I.S.I Files by David Abanulo (best books to read all time .txt) 📖

- Author: David Abanulo
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I.S.I Files:Rogue
By David Abanulo
Illistration by David Abanulo
Main Characters:
Josie,Ruth's Cousin and I.S.I recruit(super power:Can control eletricity and move things with her mind and fly)
Ruth,Josie's Cousin and I.S.I recruit(super power:Can teleport from one location to another ,controls shadows and reach inside someone's darkest fear)
Mr Barcoal,school teacher
Mrs Chatter,head mistress
Alex Frost,head of the I.S.I
The Director A.K.A Maxmillian, creater of the I.S.I
Helex, Alex's son,new recruit's trainer and gadgets master
Daniel,I.S.I recruit(super power:Create anything out of thin air and control machines)
Sarah,I.S.I recruit(supuer power:Shoots powerfull white lazer which causes her enemy to evaporate into thin air,create portals and fly)
Ryan,I.S.I recruit(super power:Can control the four elements,fire water,earth and wind)
Johnny,Ruth's long lost brother andI.S.I recruit(super power:turn invisible and walk through any object.)
Commander Colson,I.S.I Assult team commander
Rogue, Solo space criminal, with a group of followers called the scavengers
1:The Stranger
The stranger had finally arrived in Chrome City, the most wealthiest and safest place ever built. Or so it said on the information leaflet he had been given as he stepped silently off the airbus. His black suit had no crease and was as dark as the glasses he used to conceal his eyes. The stranger had travelled with two security guards who were really working for the I.S.I (Intergalactic Secret Intelligence). When the stranger found out there little secret he was furious.
The security guards vanished a day later on a small fuel supply island called Cape Verde Silva and were found in an underwater cave, as dead as dust, by a diver named Mack. Anyway the stranger walked pass the passport desk and straight to checkpoint one. "Good evening sir, how was your flight? Good I hope" squeaked the desk assistant, with a smile to match. The stranger ignored him. "Would you step through the metal scanner please?" said the desk assistant, who had managed to wipe his smile off his face. The stranger obeyed and stepped through.
"Sir can you please remove all your metal items?"
The stranger once again ignored the desk assistant and ran away.
"Sir, come back here, you can't leave, SIR!!!!"
The desk assistant gave up and sulked. Now it was the security's turn, four muscular men jumped out of no where, blocking the stranger's path.
"In the name of...."
The guard didn't get to finish his sentence, the stranger grabbed him by the neck and threw him towards the desk assistant. The other guards were astonished by the stranger's display of strength. The stranger whacked a sercurity guard with his suitcase, the guard crumpled to the ground. The stranger smirked at the other two guards, who, in seconds, were already outside running for their lives. The desk assistant, who had amazingly managed to get the security guard off his back, stood, his eyes wide. The stranger saluted the desk assistant and strode off.
What nobody knew is that this same man was the man who would become the most respected man in I.S.I.
2:Secret school surveillance
Josie baxster cheered secretly, only four more minutes until the summer holidays officially begin. Just thinking about it made her even more jubilant. "BAXSTER!!"
Josie dragged herself back in to reality, "Yes Mr....um...what is your name again? Sorry I keep forgetting" sniggered Josie, unfortunately Mr barcoal didn't find it funny.
"HEAD MISTRESS, NOW!!!" Miss barcoal screeched. Josie got up from her chair and unwilling lumbered to the head mistress' office.
"Ohhh shame" whispered Ruth, but sadly Mr barcoal heard him.
"You too Ruth"
Ruth trudged out of the classroom.
Detention on the last day of school, totally unfair thought Josie. Then she saw Ruth looking dejected.
"Let me guess," cried Josie "You said shame after I'd gone"
"Yep" answered her cousin
Ruth noticed a piece of paper in front of him, he picked it up meaning to throw it at the head mistress, but at the last moment Josie snatched it off him and opened it up.
Meet me at the train station in hammersmith at 12:00 pm.
Hey this would be a good excuse out of dentention thought Josie
Ruth looked at the letter, "What's that?"
"Our ticket out of here" said josie, her eyes full of mischief.
"Just follow my lead, ok?"
Josie walked towards the head mistress.
"What do you want, go back to your desk!" squeaked Mrs Chatter
"Ummmm our housekeeper want's to meet us"
"Really?" asked Mrs Chatter
"Yes, really"
"Where does your housekeeper want to meet you?"
"At hammersmith station"
"Hmmmmm. Do you have any prove?"
"Yes, our housekeeper gave me a letter"
"May I see it please?"
Josie gave the head mistress the letter she had found and winked at Ruth.
"Ok you may go, but you have to do the rest of your detention tomorrow" head mistress called, but Josie and Ruth were already outside the school gates. What they didn't know was that the person who had written that note had been watching them with a camera for years!
3:Spy or no spy
"So what now?" asked Ruth "We can't go home because school hasn't finished yet and Malice will send us right back"
"Well, why don't we go to the hammersmith train station"
"What?! Why do you want to go there?"
"Because that's what it said on the letter, stupid!"
"Hey! Don't call me stupid!"
"Can we just go?"
