ADVENTURE books online

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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Trouble in Paradise by Nicholas Seagle (phonics reader TXT) 📖

Book online «Trouble in Paradise by Nicholas Seagle (phonics reader TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Nicholas Seagle

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Chapter 1

“Excuse me sir?” My attention was caught by a pretty light skin waitress with dark hair, I put my book down on my legs in a position where I wouldn’t lose my place “Yes?” I replied with a little bit of an impatient tone. “Here’s your drink.” She handed me a small glass with a bottle of whiskey “Thank you oh and your tip” I took out a ten dollar bill and instead of handing it to her put it in between her breasts covered with a coconut bra. She looked and me and I winked at her, she walked away giggling but in a good way. I picked up my book with one hand and drank from the glass of scotch in the other.

After about five minutes of quiet and no disturbances from the other tourists I was finally taken out of my silent haven by a man’s voice. “Excuse me, Sir.” He said with an aggravated tone in his voice, “What is it sir?” I put the book down like I did before but this time the badge that read “MANAGER” caught my attention. He took a ten dollar bill out of his pocket and waved it in my face like a child showing off to other kids on the playground. “Do you think this is funny?” he said with an impatient tone in his voice. “Well no I thought it was supposed to be seductive or flirtatious.” I replied sarcastically. That didn’t help the situation; he grabbed me by the collar of the flower pattern shirt I had on to go with the vacation. He held me like that until we reached the fourth floor of the ten story hotel, where I was staying in. When he opened the door he threw me in, took my keycard and said before leaving. “You are not to leave the hotel building until the end of your vacation sir. You have plenty of food and drink to keep you nourished.” He slammed the door behind him. “Well great. Oh Well, I guess I’ll just sleep a little and when I wake up take a shower or something.” I laid down, but my arm under the pillow and closed my way drifting into a sleep that I thought would be forever, but that thought would become a wish soon enough.

Chapter 2

My eyes opened slowly I was woken up by something small hitting my face, picked a piece off and as I was waking up examined it. It looked like a piece of the ceiling. And I was right I looked up and saw that the ceiling was shaking and had chunks missing from it “Oh Shit!” I yelled as I rolled off the bed and seconds later I watched a ceiling piece, that would have surely crushed and killed me, fall down crush the bed to smithereens. I got up but I didn’t I didn’t have a lot of time to rest as the rest of the ceiling was coming down as well, I ran behind me the ceiling was caving in at rapid speeds I made a sharp L turn for the bathroom and closed the door. I fell backwards and pushed myself up against the wall. There wasn’t much time to think I looked around for anything that could help me escape. I spotted a window and quickly thought to myself “There is not a snowballs chance in Hell that I’m going out of the window.” So I kept looking and sooner than I spotted the window I spotted a ventilation shaft. I climbed up and trying pulling it off. But it didn’t really help the building and vent opening was to new for me to just rip it off.  I looked at the toilet grabbed the top off of it and smashed the toiler cover it against the vent creating a big enough opening for me to get through. I jumped in but I was a little too late the ceiling caved in but it didn’t take off a limb it caught my shoe. Whatever the Hell was going on I could leave without it I fit my shoeless foot through the opening in the caved in roof debris and crawled through. Bellow me I could spot a women and her child. The women had what looked like a revolver. She pointed it at the child, who was crying and holding onto a teddy bear she shot the child point blank and but the gun up to her head and shot herself. Whatever that sick scene was about I couldn’t stick around forever I kept crawling seeing other rooms with mass debris but the other guests we’re not as fortunate as me. I made my way to the end of the vent that was crushed by the ceiling making it go downward in a slide shape. I slid down the vent slide and found what looked to be a children’s area it had toys and a small playpen but on the inside there were adults, none alive all with gunshots and blood covering their bodies. “What the Hell? Did all these people kill themselves too” I asked myself out loud. I opened the playpen and searched the bodies. I knew it wasn’t respectful but there was obviously somebody out there on the island killing these people so I had to be prepared. I came across the last body after going through useless things on the other bodies I finally found a screwdriver it wasn’t much but I could still use it to survive. The door wasn’t covered by ceiling debris so I opened the door.  I wish I didn’t. It was mass murder dead children men and women whose blood painted the walls. The bodies lay stacked on top of each other in piles. I quickly made my way down the hall filled with bodies I had to get out of this floor because the stench was enough to kill me. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I had to bash it down. I grabbed the handle of the door, pressed it down and hit the door with all my weight. After the third or fourth try the door broke down land on the floor face down. “Maybe there is something in here for me to use as medical equipment.” I said to myself. I scavenged through crated and briefcases and tote bags no medical items but I came across one crate in particular that caught my attention. A silver crate that when I opened made me so relieved. It was a shiny snub nose revolver with a few magazines of ammo, along with gauss bandages and cloth with sewing needles. I was snapped out of my trance when I heard footsteps and a voice saying words to another person I couldn’t make the words out but what I could make out was ‘Armory’ it must have been here! I stayed calm but quickly grabbed the revolver, the ammo and gauss bandages along with the cloth and sewing needle and opened the closet door throwing myself in to and standing up right with the objects in my left, right and shirt pocket. The footstep were getting closer and closer until I could hear the footsteps got to the door and I could understand the words the men we’re saying one man spoke with a raspy, scratchy voice “Why the Hell is this door open!” the other man spoke with a soft voice, obviously a younger man said in a little shaky tone “I- I don’t know but it wasn’t me!” The other man spoke again “Well look around and get your head out of your ass! Whoever did this he has got to be here he couldn’t have gotten far” One of the men went into the bathroom and the other headed straight for the closet. I readied my screwdriver. He put his hands on the closet handle and pulled. I was scared out of my mind but it was either now or never. 

Chapter 3

Chapter 3  

The closet door opened very slowly the barrel of the rifle entered the closet door opening. It was obvious who ever this was had been trained for a situation like this. I tumble out of the closet with my screw driver clenched in my left fist. I managed to catch the man off guard, making him fall to the ground. Quickly before he could make any noise I plunged the screw driver into his neck, which released a fountain of blood to shoot from the wound. I walked to the bathroom carefully and very slowly making sure not to make any noise along the way. The sound that was heard was a low volume gurgling from the man choking one his own blood, but the noise did not last long and he eventually died. I opened the bathroom door to find that the other man was peeing in the toilet. The toilet was across from the door and the younger man had his back turned to me. I quickly ran up behind him, grabbed him by the back of the head and slammed his head on the toilet cover causing his head to crack open and for him to be either dead or supremely unconscious. I thought it would be a smart idea to leave no trace, I picked up the soldier and took him to the closet, I put him in along with his superior and shut the door. I opened the door and rushed down to the end of the corridor I reached an elevator but it wasn’t operational. I looked around for another way; quickly my eyes caught the glimpse of a sign with the picture of stairs and running down them, “Stairs!” I said to myself in relief. I opened the door and my relief drained away and in place leaving hopelessness. The stairs leading to the ground level were blocked completely off by roof debris. The stairs leading up were destroyed and missing the 6 flights of stairs needed to get to the roof.

There is only way to get down now. I hopped on the railing of the stairs and jumped. The wind moving upwards passing through my hair as I flew down. I quickly grabbed the railing to the

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