ADVENTURE books online

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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » The Mini Adventures Of Will by Emily (best romantic novels in english TXT) 📖

Book online «The Mini Adventures Of Will by Emily (best romantic novels in english TXT) 📖». Author Emily

Episode 1

Will wakes up at 2:00 am.
Will: Time to sleep with Emma!
He runs to his closet and changes into a leopard print speedo.
Will smiles delightfully as he tiptoes down the hallway towards Emma’s room.
The door is cracked open and light floods outside.
Will: (whispers) Emma?
Emma moans loudly.
Aka: Oh…Emma..Ohhh…
Will’s entire face turns red as he sprints back down the hallway to his room.
Emma and Aka are sitting on her bed fully clothed with megaphones.
They high-five.

Episode 2

Will is sitting on the couch.
Will: I’m so bored. Emma went out with her friends and now I have nothing to do!
He gets an ideal.
He jumps in his truck and drives off.
Will pulls up in front of a lingerie store.
Will runs inside.
Will: (thinks) This will be fun!
Will goes over to a section with lacy bras.
A woman stares at him and slowly walks away.
He grabs some lingerie and runs towards the changing room.
When he goes in, a few women scream and come running out.
He walks out of the store, a bag in each hand.
He gets in the truck and drives home.
Emma is asleep on the couch
Will: (whispers) Ooh! Ideals!!!
Will picks out a pink bra with matching underwear and changes into it.
He reaches out to poke Emma’s boob.
Emma: Don’t touch me.
Emma still has her eyes closed.
Will screams and runs back to his room.

Episode 3

Will looks out the window.
He watches Emma get into her car, and drive off.
As soon as she is out of sight he jumps up.
He rips his clothes off and is in a thong.
He plays ballet music and dances around the room.
The music changes and “Party Rock Anthem” starts to play.
Will continues to dance and begins to sing with it too.
The front door opens and Emma walks in.
Emma opens her eyes and sees Will.
Emma: WHAT THE H***????
Will: Why’re you home already???
Emma: I forgot my d*** phone! You’re not going to do this in MY house!
Will: Isn’t it OUR house?
Emma: NO! It’s mine! Plus it’s a weekday.
Will stares at her blankly.
Emma: School?
Will: So?
Emma: SO? You’re a teacher!!!!
Will: Oh yeah…just let me change!
Will walks in the classroom.
He is still in his thong.
Will: Good morning class.
Everyone stares at him.
Himea starts laughing so hard she falls off her chair.
Soon the whole class is laughing.
Will blushes wildly.
Will drops his chalk on the floor.
He turns with his back to the class and picks it up.
The class stops laughing.
Class: EWWWWWWWW!!!!
One person throws up.
Weird kid falls out of his chair.
Weird Kid: Sexiness overdose…..
Weird Kid moans.

Episode 4

Will is at a party at Chris and Seth’s mansion.
He is drunk and takes off his pants (and underwear too)
Everyone screams and covers their eyes.
Weird kid cheers.
Will puts a red plastic cup over his ****.
Will: (Drunkly) Anyone want some yummy milk?
Daphne throws up and Leo holds her hair back.
Weird Kid: I do!
Will: No! My milk’s for Emma!
Weird Kid: Awwww! But it’s like heaven in a cup!
Will smiles.
Will: **** yeah it is! Hey Emma! You want some heaven?
Emma: No thanks, I prefer me some hell. And just so you know, just because you’re drunk doesn’t mean I will beat the **** out of you!
Will runs away, the plastic cup falling off his **** and weird kid following him.

Episode 5

Will walks in the doctor’s office.
Will: Doctor! I need your help!
Doctor: Yes, Mr. Greyson?
Will: My beautiful sister, Emma…
Doctor: Yes, is she sick?
Will: No! She don’t love me like a lover!!!!
Doctor: Uh…you need a psychiatrist, not me!
Will: Also, I’ve been throwing up strange items!
Doctor: Like what?
Will: Rainbows, Glitter, and Unicorns.
Doctor: I see…so there are two explanations!
Will: Yes?
Doctor: You’re either a homosexual, or you’ve been to a party with Ke$ha!
Will: Oh yeah…last night….forgot ‘bout that, thanks bye!
Will throws up rainbows on the doctor.
Will throws up a unicorn on top of that and burps out some glitter.
He walks away.
The doctor picks up the phone.
Doctor: Excuse me, can you send a janitor up to my office for stomach clean-up.

Episode 6

Emma is in the basement, and Will is lounging on the couch in some red lingerie.
There is a knock at the door.
Will: (womanly voice): I’ll get it! Emma, my love!
Emma: Shut up and get the door! **** cross dresser!
Will opens the door.
Their dad is standing there.
Will screams and kicks him in the face.
Dad: Waa! Ah! What the ****? Will? Why are you in lingerie?
Will: Uhh….I want to be close to Emma…
Dad: You don’t believe in incest do you?
Will: Incest? Pssshht! No! Don’t be silly daddy!
Dad: Oh ok. Can I kill you now?
Will: No.
Dad: Ok then, see you later.
Their dad leaves.
Will slams the door shut.
Will: Phew, that was close!


Publication Date: 05-30-2012

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