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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Journey to Xeno by hunter lynne (top 10 non fiction books of all time .TXT) 📖

Book online «Journey to Xeno by hunter lynne (top 10 non fiction books of all time .TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author hunter lynne

the beginning of a long journey

I’ve been selected for an experimental program. You wouldn’t believe it, but I and two of my friends are going to the planet XENO and attend school. What a weird situation this is going to be. My ship is about to leave so I need to hurry and make the best of it.

Oh my Lord, that is big!! The ship, I mean. I have never thought a ship could have an entire sports arena, from what I heard at least. (Okay, you’re right Christian. I’m getting off track here.) My two friends, Christian and J.L., and I were chosen to go to another planet to attend school for a solid year. Consider this the planet we are going to, XENO, the year is twice as long as a year on Earth. Christian wanted us to go on this assignment with him, so here we are about to depart our home planet and head to another land.

J.L. and I are a little jumpy considering that not all of the students that are attending this school with us are human. So we have to stop at different galaxies to collect everyone. Christian was looking around with an expression I would never associate with him, it was surprised and confused. (Fine J.L. you’re right about this. I think we will have an amazing time on a different planet. What are you staring at Chris?)

As we got closer to the ship I could see that the ship was a deep blue color and not a traditional black like our ships back home are. As we boarded the ship, a woman with a sleek black dress and slightly pointed ears met us at the entrance and handed out our schedules for the entire year, plus for the trip there and our cabin numbers. I looked at the number again to try to understand, but it looked something like this ï…ïŹï©ïșïĄïąï„ïŽïšï€ ï”ïĄïčïŹïŻïČï€ź

Christian leaned over my shoulder to see what number I was and apparently J.L. and Christian were paired up together and I was with someone from another galaxy. “Elizabeth Taylor, I didn’t know that was your full name, Liza”, Christian read from the paper like it was nothing.

“It is my name and how did you know what that said? Never mind, I don’t even want to know.” I said to him.

J.L. frowned, “It does look familiar Chris. You might be right about this after all. I doubted you could even remember how to
..” J.L.’s voice trailed off and he looked kind of startled when he realized I was standing there.

“Okay, you guys are seriously are starting to freak me out.” I said and realized it was true. Just a little over a minute later a girls voice came from behind us, “Christian, J.L. is that you?” they turned around and broke into big grins when they saw who it was.

“Oh my Lazzi, we haven’t heard from you in years. It’s been so long.”

“Who is that?” asked Lazzi, pointing at me.

“Oh this is Liza. We go to school with her on Earth. Liza, this is Lazzi. She is from the planet Katoptraius. She is also a cloud nymph.

” I smiled at Lazzi, “Hi!” Now that I could her face, she had slightly pointed ears and a bluish tint to her skin. She was pretty in an elfish way.

”Whoa, it looks like you’re my new roommate.” She indicated the paper in Christian’s hand.”This is going to be a great year, now that you’re back, Chris. It has been so lonely without you here to guide us back to our normal routine.” She gives him and J.L. a fierce hug and trots off to join her fellow nymphs.

I glare at Christian, “What did she mean by that, Chris? You are seriously starting to bug me about this. All gung ho that I’m going with you and now I want an explanation on why you know everyone here.” I tried my hardest to keep from falling over the rail as the ship began to rise from the ground.

Christian looked like he was going to get sick. It takes a while before he finally speaks again, “Liza, I’m sorry, I can’t explain.” he takes a deep breath and looks at me,” If you want to know the real me, talk to Lazzi tonight when it’s lights out. Okay? I would feel so much better if you knew, but I can’t tell you. I can’t stand it, that you don’t know. I think it’s time for you to know where you’re going though. We are going to my home planet.” He must have seen the confused look on my face because he busted out laughing. “Go get to bed, L. You are going to need it. I’ll come by and wake you in the morning, when it’s time for breakfast. You are so going to love it here.”

He walked me through the courtyard and through the mall to the cabin quarters. It took all of thirty minutes to reach my cabin, he stops in front of my door and gives me a big, fierce hug and says ”Now, get to bed, I’ll see you in the morning. My cabin is a few decks above on the top deck, so it will take me a total of about five minutes to reach you in the morning, if you figure it out by then.” He gives me one of his big, goofy grins and walks back toward the stairs.

I finally get the courage and go inside to see my room. Room isn’t quite how to explain it. It’s more like, a superior sleeping quarter of a queen. All the stuff was a blinding white with hints of gold everywhere. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it until I heard a girl’s voice from behind me

“Beautiful isn’t it? I spend a lot of time in here, so I thought it would be good to brighten it up a bit, don’t you think?” I turned to see a girl with a bluish tint to her skin, slightly pointed ears and long, dark hair spilling around her face.

“Lazzi, it’s beautiful in here. I have never seen anything like this before in my life.”

She chuckled a bit and said “It’s going to be a long year. If this impresses you, you should see Christian and J.L.’s cabin. It is ten times better than this. I take it they hadn’t told you yet.”

I try to stay calm and keep my voice steady “No, Chris told me to ask you because he couldn’t tell me himself. I just don’t get, what is up with him. He can read this paper without even breaking a sweat. He knows everyone and he knows this place like it is a part of him.”

Lazzi looks on the verge of a smile “Sweetheart, he can’t tell you. And this ship is part of him. His family is nothing but a bunch of bloodsuckers if you ask me.” She grimaced “I was not supposed to tell you that. Anyway, since the cat’s out the bag, I mind as well tell you. He is going home and if you can accept him the way he is, he will be more than happy to let you stay with him and J.L. in their cabin. Oh, you didn’t know you could do that, did you? Of course you didn’t. Yea, he had an extra room attached to his just for you.”

I guess I blushed pretty bad because she laughed. I didn’t know what to say to that. “How long has he known about me?”

Lazzi regained her composure and said with a smile “He knew about before you were even born, sweetheart. You and Christian are destined to be together. He has not quit talking about you in eight years since he has left our planet. Now he is coming home with you by his side. What a wonderful queen you will make!”

So that is it, I just found out my boyfriend is a Vamp. Not only is he a Vamp, he is the king of them, and I am his queen.

So now I am the one confused. How can I be a Queen when I know nothing about it? It’s a lot to take in at once, I can tell you that. (Oh, quit complaining, will you Lazzi? It’s only been about three hours now.) Our room’s color dimmed the farther up we went. And I thought about what to do. I knew I would accept him without any doubt; I love him that’s for sure. There is absolutely no way I could deny him of anything. But as of right now I needed to get some sleep.

I walked around the huge room in search of my bed. I found it in another room connected to the living quarters (as I am later told). My room is not what I expected. I thought it would be bright white and gold like the other room, but instead it was in deep purples and sky blues. The huge canopy bed sat in the middle of the floor leaving several doors going around the room.

I began by wondering from door to door to see what was behind them. The first door was a closet with the finest of clothes I have ever seen. The second door held a dressing room in dark red and gold. The other doors led out to a balcony.



Publication Date: 03-12-2014

All Rights Reserved

to dedicate this book to my friends Sarah Livingston and Laura Deal who have encouraged me to write and be all that i can be.

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