real name is Linda, if you don't know. I used to live in a seperate village from the one I live now. Our houses like acient Chinese houses. Stairs, windows, fancy roofs, luxurious rooms and other amazing things you would expect in a house. I possessed the element of air. Controlling the wind, travelling on a cloud. stealth, a ring like weapon and other powers. But I haven't mastered the power of flying... I'm having a bit of trouble.

From my last journey, I met Jane, Natalie and Flame. They are some of my best friends. Jane has black hair (I guess we all have...) and she likes to keep it down, not in any hairstyles. I'm in pigtails. I wear white usually and Jane wears blue. Jane likes to swim, she can breath underwater, control the weather, levitate the water and heal from the water. With no doubt, she possesses the element of water. How I met Jane? The same way I met the other two. I was walking in the woods, not knowing what to do, scared. I've been a wimp since I was born. Even though I fight demons, I never had the guts to kill someone or anything! Jane was my best friend. She understood me the most.

Flame was a tough girl. She was a great leader and she always knew everything. Smart, quick (actually, FAST), strong and nice at times. When we were off topic, she would remind us to pay attention. She wore red and like her hair in a ponytail. Her weapons were daggers. She could run through fire, control fire, create a fire ball and thow it at her enemy and other scary powers. Sometimes, I saw her as a devil. But she wasn't mean. The one bad thing about her is that she doesn't share her secrets. She can be really sensitive and doesn't want to talk about her past. And that gives her the element of fire.

Natalie is the earth one. The strong, tough and mean one. She wore black and green. In my last trip, she always wore black. But Jane found the Diamond of Truth which gave her the power to save Natalie from an evil bite of a demon. She was bitten when her parents died. I'm not sure how it happened. Natalie was a funny, but sometimes mean girl. She also had a ponytail. Her weapon was a bow and arrow. All of our weapons are made from Copper Gold. Natalie was the strongest out of all of us. She had excellent fighting techniques and skills but she could get very aggressive at times. Shi Fu used to say she was as hard as rock. I wouldn't want to mess with Natalie. No one wants to.

“Liz!” cried Jane. I looked at her and smiled.

“How about a game of soccer?” suggested Flame as she ran up behind Jane.

“Sure!” I said. I got up and joined the rest of the players. There were kids from our village, young and old. Jane was the main star right now, after she'd faced that journey. We didn't take much credit. But I remembered Shi Fu's words: You may not have the strength of an elephant, you may not have the intelligence of a mathematician, but you have the heart of kindness, that's what makes you special.

"Jane, you will be on that team. And so will Natalie!" instructed Flame.

"Can you be on our team too?" asked a boy from Jane's team. Flame turned around and smiled.

"Sure!" she answered with a grin.

"What team am I on?" I asked. The crowd whispered for a while and a girl stood up.

"You can be on our team!" she volunteered. She was on the opposite team of Jane, Natalie and Flame. I sighed and faked a smile. After making the teams, I was on the bad team, again. I wasn't so good at soccer. But I did have a lot of friends. The whistle blew and the game was on. Flame kicked the soccer ball and passed it to Natalie. I watched as she zipped pass the tiny little kids and dodged the big tough ones. She kicked the ball closer and closer to the net.

"Pass it to me!" I heard Jane shout. Natalie didn't pay attention and shot the ball into the net. The other team jumped with glee and huddled up.

"Next time, we need to work as a team!" Flame added. The kids nodded and got back into their positions. Another whistle blew, and the game was on. I watched as the players fought hard for the ball, but just got knocked out of the way by Natalie. My team was losing badly. I just stood there, hopeless. But then, something happened. The soccer ball came towards me. Behind it was Natalie, determined to score the goal. I ran for the ball but tripped and fell towards the ground. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion... I fell but my feet left the ground and they were in the air. I lifted my arms, ready for the fall. Suddenly, I did a somersault in the air. I was floating peacefully as I saw Natalie pass by. When the slow motion stopped, I was back to normal, standing on my two feet.

“Natural training habits.” I thought. The next thing I knew was that Natalie had scored the winning goal. The crowd cheered and everyone was sweaty.

"How about we head down to the lake for a swim?" panted Jane.

"I think that's going to have to wait..." sighed Flame as she looked behind us. A man from the distance ran towards us.

“The Yin and Yang necklace has been stolen!” cried the man. I stood in shock. The Yin and Yang necklace. The great necklace of peace and balance!

