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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » The Zombie Infection: Rising From The Grave by Nick Venom (little red riding hood ebook TXT) 📖

Book online «The Zombie Infection: Rising From The Grave by Nick Venom (little red riding hood ebook TXT) 📖». Author Nick Venom

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Rising From The Grave

Two scientists working at Area 51---in an underground lab---worked tirelessly on a cure to a widespread virus plaguing the world. They spent two months working on the cure as the virus claimed more lives per day, increasing the total body count.

James, the main scientist of the virus department, had finished a prototype of the cure. The prototype cure was tested on a single man to ensure its legitimacy. Now confirmed, the only vial of the prototype cure remained locked up in a glass display, secured by multiple locks and security. 

Charlie, a junior scientist working under James, stood in front of the case and gawked at its sight. For some unknown reason, he grabbed a key off a nearby desk and opened the display. He took the vial out of the case and inspected it. The vial’s contents were a small black-like substance that resembled murky water. 

Meanwhile, James had entered the room, his glasses hanging on his shirt. He rubbed his eyes, black bags hiding under them. He then glanced up and noticed Charlie messing with the vial. “Charlie!” He shouted. 

Charlie jerked his hand back, losing his grip on the precious vial. The vial collapsed to the ground and broke into small fragments, leaking the contents all over the ground. “Charlie! What have you done?” James shouted. He went over to Charlie and smacked him, leaving a bruise in its place. “You have doomed us! The test subjects are getting too rowdy to contain. T-This was the only chance we had to save society.”

“I-I’m sorry, y-y-you scared me. I didn’t mean to d-drop it.” Charlie stuttered, frantically waving his arms around. James, frustrated at Charlie’s childish actions, raised his hand again before being interrupted by screams and shouts. The sounds came from outside the room. James turned around and went over to the door’s small window. He peered out through the window and watched as the zombified test subjects were eating the scientists and survivors living in the building. 

“They escaped! Break the window, Charlie!” James shouted. Charlie nodded and grabbed a microscope, slamming it against the window. 

“It’s not working!” He shouted.

“Let me do it,” James said. He walked over to the opposite end of the room and looked out of the small window that could fit one person at a time. He crouched down and took something out of its hostler, wrapped around his ankle. He brandished a revolver, firing off shots aimed at the window. The shots made contact and fractured the window into small pieces. 

James heard the zombies pounding on the door behind him, but ignored it. “Go first, Charlie!” 

Charlie went through the tight window space while being cut by little shards of glass. However, he didn’t mind it. 

Charlie took thirty seconds to get out of the space and escape outside. James followed behind him, but he wasn’t able to make it out completely. The zombies broke down the door and charged at James, grabbing his legs and munching on them. Some of the zombies dragged him back into the building. Charlie heard his screams and attempted to hold onto him, but the zombies had a stronger grip on him. They began tearing into James followed by more screaming. His eyes widened as he lost grip with James and watched as they continued to pull him back.

He was pulled back into the building---within a few seconds---while Charlie sat on the coarse sand outside of the building, hearing the sounds of cracking bones and splitting flesh. Through the small window, Charlie watched as James’ lifeless eyes stared at him, his body in an unnatural position. His mouth quivered as vessels broke and one of his eyes popped out. An animalistic sound was emitted from James’ mouth, a sound Charlie couldn’t recognize. 

“I’m sorry,” He whispered to his dying friend before scattering off, leaving everybody in the building to accept their fates. Mothers were being torn apart with their daughters while scientists and sleeping survivors awoke to see their friends eviscerated. People were chomped on and devoured by the zombies, raising the number of dead roaming the Earth.


“ COVID-19 has induced another symptom that affects all ages. Those that have died due to this disease are waking up. These people have, in turn, began biting people and infecting them, effectively leading to a new pandemic amidst our current one.” The reporter stated. “These zombie-like people have been quarantined, but they were overwhelming in strength and power compared to a normal healthy adult.” The sounds of zombies attacking the camera crew took away the focus from the story. The reporter got up and shouted “get them out of here!” to the security. Unfortunately, his shouts were ignored by the mindless zombies as they overpowered the camera crew and security, reaching the reporter. The camera feed cut off, changing to a static image, as the sounds of screams and cries roared out.

A pair of parents who lived together, due to declining wages and the increase of rent, scrambled to pack their bags. Their kids---Nick and Eric, both sixteen-year-olds---watched as their parents packed their stuff in a hurry. They helped by gathering the supplies from the closet and packing them into whatever bags they could find. Both sets of parents went outside to pack their cars with their supplies while their kids stayed in the house to search for the last of the supplies.

While outside, Eric’s father noticed a familiar person. “Wait isn’t that Ms. Kennson?” 

“Honey, don’t approach her!” screamed Eric's mother. Unfortunately, Eric’s father didn’t heed his wife’s advice, going up to talk to a zombified Ms. Kennson. Her body looked extremely pale and she had trouble with her breathing. She held her head down, not looking at anybody. She was distant, to say the least.

