ADVENTURE books online

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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Ms . Darkrose by mysteriousgirl1 (the best e book reader .TXT) 📖

Book online «Ms . Darkrose by mysteriousgirl1 (the best e book reader .TXT) 📖». Author mysteriousgirl1

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Chapter 1

"Have been 3 year since you are gone mum , dad! Three years since you were murdered.... Huh i am fine even if i miss you very much !!! I know that you may be not very happy for my life style, but i don t want someone to feel pity for me, i want to live on my own . I hate when others cry and consult me! You are gone and this is a fact that i accepted long time before! You can t return anymore and i can t think always of my past life! Now i am a different person , but always your daughter Rose ; heh pretty funny he? Rose like my red eyes and hairs.
Well , what can i say : school is going very good and job too. Now i should go , it is almost school time , but don t worry i will come again to visit your grave ! Bye !"

"Where have you been Rose ?! We are late for school!"
"Sorry Azura i visited my parents . It was their third anniversary of death. "
"Mmm have you heard for the newest prisoners that Ms Darkrose captured? She is a legend! No one knows her or her address. She is a mystery for all! People say that she works alone and she study her clients before getting the job . I am a fan!!!"
"Ah !"
"Hey isn t your cellphone ringing Rose?"
"Yeah! It is my second phone! Go ahead i will reach you soon!"
"Okay but hurry!"
"Hi, you are speaking with Ms Darkrose your information?"
"Hello , i have a job for you miss ! Where can we meet? "
"Tell me your address and i will come!"
"My address is......."
"Fine i will be there in midnight!Until then ...Bye!"

Chapter 2
"Hi miss Darkrose today you return early in house , another job perhaps?"
"Hello , Jane yeah it seems so. Is the lunch ready ? I am starving from appetite ."
"Sure miss, and your room is clean and in order as you like ."
"What would i do if you were not here to keep my house Jane! Thanks for all ! Well i was to my other home , my parents home when i returned from school and clean the house and that was very hard imagine me to clean this enormous house ! But i am glad i have this house too because it is the fruit of my hard work in this 3 years even if no one even you know my real identity ! You did it very well your job !"
"Thanks miss! When will you go tonight , if hat isn t a secret."
"Well i will go in 10 pm but the meeting is in midnight."
"And..... about the persons who killed your parents? Do you have new informations?"
"Heh ... no not yet , but i will not give up ! I will do anything to find them costs whatever ! And then , i will get my revenge , i will make justice by myself!!!"
"But miss , i know it is hard to accept the fact that the murders of your parents are free , but making justice by yourself??? Isn t that a crime?"
"No the crime is what they did, mine is just a justice! But change theme what do we have for lunch?"
"Well , this is a secret ! Come in kitchen to find it !"
"Okay !!!!"

Chapter 3
"Please enter Ms Darkrose i have been waiting for you! How was your trip?"
"Hi Mr Kaoru my trip was good enough ! Now what want you from me? What job can have a important person like you , a businessman very popular who has a lot of people who protect him , for me?"
"It seems like you don t lose time and also that you have made search on me Ms Darkbeauty!"
"Well , i am just doing my job ! It the minimum that i know who is my client and what want he from me isn t it? And then i will decide if i want to do it or not! So???"
I want you to survey someone for me. His name is Yusuke . He is..."
"Wow wait a minute ! I am not a spotter , i am a person who makes justice but i don t kill anyone !"
"Let me finish please ! I want you to observe him because I have a doubt that he may be involved in a very dangerous band of criminals who murdered two persons three years ago and after they disappear . Now they are here to kill their daughter because she was the unique person who had seen their faces, and i don t want Yusuke to be involved with them !"
"I accept the job!"
"What ? But how , i mean this is great but what did you made change idea?"
"Hey uncle is ...."
"Hello Yusuke ! Hmmmm what is so important that you interrupt my conversation with this miss? Bumping in the room like that...."
"Sorry uncle ! I ...... i will talk to you later!
Nice to meet you miss!"
"So he is your nephew? Well, returning to our conversation i accepted because i have some private business with those criminals and your nephew seems a perfect bait for this job but don t worry i will try to not hurt him!"
"Yes he is my nephew and he lives with me because his parents died in a car accident some years ago. How much want you for this job?"
"Well if it isn t for capturing some criminals then 7000 Euro and 3000 Euro should be transfered in my account now ."
"Sure ! It is a pleasure to work with you Ms Darkrose! "
For me too. Goodbye ! I will keep you in contact for what will happen but where can i find him ?
"He is the new transfered student in Ouran high school . Have a safe trip !"

