ADVENTURE books online

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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Quicker Than Sand by Olivia O'Donnell (red queen free ebook .txt) 📖

Book online «Quicker Than Sand by Olivia O'Donnell (red queen free ebook .txt) 📖». Author Olivia O'Donnell


Andrea is taking for ever. What is she doing? Hopefully not talking to Aidan. I swallow. You know, I'm nervous. I really like Aidan. Andrea will ruin it. She knows that I "love" him (I don't really, but she says that). Ooh, Aidan's walking out of the school now. Andrea nowhere in sight. Wait, converse sneakers behind. I look up, and there's Andrea, wearing her new black sneaks. I race over to her, passing Aidan. I try to look as cute as possible, but then again I'm mad at Andrea. I smile a him. He nods.
"Hey Sam." Aidan says. I listen as I twirl my hair with my pointer finger.
"Hey Aidan. Uh..." I say, trying to think of what to say to him.
"I met your friend Andrea today. She's-"
"A little weird, I know. She's hilarious, though."
"Oh, wow. Uh, she told me a little about you, as she helped me with my cello."
"Oh, really? Uh, you play cello?" I try to hold back my anger.
"Yeah, I switched instruments. I used to be saxophone. Um, but she was telling me that your weekends are empty, all the time." Aidan says.
I look up at him (I'm pretty short, but not to short). My big blue eyes starred in his brown eyes. Was he asking me out? Was he kidding? Did Andrea tell him I like him? I have to answer, we're making eye contact. I hate that.
"Uh, yeah. My weekends are never busy. Why?" I say, thinking about a moonlight dinner- wait no. I'm not a stuck up brat. My perfect dream date is goofing around on a hot day, at a water park.
"Because uh, I wanted to know if uh, you'd wanna go catch a movie or something." Aidan says, looking around to see if anyone of his friends are watching. I smile and tell him, "I'd love to, when?" I try to keep cool.
"Maybe Friday night. Is- is that okay? We can get ice cream after the movie." Aidan smiles. He takes a step closer to me. I notice Andrea's watching. Man. I nod, he knows that means sure. "Super 8?" He asks. "Yup, you uh, should text me the rest. Okay? Sorry, I just- sorry. I'm acting weird, I just-"
"HEY BUDDY!" Andrea jumps on my back. Aidan says, "See ya then." Aidan sees Owen, his "bff" in guy form. They meet up and walk with each other. Turning to Andrea I say, "Andrea you can't act your self in front of Aidan." I tell her, trying to be mean, but that's not me.
"Oh, sorry. Are you gonna cry? I'm kidding!" Andrea says, being Andrea.


Publication Date: 09-21-2011

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