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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Poetry, of a Lifes Journey by Kakorya Freesia (top novels to read .TXT) 📖

Book online «Poetry, of a Lifes Journey by Kakorya Freesia (top novels to read .TXT) 📖». Author Kakorya Freesia

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What has harmed your body and broken your spirit?
That you would hide behind, your eyes, the torture of your experience.

What has influenced your mind?
That you would cover yourself, in smoke, with the anguish
of a distance.

And what has entrapped your soul, that you find no-peace,
here nor there?

I wish I could have shielded you, from the torment of those cold lonely nights,
When there was nothing but pain and darkness insight,
And cradled your spirit with nothing but light.

I wish to incite your mind,
To show you that there is still beauty in life,
And that you don’t, have to, hide your tears and try not to cry.

I want to spoke to your soul, to tell you, never to let go.

There is healing, in a journey, that only you know.


Created On: 03/18/2018
Inspired By: my brother “Jr.”

Dear Beloved

I may have come across your path, but did not see you.
I may have spoken with you, but did not hold our talk long.
I may have helped you, in some way, only to pray that this act of kindness would inspire you.

I may have hurt you, only to see the error of my ways much-to-late.

I only hope that you are stronger than I, to never allow your inflicts to unjustly torment the lives of others.
Allow your inflicts to show others that there is “HOPE”, even when Light can’t be seen.

Created on 03/16/2018

"LIGHT, exist even in the darkness. You have to keep moving, if you want to find its' Shine."  by Kakorya Freesia.

Season’s Naughty or Nice

A new season is come,
To who’s been naughty or nice,
Because all things will be made right.

If nice,
Doors once closed, from an unfair fight, will open to your delight.

If you’re been a bully,
You should have thought, twice.

For the season to come, won’t be as-bright.
And the door’s, you have opened, won’t bear gifts of delight.


Created on 12/22/2017

I Close my Eyes

I close my eyes,
Cause you’re not around.

I can breathe,
Cause you’re not around.

I go to sleep,
Cause you’re not around.

And I’m at peace.

Created on 12/18/2017



Amongst the darkness
that come by night
Remember the “Light” and shine it bright.

In the valleys
low and out-of-sight
Remember who you are and “Will” your might.

And when death comes
to collect a debt
Remember, that your “Life" has Purpose and You are not done, yet.

Created on 09/12/2017


The Foolish Man

Only a Foolish Man,



I Love You, that is why, I need to Control You.
You just don’t want to Commit.
You are Nothing without Me.
If it was not, for Me, You wouldn’t have Anything.
Remember, what I did for you, You owe me.
I am tired, of You, Not putting Me 1st.
You Need to Submit to Me.

A Wiseman, need-not-say, such words to feel:

Confidence, or

He need-not, Demand, to be Put above Creator.

Only a foolish guy, who is Less than a True-Man, has too.

"I don't care: who you are, how old you are, rather you are a man - women- or a girl or boy.  Life Experiences will throw struggles each day, but, being with someone who is Less than Divine is not a gift nor punishment from Creator. Being trapped with someone Less Divine is only a Way to Block YOU, from Your Gift, of having a Divine Person - Love YOU."

by Kakorya Freesia

Created on 5/20/2017. 

My Wish

are in "Need" of something.

Too Many,
just "Want" something,
but never learn anything from what they had.

are willing to give "From the Heart" and endure the loss,


Very Few,
know how “To Give” from the Heart, without expectations for personal gain.
Regardless of "How", small the flame, “Light” will always spark in the dark.


My Wish,

I hope you "Never give-up" on Helping Others, because it can be tiresome and, at times, unkind (*even at personal cost).

I hope you “Ask for” the eyes to see thru deception, that your “Doing and Giving” may not go to Waste.

I hope you “Remember” that you have never been alone, even in the silence, of your tears. 

And above "All Things"
I hope, you Understand, that:

"Each Spark of Light, no matter how small the Flame, reflects Light".


by Kakorya Freesia



Created Date: 06/06/2016 

Bright Light

I close my eyes, to reflect, that I am Light.
Amidst the darkness, that residences, in my Sight.

And when my heart is heavy, I try not to cry.
Nor to let my “Self” reflect anything less than Light.


I close my eyes, to evoke, Light.
As I try to remember to burn Bright.
Amidst the darkness, that residences, nearby.

And Amidst the grey-clouds and lighting-strikes.
I remember, that “Light,” can be:

Dammed or Block but never Destroyed.
It can be, Temporarily Extinguished but always’ returns to Life.   

And when I am In-Distress,
I tell myself to Relax, because I know, that I'll be Fine.



Created Date: 11/25/2015



When I gaze at the sky,
Purple is what I see.

Not the stars,
The energy,
You and Me.

I know its' YOU,

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