Even so, he went over to her before she looked up at him. Her face has cracks everywhere and blood poured out of her eyes, trickling down her face. She roared before grabbing hold of Eric’s father and biting into his arm. He let out a loud blood-curdling scream as she chewed on his arm.

His wife and Nick’s father went over to assist him. Nick’s mother stood by the cars and watched as the chaos ensued. Amidst the chaos, she didn’t notice a zombie sneaking up behind her. It grabbed her mouth and dragged her down to the ground, as a kidnapper would do. It bit into her and tore her shoulder off. Her screams attracted Nick’s father, who ran over to his wife. Unfortunately, she was killed by the zombie with haste. He then turned around and noticed that both of Eric’s parents were being eaten by Ms. Kennson. 

He looked over at his house and noticed both Nick and Eric staring at him from the upstairs window. He held out four fingers. Then two. Zombies sprouted out of the ground and slowly encased him. He then held out a one then a nine. Meanwhile. Nick was shouting at the top of his lungs. His father shook his head, raising a finger to his lips.

“The gun vault!” He shouted. The zombies reacted violently to his loud voice, overpowering the children’s shouts. They tore his body apart and threw blood in the air like a water fountain. Nick watched in agony and horror as his parents, as well as Eric’s parents, were being torn into by these soulless beasts. 

Eric locked the front door while Nick locked the back. The two teens were in a daze as their adolescent minds tried to wrap their heads around what happened. 

“What do we do?” Eric asked. His green hair was styled in a buzzcut and he wore a thin fleece jacket with a normal tee shirt under it. He wore light blue jeans and light brown Timberland boots. 

“I don’t know! This has never happened before!” Nick shouted. His short black hair was spiked up due to the gel he poured on it. His style resembled a typical anime protagonist. He wore a leather jacket and a blank tee shirt under it. He wore dark blue jeans and matching sneakers.

“He said something about a gun vault. Where is that?”

“Upstairs. In a fake wooden panel above my parents’ bed.” Nick said. Eric nodded, racing up to the bedroom. Nick, on the other hand, raced to a different location.

Eric reached the bed, knocking on the wood above the headboard. He felt that there was a small hollow area behind the piece of wood.

By the time that Eric figured out the vault’s location, Nick had emerged into the room with an ax. He approached the hollow area that Eric discovered and swung the ax at it. The hollow area broke apart, splinters flying everywhere, and revealing the vault. Nick punched in the passcode and yanked the vault door open. Inside were three guns; an AR-15, a Glock 19, and an M4. Nick equipped the M4 while Eric took the AR.

“What do we do now?” Eric asked. 

Nick shrugged his shoulders. He turned around and walked over to the window. “What can we do?” He asked before hearing a gunshot ringing off. He looked behind him at Eric, but he shook his head indicating that the gunshot hadn’t come from him. 

Nick turned back towards the window and peered outside. He noticed a girl, around his age, wearing a ripped black blazer and jeans with holes in them. The girl has a distinct hair color of a bright blood red. She wielded a small handgun, using it to fire shots into the zombies that surrounded her. “We need to save her!” Nick shouted. Eric ran over to the window and noticed the girl.

“We don’t know how to shoot a gun.” He said.

“I have some knowledge about it,” Nick said. He took the M4 off the safety and opened the window and its screen. He pointed the gun’s barrel out of the window and lined his eye to the iron-sight. He steadied the gun and took in deep breaths. Eric watched as Nick slowed his breathing and lined up his shot. Once he was sure of the shot, he pressed the trigger and released it. The bullet whizzed past the barrel and out into reality, making contact with the chest of the closest zombie to the girl. “Damn, I was aiming for the head.” 

The girl looked up at the window and Eric waved at her. “Go downstairs and get the door ready to open,” Nick ordered. Eric nodded and headed downstairs to the front door. The girl fired off more bullets while attracting zombies to her. Nick pressed the trigger five more times, clearing a path for the girl to run through. None of the zombies he hit were dead, but they were immobilized for the time being. 

The girl ran through the path cleared by Nick and made it to the front door. Eric opened the door and allowed the girl inside. Nick took the gun out of the window, closing it before going downstairs. He took a gun strap, equipping the M4 on it. He then went downstairs, noticing the girl pointing the gun at Eric. Eric’s gun laid flat on the floor by her feet0. 

“Why did you help me?” She asked, her movements questionable.

“We were only trying to help you.” 

“In this apocalypse? You’re lying!” 

“He’s not, plus it was his marksman skills that saved you,” Eric remarked. 

“How do you know how to shoot?” She asked.

“I was taught by my father. Even so, my shots aren’t good compared to his.”

She peered around. “Where is he?”

“Outside. With the rest of the dead.” Nick answered coldly. 

She softly nodded, lowering her weapon. “Who else is here?”

“Nobody,” Eric said. “Everybody else is dead. If you don’t believe us, then check out the four bodies outside.” 

“No it’s fine, I believe you.” She extended her hand out to Eric. “My name is Ashley.” He shook her hand and nodded. “So what now?” She

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