Well there goes my weekend of gaming thought Ruth
Josie started walking away before Ruth could answer Why couldn't I have had a normal cousin she thought
"Looks like we're finally here"declared Josie
"Can we go buy some chips after this, I'm starving"moaned Ruth
"Well didn't you buy some on the way?"
"I didn't have any money, did I?"
"Well I don't have any money!"
Ruth mumbled a rude comment under his breath
"What did you say?" asked Josie threateningly
"Uhhh nothing worth knowing" replied Ruth quickly
"That's what I thought"
The train station was full of people rushing around, trying to find a good cafe. Josie checked her watch, 12:00, she wasn't sure what to do, she couldn't just run around asking people if they happened to have sent a letter to 'Westen High School' and it was unlikely that the person would appear right in front of them.
Suddenly a man appeared in front of them "Ruth and Josie I presume?"asked the man
"Yes, that's us. Who are you?" replied Josie
"Oh, where are my manners? My name is Alex frost and I am the head of the I.S.I!"
"The I.S.I? What's the I.S.I?"questioned Ruth
"I'll tell you on the way, right now, we must go"
Alex lead Ruth and John outside of the hammersmith station, where they found a car waiting for them.Alex bundled Josie and Ruth into the car and then they were off.
"Where are we going?"asked Ruth curiously
"I'm afraid that's classifed information"answered Alex, who was suddenly a lot more serious than before.
"Well can you atleast tell us what the I.S.I is?"
"The I.S.I stands for the Intergalactic Secret Intelligence, and we keep the universe safe from all kinds of evil villians!"
"WHAT! You expect me to believe that's true!?"laughed Josie
"Yes, because it is"replied Alex calmly
"Well then, prove it !"challenged Josie
"Alright! If you so say"Alex smirked.
He nodded his head to the driver.
The driver grinned and slammed his foot on the accelerate, Josie and Ruth were thrown back into their seats as the car gradually began to speed up.
"I advice you wear your seat-belts kids, it's going to be a bumpy ride"Alex chuckled
The car picked up speed as they sped round another corner into an alley. Ruth peeked at the speedmeter, 100mph...120mph.....190mph...250mph! The car's engines screeched in protest but the driver just kept on going.
"ARE YOU CRAZY! THE ENGINES ARE BURNING UP! STOP THE CAR!!"Josie shrieked, her face red with fury, but the driver ignored her. Ruth peeked out of the window a few miles ahead was a brick wall. A dead end, he thought, and it looks like we are about to join the club!!
Gradually flames began the pop out of the engine. The brick wall started coming closer by the second, there was no way out.Ruth closed his eyes, he couldn't watch. The car zoomed straight into the brick wall...
Ruth opened his eyes, it was pitch black, he couldn't see anything. Ruth groped for his seat belt, he pushed the released button and felt the belt shoot back up. An immense pain suddenly flooded Ruth head, he touched his forehead, he knew he was bleeding but he didn't how badly.
His vision became clouded then he fainted.
4:I.S.I Headquarters
Ruth woke up, he found himself in a completely different world. Everything pure white the sun shone so vividly, Ruth blinked in the sunlight.
"Oh, finally your awake, I thought you would never come round" said a familiar voice
"Josie, is that you?" murmured Ruth
"Nice to see you too!" smiled Josies
Ruth slowly got up, he swayed on his feet and had to lean against his bed for support, his head still hurt but most of the pain had disappeared.
"Are you ok?"Josie asked,worriedly
"Yeah im fine, just a small headache. What is this place?"
"Your new home" said Alex from the shadows.
"What? How can this be our new home, where exactly is 'this'?"Josie enquired, angrily
"This is the I.S.I headquarters,home to the best agents in the galaxy, but no time for chit-chat it's time for your tour,"
Before they could utter a single word of astonishment, they were whisked out of the room by Alex. They went around the I.S.I building, Alex showing them where everything was and how things worked.
"Now, there are a few people I would like you to meet," Alex gestured towards a door. Ruth and Josie hesitated, then slowly stepped into the room. There were four teenagers sitting in room, three boys and a girl were playing a video game, nobody seemed to notice that Ruth,Josie and Alex had just walked through the door. Josie tutted secretly, she hated being ignored even by people who she didn't know, but Alex heard her.
"I apologize for their ignorance, but when ever they're played that game their minds go out the window," Alex explained "Ahem."
The teenagers continued to playing.
"I said 'Ahem!'"
They instantly put down their game controllers and spun round.
"Hey Alex...who are they?"asked one of the boys, pointing at Ruth and Josie
"Josie, Ruth I'd like you to meet your team members. Ryan,Daniel, Johnny and Sarah, guys meet Josie and Ruth,"introduced Alex "Now I will leave you to get to know each other, training starts at five".
Alex rushed out of the room, closing the door behind him.
"Does he always do that?" Ruth asked
"Yeah, but eventually you get use to it"said Ryan
"So what did Alex mean by 'team members'"
"Well, in the I.S.I there is something called the Ace Team progam, the Ace Team program is was a team used years ago by our parents, but our parents had special powers, like super heroes. The Ace Team was only called when things got really out of hand and back then that was a most of the time.Unfortunately a man who went by the name of Overlord overcame the Ace Team and destroyed them. So in other words we are basically carrying on our parents legacy." explained Daniel
Ruth and Josie were speechless, they stood rooted to the spot.
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