ADVENTURE books online

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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: Ā«Who discovered America?Ā»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online Ā» Adventure Ā» The Lost Britain Dog by Ivan Kuo (best books for 8th graders txt) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«The Lost Britain Dog by Ivan Kuo (best books for 8th graders txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Ivan Kuo

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Lost Britain Dog



Written By Ivan Kuo




There was a British dog in the 1970s.  His name was Kenneth.  Now let us begin the story of my adventure.  I, Kenneth, was one of the richest dogs of Great Britain.  In fact, I was the British Kingā€™s dog!  Until one day, the King and Queen left for a party.  A robber took me away and sold me for one million Russian Ruble.  My new owner was the famous Albert Einstein.  I thought I was never going to see the British King again!  Luckily, I was with Dogbert Einstein, a scientific dog.  He just discovered how to read words!  He taught me how to read, even though I thought it didnā€™t help.  Dogbert helped me get out of the house.  I traveled to the airport, hoping to see if the king came to get me.  I finally remembered that he didnā€™t even know where I was!  Thanks to Dogbert, I was able to read the signs in the airport.  One sign said that a plane would be leaving for Great Britain in five minutes.  I boarded the plane, until I realized I

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was hungry.  I looked around the plane for food.  All of a sudden, I heard someone shout, ā€œDog!ā€  The people on the plane kicked me off the plane with a parachute.  I landed safely, but I wasnā€™t in Great Britain.  I was in Greece!  The Greek people have never seen a domestic dog like me before.  One person claimed me as his pet.  People started bidding for how much they would pay to have me.  I knew this was trouble.  I started sprinting down the street as fast as I could.  Greek soldiers mistook me for a wolf and tried to kill me!  Just before the gate closed, I slid out of Greece while losing a few hairs.  Where was I though?  I was in Italy!  The chefs in Italy always gave me extra pizza and washed me.  They were so nice to me, but I knew in my heart that I had to get to Great Britain!  I went to France and stayed in Paris.  It was a really nice place to stay.  I went to the Eiffel Tower and




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thought, ā€˜Maybe if I could get to the top I would

be able to see Great Britain.ā€™  I climbed up the Eiffel Tower, but I still wasnā€™t at the top.   I, eventually, thought I would never get to the top, so I decided to go down.  I looked outside and realized it would take another 4826 steps to get back down!  I decided I would go back up the Eiffel Tower.  When I reached the top, all I could see was France.  I started moaning and howling because I thought I would never see Great Britain again.  I knew I couldnā€™t lose hope though.  I had to keep going!  I made a large parachute using a blueprint I found.  I jumped off the Eiffel Tower and started glidingā€¦ Crack I felt something hit me!







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Time Period: 2002

Great Britainā€™s Kingā€™s Status: Alive

Missing Dog Found: No

Kenneth Traveling: Yes






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It was 2002 and I still havenā€™t found the king.  I calculated that it has been three dog years since I was taken.  I donā€™t know how I got here, but I remembered the last time I was shot down.  I saw a crate next to me that said, ā€œAnimals That Are Taken In Captivity To Dieā€.  I figured I was stranded on Mount Everest.  I was grateful that I was here because I could go to the top and find Great Britain.  I didnā€™t know what association brought me here, but it was sure nice of them to do this.  I even found a few materials!  They gave me an air tank, but I didnā€™t need it.  I started hiking up the mountain.  I felt a strange feeling that I was being watched.  I saw a giant shadow of a monster-like creature.  I hid in some snow and watched.  It was a giant yeti.  I came out and barked at the yeti, but there was no response.  I started attacking it.  Until all of a sudden, it threw me to the top while falling down.





Humanā€™s Perspective

Of Yeti Fight










A helicopter goes around Mount Everest and finds a dog fighting the mythical yeti.  The news reporters on board immediately start recording the epic moment.  They see that the dog defeats the yeti.  Kenneth makes his way to the top and becomes famous.  Great Britainā€™s King is mourning for his lost dog.  His daughter calls him to watch the incredible news.  The king reluctantly goes to watch.  As they zoom in on Kenneth.  The British King sees his missing dog!  The king immediately starts the search for Kenneth.  Kenneth, on the other hand, found Great Britain and is currently flying on a hang-glider.  Both the king and Kenneth have bumped into each other on their way!  They have happy reunion.






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Kenneth and the Kingā€™s perspective


I was so happy to see the king again that I barked for joy.  Even though I was dirty, the king still hugged me.  We went back to Great Britain.  I had one of my luxurious baths.  We had a great feast with my family and the kingā€™s family.  We all talked about how we missed each other.


The End






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Author: Ivan Kuo

Summer 2015


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