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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Windbringer by Skystarxx3 (read full novel .txt) 📖

Book online «Windbringer by Skystarxx3 (read full novel .txt) 📖». Author Skystarxx3




SPARROWSTAR- dark grey tom with blue eyes and a single white ear
Apprentice, Beetlepaw

HAWKSTEP- dark brown tabby tom with forest green eyes
Apprentice, Spottedpaw


SHADOWFLOWER- pale grey she-cat with striped tail
Apprentice, Minnowpaw


ROSECLAW- grey she-cat with blue eyes

THORNBELLY- brown tom with white tail tip

FOXSTEP- ginger tom with white underbelly and sharp yellow eyes
Apprentice, Bearpaw

CLOUDPOINT- large, muscular pale grey tom with long legs and a long, fluffy tail

PETALNOSE- brown she-cat with pale dapples covering belly and muzzle

BLUELEAF- blue-gray she-cat with green eyes and battle-scarred body

BRACKENTAIL- small dark brown tom with lighter paws and grey eyes
Apprentice, Softpaw

LIONHOWL- large, short-haired golden tom with blue eyes and white muzzle

WOLFPELT- medium-sized, spiky furred grey tom with black markings covering body
Apprentice, Growlpaw

SHARPNOSE- pale ginger tom with dark green eyes

BENT- former loner with brown pelt and green eyes, refused to take warrior name


BEETLEPAW- grey tom with black paws and ears

SPOTTEDPAW- small, tortoishell she-cat with blue eyes and a long, soft, plumy tail

MINNOWPAW- white she-cat with amber eyes

BEARPAW- large, brown tom with grizzled pelt and dark brown eyes

SOFTPAW- black she-cat with green eyes

GROWLPAW- black tom with long legs and yellow eyes


STRIPEDLEG- pitch-black she-cat with orange eyes. Mother to Fogkit(grey she-cat) and Lakekit(black she-cat with orange eyes)


DUSTCLAW- brown tabby tom with grey muzzle and battle-scarred pelt. Oldest tom in the Clan.


WINDBRINGER- pale grey she-cat with pale markings covering face

PIERRE- plump ginger tom with blue eyes

SNAP- brown tom

ORAO- large, grey tom with thick fur covering shoulders and ears



A pale grey she-cat was sitting on the fence outside of her Twoleg home.

Her pale was sleek and well-groomed, and her belly was slightly plump, but not too plump. Her long tail lashed, and her blue eyes were bright with an unknown emotion. She got to her feet, but as she was about to jump from the fence, a ginger tom leaped up beside her, struggling slightly.

"Hi, Pierre," chirped the pale grey she-cat.

Pierre's blue eyes flashed with fear as he nearly fell from the fence, but he managed to get back up again. "Hi Wingbringer!" he gasped, his hind feet clawing desperately at the wood. It took a few moments for him to find his strength and pull himself up.

"Where are you going?" panted the ginger tom.

Windbringer nodded her head towards the forest. "There," she breathed. "I want to go to the forest."

Pierre tilted his head. "But... you have your own Twolegs! They feed you and pet you and brush you, and let you sleep by the nice, warm fire..." He drew his shoulders up slightly and sighed, melting a little. "That sounds nice."

Windbringer rasped her tongue over her lips, her tail lashing and her blue eyes rolling. "Whatever, Pierre." She stared across the forest, her lips forming into a bright smile. "Imagine the freedom! Imagine the wind in your fur! Imagine-"

She was sharply cut off by a rattle and multiple calls of a Twoleg. "That's my Twoleg," Pierre said, jerking his head and staring off into another direction.
"Imagine the taste of mouse..." Windbringer swiped her tongue over her lips again, smiling. Pierre made a face.


"Pierre, I won't be here when you come back."


Windbringer's heart beated hard in her chest as she stared into Pierre's wide, innocent blue eyes. It hurt her heart to do this, but she had to. She knew that she belonged in the forest.

"I'm going to the forest."

Pierre's eyes widened so that the whites of his eyes were shown. "You can't!" he cried. "What about your Twolegs? What about the... the warm fire?" Pierre was trying desperately to come up with excuses for her to stay. "What about me?"

Windbringer's heart ached in her chest as Pierre's lower lip trembled and his blue eyes were filled with sorrow and fear.

She turned her head away. She couldn't bear the thought of staring into his sad eyes once more. "I'm... I'm sorry, Pierre. But this is something I need to do." She smiled weakly at her friend. "But I'll visit..."

But the ginger tom had already jumped off the fence. "There's no need for you to apologize!" he cried over his shoulder. “Your old Twolegs will find a new cat, and I’ll play with her!”

Windbringer felt a wave of anger and jealousy at the thought of being replaced, but her lips were already moving. “Fine!” she shouted. “I wouldn’t want to be friends with you, anyway, you lazy, fat slob!”

Head whipping around, she jumped off the fence and raced away into the forest.


She ran for a long time. For so long, her paws ached. But she had to keep going. She had to get away from Pierre and the Twolegs. She paused near a tree, gulping in as much air as she could. Ears pricked, she looked around. The trees were tall and blocked out the sunlight, and a chilly wind sliced through her fur. Windbringer shuddered, fluffing out her pale fur and staring around, eyes wide. She didn’t even know where she was!
The she-cat was, though, a little happy. She was free! But she also felt a little sad. She had fought with her best friend and then left him alone, and then called him rude names. And, to top it all, she was lost.

Windbringer wandered around, letting out yowls of fear. “Help me!” she wailed. “Help!”
But no cat came. Her heart thudded so hard against her chest she thought it would explode.

I can’t take it anymore.

Losing all hope, Windbringer let out one more shriek before collapsing to the ground, letting out sobs.



Publication Date: 12-21-2012

All Rights Reserved

I dedicate this book to my family. They are the reason I got into writing. Bless you all!

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