“We must find it before the balance of good and evil break!” ordered Shi Fu.

“Quick! Gear up!” directed Flame.

"But I'm sweating and we just finished a game of soccer!" complained Jane. We went to get our weapons ready. Jane sighed and followed us.

“Go girls! You must find it! Take the compass too, it will come in handy.” Shi Fu said, handing us the compass Jane got from our last trip.

“We'll be back in no time!” cheered Jane. With that, we headed off.

“We will be waiting for your peaceful return!” cried the village. I took one last look at the village and walked away.

Chapter 2: The Ninja

I looked ahead of me and saw Jane, Natalie and Flame leaping ahead (we were in the trees). I sighed and rested on a branch. Jane looked back and sighed.

"We're not even close yet!" she pointed out, meaning 'Get back up!'. I sighed again and got up. My legs were sore. It was pretty peaceful. The birds were singing as usual, the trees were whispering as usual, the wind was whistling as usual and Flame was in charge, as usual.

“Do you even know where we're going?” wondered Natalie.

“Of course! The medallion is never wrong!” replied Flame with a firm voice.

“Would the thief leave a trace behind?” I suggested.

“It could be possible it left footprints...” added Jane.

“Look around! We have to find something!” cried Flame as she jumped off. We jumped off like Flame and looked around. We started searching for clues that the thief might have left. I went into the bushes and scratched myself. The branches were sharp. I looked up and saw a Wishing Owl. I smiled and looked at it. The brownish purple feathers made it look dull in the trees.

"How are you doing?" I asked the owl.


"I'm Liz! Have you happen to see a thief around here?"


"A thief. Not sure who he or she looks like."

"Who..." the owl sighed and flew off. I could talk to animals. The owl didn't see anything.

“I found something!” cried Jane. She held a piece of paper with scratches on it.

“It's in ancient writing!” I said. I translated it and read it...


Jumping through the trees,

Swimming in the water,

Feeling the fire,

Flying in the air.

When all elements discover a meaning,

A great power will appear.

The necklace of unspeakable power will shine and give out powers to each.

Better be careful, the puzzle must be complete...


We looked at each other.

“That's all of our elements!” pointed Jane.

“Didn't Jane discover her inner self already? She discovered friendship and unlocked the powers of the water dragon and Diamond of Truth!” added Flame.

“So when we all find a meaning or inner self, we will have awesome new powers? Sweet!” cheered Natalie.

“But it takes time to discover all of our meanings and inner selves. Jane went through a lot in our first trip to actually discover her meaning.” I interrupted the happiness.

“Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!” directed Jane. We started running again. I was way behind. I wasn't as fast as the rest of them. Sometimes, I think they don't actually want to be my friend since I'm so weak. It's like they're using me when they need me... But they wouldn't do that... Would they?


We kept on running. I was getting a bit tired. I made a cloud and started flying on it.

“Cheater!” cried Natalie.

“I'm a bit tired! I don't want to slow you down...” I begged.

“Guys!” shouted Flame. We all came to a stop. She looked around.

“D-demons?” I shivered. There was a slight rustle in the bushes. Suddenly, a ninja star came flying at me. It caught my shirt and slammed me against a tree.

“No one messes with my friends!” shouted Natalie. She jumped up, grabbing her Copper Gold bow and arrow and lunged towards the secretive man. He was dressed like a ninja. Completely black with a mask over his face. He made a hand gesture and demons started coming towards us.

“Do not fear the demons Natalie!” I encouraged. She shot all of them down with her arrow. Black evil smoke disappeared into the air. I pulled the ninja star out and found myself bleeding. It ached. Jane got up and grabbed her water sword. She tried slicing the man but he was fast.

“Fire!” shouted Flame as she threw fire balls at him. He dodged and jumped into the trees. Natalie kicked him down as soon as he was about to escape. Natalie started fighting with him. They blocked, turned, punched, kicked and Flame lunged in. She started using her daggers and tried stabbing him. The man got out a smoke bomb and threw it at us. We coughed and coughed and fell down. The man escaped...


We woke up all confused and dizzy.

“What happened?” I asked.

“If you moved and helped us, we could've caught that guy!” shouted Flame.

“Liz was hurt, you can't really blame her.” Jane defended.

“I tried. But as you know, I'm not the best fighter here.” I added.

“Yeah, 'cause

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