ADVENTURE books online

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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » The Silver Ghoul by Wyatt Wiggins (novels for beginners TXT) 📖

Book online «The Silver Ghoul by Wyatt Wiggins (novels for beginners TXT) 📖». Author Wyatt Wiggins

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The Sparkling Night

The Rain of regrat fall on my broken face as a twisted smiles break lose. My body cover in blood as I look up at the sky the rain dripping on my forhead as my twisted smile breaks to regret, tears falls from my eyes as I look down at the body I just ate. My body refused to stand up, but I stand up shaking my black eyes cracked with red begin to dissappear.

"I done it again I killed another human why must I do this" I look at my hands covered in blood my hands starts to tremble as my pain grew more and more. The stars glisten in the sky like they never did before as my silver hair spakled in the starlight.

"The city is dark and the stars shine show bright when its dark,I better get out of here before the doves come here." I ran never looking back on my one sin in my mind it always echo 'never kill man' but in that moment I killed that make nothing else matter just the will to survive. I ran throught the street cold air blew throught my hard as I just keeping thinking

'just keep running dont look back run run run....' Then I go to a tiny aparntment building and walk into my tiny cold apartment it had one bedroom a small living room and i bathroom with just a shower and a shink. The I walk to the bathroom was my face off my blacken eyes still showing as I look at the mirror and I think

'this is just my will to survive and i must get stronger to survive I wasnt given a choice but I must and will survive it is my will to live.' That was the day my prospective on life change the lies I was telling myself just to get throught the day seem to be working less and less. Back at where I ate that girl the doves were already there investing the body for evdince. Then they for a piece of silver hair as they new the code name for this ghoul.

The man said in a shaky voice " it the Silver Demon damn I thought we killed him a while ago he must of come back from somewhere or something" he held a suitcase that hid his wepon and his looks at his parnter it was a woman the age seventeen she had dirty blond hair with green eyes.The man says " hey Eliza hand

me the reports on the Silver Demon" she nods and hand the file to him and he looks at it

and say " so he isnt dead he was just lost damn this is gonig to be something I was hoping he was dead so we woudnt have to deal with that to but it lightly demon again killed over 100 doves agents so he earn his death we beter get going newbie incase he is close by." 

Eliza looks at him a little pissed " hey I might be a newbie but atleast I had a better score than you" she huffs and walks off back to the headquarters.

The Past of the Silver Demon (Hato Blitz)

 Lightning breaks the air with a snap as muitple footsteps were here and I was but into a box my parents infront of me then te box was closed then i heard screaming and crys for help as a was keeping quiet shaking bit wondering who the screams were coming from as

I think 'is that mom and dad screaming of the people chasing us screaming.' Then everything was quiet and I struggle to open the box and I barley open it as look out and my parents dead faces on the ground then I watch them begin drag away my eyes turn black and crack red from pure anger. Then I lay down in the box shaking tears of blood falls from my eyes as it broke me. Then my eyes slowly and slowly normal and the box was transported to japan where where there was ghouls every where then my box was open and the captain sees my

"whats wrong with you kid why are you crying and in this box" he said with a confident voice looking down at me with a calming gental smile his crew was around looking at the box as they were all ghoul there blacken eyes staring at me as I look at them my blacken eyes showing to 

as I say with a weaken voice "trying to go where every my parents but me in this box before they were.." I stop not wanting to finish the sentece.

A crew mate says with a worry sound "his parents must of been kill by the doves and they must was him to get to a better place that tale of his breaks my hearts a bit I mean lok at him he must be around seven and to be out here dang" he looks at the others as the captian walks to his cabin and he says before he leaves 

"you watch over the lad we are going to be in japan in two weeks teach him everything he needs to know and give him some chores to keep him working and kid welcome to the crew" he said with a little smile on his face and a tiny laugh could be heard as he was in his cabin. I look at the crew members as they look back at me with a bit of a smile them I followed them as they lead me to a basic room with a bed a lamp and a couple of books on the bed.

The crew mate said " this is your room kid for the next two weeks so get some rest because you start training tommorow and boy its going to be fun for us" the crew mate left as I walk into the room and close the door then I go to the bed and sit on it and open up one of the books reading it till I got tired and i fall asleep on the bed the book under my head acting as a pillow and the gental rocking of the sea help me sleep. In that one moment i had a smile that was on my face and it Was the best smile I had ever had in my life time, but unknowing to me something big was coming and it was something I was read for but it would scar me for the rest of my life.

The Blazing Flames (Past)

It was night and I wake up and open the door and walks around the ship as I breath in the night air as I run up to the front of the ship looking at the calming waters as the ship was moving a slight smile was on my face as I close my eyes feeling a faint mist on my face as I heard footspets coming to me as it was the captian.

The captain speaks in a clear voice "What are you doing out here boy its night time and you should be asleep I mean all of my crew is asleep, but why are you awake?" He looks at me as if he had seen promise in me as I just feel the cool breeze hit my face.

I say with a calming voice of my own " yea i'm awake I always get up at night it help clear my mind so I can think in the morning" the breeze blew throught my hair as I open my eyes and I see a ship as it was sailing to this ship and the captain wakes everyone up as he had a panic look on his face as the ship came closer and closer. I step back as the crew members were arm with weponds and there kauges ,which are there wepons that they can form from there bodies, and I look at them a bit scared and wondering why this was happening.

Then I look at the captain and I say "what is happening what should I do" then one of the crew mates throws me a dagger and I look at the dagger and I hold on to it tight and I knew that I was going to have to fight so I wait for them to attack and I will fight along side them dagger in hand and a smile comes to my face as they were like my family now and I needed to protect them. Then the ship stop infront of ours as a plank falls down as I held my dagger close to me as pirates came from the plank and they were ready for a fight to as there captain comes down

and she says "kill them now I dont want any ghouls on my sea and kill the captian first to make a example that we dont mess around." Then I heard a single shot fired and my captain as dead and I run up to him as te emeny pirates set up bombs on the ship. I look at them with pure angry mix with terror as I see a stop watch fall from my captains pocket I grab it and

ingrave on the inside it said 'for you kid and dont worry it water proof and good luck' I hold it close to me as the exploses go off and I was unconison on a peice of drift wood the watch in my hand as the ship was on fire and sinking. It was two days I lay on the drift wood looking the the pocket watch as I look down as I remember there screams going in my head as tears fall out of my eyes as that day was the time I felt all my pain in my life flash throught my eyes in a split second and came out in tears that wouldnt let up. 

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