Chapter 4

"How was the trip miss?"
"Jane , what are you doing you awake early in the morning ? It is just 5 am ."
"I was worry about you miss!"
"Oh my dear Jane thanks for worrying !"
"So how was the meeting?"
"Well i discovered some interesting things and what is the most important thing is that the killers of my parents are in the city and they are searching for me ; they want to kill me! Huh just like i wanted ! Now i will not regret their death that will happen very soon! I am so glad that i accepted this work!"
"Just be careful miss !"
"Now i will go home because i should be there when my friend will call me in the morning to go to school! Bye Jane ! Take care of my house !"
What for a chance ! I am searching they , they are searching me!!! Hahaha this will be a lot of fun !Finally!!! Now let see how is this Yusuke ! I should accept it that he was very hot ; with those deep blue eyes and blue hair .He is very handsome , but his eyes are full of sadness . I wonder how did his parents die.
It is better for him to now be involved with those criminals cuz i will be with him as cruel as with the criminals!

Chapter 5
"Hi Rose , good morning!"
"Good morning Azura ."
"Didn t you sleep enough last night? You seemed sleepy."
"Yeah i watched a movie."
"Which one?"
"Ummmmm..... aha one with action!"
"Whatever now we should go in school Azura."
"Okay. I have heard that in our class will come a new student from an important family and i heard that he is hot too."
"Ah really? Well you know that i don t care for this teenager things anymore.I have more important things that falling in love with a lad ."
"Please Rose don t speak like that, cuz you know it is not true."
"Yeah , yeah whatever, let s hurry the bell is ringing!"
"Hello class , this is our new student Yusuke Kaouru . Please Yusuke sit next ms Rose."
"Hi , nice to meet you Rose!"
"Hi Yusuke !"
"Ah before i forget miss Rose i wanted to consult you because i know that last day was the 3 anniversary of death of your parents.I am very sorry my darling , if we can do something just say us what!"
"It is not necessary to consult me prof because it wont bring anything , i accepted the fact that they are dead 3 years ago tears and consults don t bring me anything it wont bring them back .So please forget about this story."
" Oh dear i know that you are very hurt but...."
"I am okay !"
"If there is something that we can do..."
Yeah , but what i ask is impossible ! I want revenge , i want they die just like they murdered my parents . But since no one can do me this favor ........"
"You know that we all appreciate you but revenge this is very bad!"
"A life for a life! It is an equal exchange ! Very normal for me!"
"You speak like this because you are very hurt ! You are still too young to make decisions."
"Hurt??? This is the right word to describe your feelings when your parents are killed in front of your eyes???Huh!!! What i feel it is not pain ; it is revenge , hate all negative emotions that you cann t even imagine ! Believe me if i had the chance to kill them i will do it!"
"Enough ! on t speak like that! I order you to stop ms Rose!"
"Yeah , yeah whatever! I am going , i cann t hear those words anymore ! It makes me sick!"
"You can not abandon your classes! Where are you going?"
"To their grave! Leave me alone!" (crash)
"Sorry miss , i didn t see you!"
"You!!!!!!! Ummmm not it was my fault sorry!"
No problem , i am a new teacher here my name is Mr Kira ! You are?"
"Someone who is leaving , bye!"

Chapter 6
Oh hi mum , hi dad! I don t know what to do anymore! I know i overdo it ! But i am full of hate !
And now for my surprise those who killed you appeared! I bumped into one of them today ! I can not believe that i didn t kill him in that instant! I wanted to kill him in the moment he stand in front of me! I wanted to revenge you two! I WANTED .............I WANTED!!! Perfect now i am crying ! Stupid me !Stupid me ! Why ? Why am i so confused?! He stand in front of me and i .... i couldn t do anything! But perhaps it is better so! Perhaps i is better that Ms Darkrose take care of this not Rose! I would just mess all the things and i will be discovered ! I will not miss him next time ! He was just

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