ADVENTURE books online

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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Leaping through time and space by Teri Makal (little red riding hood ebook TXT) 📖

Book online «Leaping through time and space by Teri Makal (little red riding hood ebook TXT) 📖». Author Teri Makal

Kami’s POV

I couldn’t wait for the weekend but when it came my whole world changed and it will never be the same again.
On Saturday some of my classmates and their boyfriends invited me to come with them to the woods behind the school. I knew they were just going to make fun of me but I would go anyway cause the weekend seemed like it was gonna be boring.
When I got there all was silent but when the others arrived it grew quite noisy,
as if the were afraid of something and they were worried it will show up.

I followed them and they led me to a small clearing. In the middle of it was a tiny well.
“We want you to join our group.” Declared Kiera aka The Snob Queen and the others murmured their agreement.
“Why do you want ME to join?” I asked sure of some sinister plan going on.
“We just need one more person to join our group and we can’t have someone with a boyfriend.” Kiera said quite smugly.
“Fine, whatever.” I said wanting to get this over and done with. “What do I have to do?”
“Oh nothing you just have to follow us down the well.” Kiera explained as she began to lower her-self down.
Her friends and their boyfriends all followed. After all of them entered I climbed in. Sure it was stupid but I wanted to see what they were going to do this time.

Okay I should probably pause there and explain who I am.
I’m Kami Hitsugaya , I’m half Japanese and half American but I live in Australia.. I’m fourteen and am slightly tall for my age. I have dark black hair and black eyes. Kiera and her group at school usually tease me so I don’t have any friends.

As soon as I followed my classmates down the well, I began to sense that something strange was going to happen and I was right as soon as my head was inside the well, the well began to slowly brighten and it seemed as if the sky had become the floor.
When I looked down to where the others were I saw the falling towards me. I dodged and missed getting crushed underneath the others.
“What happened?” asked Kiera. “What did you do Kami?”
“What did I do? Nothing, but what happened is what I want to know as well. This had better not be another prank.” I growled.
“This has never happened before.” Exclaimed Polly
“Great. This is just great!” moaned Lea. “Now I’m stuck with a loser like Kami in a well.”
“Jeez. Get some sense.” I said as I climbed out of the well. “ Its not like the world has ended. Okay Now I am seriously dreaming.”
Heaving my-self out of the well I looked around the grassy meadow and into the woods. The place was nothing like the one I had just left.

“What’s going on?” asked Kiera as she climbed out with the rest of her friends. Seeing their faces as they looked around was priceless. I started to smirk but then Kiera turned and looked at me.
“Well?” she asked.
“Well what?” I replied.
“What are you going to do about this? We’re in the middle of no where!” Kiera practically shrieked.
“It’s not my fault. I thought you guys were going to pull another prank on me so I just went along with what you said.” I snapped annoyed. Why would I do anything like this.

Annoyed Kiera stomped off towards the woods.
"Hang ten, guys. Lets do this." I suggest. " I know it sounds strange but how about we go different ways and in like 3 years we meet here again to see if we can go back."


Publication Date: 10-12-2011

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