ADVENTURE books online

Reading books adventure Nowadays a big variety of genres are exist. In our electronic library you can choose any book that suits your mood, request and purpose. This website is full of free ebooks. Reading online is very popular and become mainstream. This website can provoke you to be smarter than anyone. You can read between work breaks, in public transport, in cafes over a cup of coffee and cheesecake.
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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Will They Save Me..... by Skye Hudman (inspirational books .TXT) 📖

Book online «Will They Save Me..... by Skye Hudman (inspirational books .TXT) 📖». Author Skye Hudman

Ally Meets The Kill Joys

I was hiding from the B.L.I. and I know there trying to get the secrets out of me. I kept a promise with my mom until I die. Even though mom is dead, I will make sure they don't find out. 

I need to find another hidding spot before they come, oh no.... Help, I screamed even though I knew it was just we and the B.L.I. army. Why I need you. Tears were streaming down my face at this point. Then one of the B.L.I. gave me some type of sleeping gas. I woke up in a room. I was tied up on a table with things stuck to my head. I'm guessing those were for getting close to those secrets.

"Get me out now.!" I screamed at the B.L.I. He just looked at me with that mask on. "Do you know how old I am." He just shoke his head no. "I'm 13, I don't derserve this or worse dieing because this B.L.I. stuff." "Is there any more kids or adults?" He shoke his head yes. "Talk, don't just stare thats so rude." They must of gave me more gas or something because I had a dream that these guys came and saved me. They said my mom sent them before she died, they had a picture of me. I woke up and hearing something in the backround. Then the guys in my dream came, I knew who they are now, there the kill joys, my mom told me about them before we saw each other for the last time. "I'm Party Poison you need to come with us before they shot you to." Said Party Poison. "What do you mean I get shot to?" I said. "Just come on."



We ran to a car with Party Poison and three other guys. :So, you must be Ally, I'm Party Poison, thats Fun Ghoul, thats Kobra Kid and Jet Star." Said Party Poison. "Wait your the guys that were in my dream sent by my mom, right."Yes we are, about your mom." "What, tell me what happend to her." "She got shot trying to get out of the B.L.I. building while saving others with the help of us." Said Fun Ghoul. I put my head in my hands and started to cry. "It's ok Ally, we tried to save her." Said Kobra Kid. "You did?" We got to this group of tents there were five. I'm guessing one for each of us. "Are these tents ours." I said. "Yup." Said Jet Star. "Ok, I'm off to bed then." "That ones yours." Said Fun Ghoul. "Ok, good night." "Good night." They all said. "Good night mom." I mummbled to my self with tears streaming down my face.

Seeing Mom's Grave

I woke up in the morning with a pounding headache. "You want to see your mother's grave." said Party Poison poking his head in the tent. "Yeah, do you have any head medicine by chance." "Yeah, I'll go get some for you." A couple minutes pasts. "Here you go Ally, now lets go." "Ok."  I came up to a grave with my mom's name on it, Heather M. Ridder. I sat next to it and put my head in my hands and started crying. "She was a great person you know Ally." Said Kobra Kid. "I know." I Said whipping the tears off my face. "Bye mom, I'll come visit another time but right now I have to go help the Kill Joys, love you mom." "I'll save the world I promise mom, I promise." "Come on Ally we have to get some sleep for the fifty mile walk to the B.L.I." Said Jet Star.

The Way There

 We headed for the B.L.I. building at midnight on foot this time with our weapons ready and loaded. I was tired. Me and the Kill Joys talked the whole way there. "I have never been in a war before, w..w..what do I do?" I said. "We'll you fight back, make sure your ok and stay with at least one of the team mates." Said Party Poison. "Ok, I can do that." "Lets make a promise if one us gets hurt we all stop and go back." We all agred on that promise. I just remembered the nicklist that has a picture of mom that she gave me the night she got taken away. It's like she knew she was going to be taken away from me. I looked at the nicklist kissed it and started crying. "You ok Ally." Said Fun Ghoul. "Yeah, just the nicklist I have that makes me remember my mom." I said in tears. "Oh, when did you get it from her?" "The day she got taken away!" I started crying harder. I fell on the ground and put my head in my hands and started balling and mummbling the secrets my mom told me not to tell the B.L.I. "Are you sure your ok Ally." Said Fun Ghoul "Just leave me alone!" I yelled at Fun Ghoul."We'll sorry!" "Lets just keep on walking Fun Ghoul." Said Party Poison.

It's been five minutes after they left. I couldn't see them. I screamed for Party Poison, no answer. I just stood there helpless with no adults. I was mad at them for lying to my mother she said when they find me not to keep there eyes off me! "Ally come on, we have to get going!" Yelled Party Poison. "Coming!." I yelled while whipping the tears off. "Sorry I yelled at you Fun Ghoul." "Hey It's ok, I'm the one who mad you angry." Said Fun Ghoul. "No It was just one of my break outs." "Oh, Ok." "Were almost there." Said Party Poison."Get them ready guys." Said Fun Ghoul. "Ok." I said.

Were Here To Save You....

"Shhhh." Whispered Party Poison. "We have to be quiet so we can get past the gards." "Ok, We will, right guys." I said. "Right." Said Jet Star, Kobra Kid and Fun Ghoul. "Ones coming, shh." Said Party Poison. He passes so we make our move. Party Poison shots him in the head. Then we all run in the building. "Duck!" Said Party Poison. So I duck, a bullet went over my head. I felt it zoom past my head. 


Publication Date: 12-18-2014

All Rights Reserved

My best friends Ashley and Fallon and My Chemical Romance Fans.

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