The Adventures Of Mosspaw - The start of my life by QuailyCat (the rosie project .TXT) 📖

- Author: QuailyCat
Book online «The Adventures Of Mosspaw - The start of my life by QuailyCat (the rosie project .TXT) 📖». Author QuailyCat
"Wake up, Mosskit!" I blinked open my eyes to see dawn just entering the nursery.
"What is it, Rainkit?" I asked. I felt angry at my brother for waking me up.
"We're going to be apprentices today!"
I just remembered!
"I can't wait!" I squeled.
"Wh, What?" My other brother, Mudkit, yawned.
"We're going to be apprentices today!" Rainkit repeated.
"I completely forgot!" Mudkit yelped.
"We know." I told him.
"How?" Mudkit was obviously puzzled.
"You always forget things."
"Oh, right." He replied clumsily.
"What is?" Our mother, Spottedhead, questioned.
"Sorry we woke you up, Spottedhead." I told her.
"Well quiet down, before you wake the whole of Thunderclan up!" She joked,"Why don't you go and get some fresh kill. You need to be ready for your big day."
"Okay!" Mudkit said enthusiastically.
I crept outside of the nursery with my brothers. Other cats were begining to stir. I could see our father, Swiftpath, sitting at the fresh kill pile with a squirel clamped in his jaws. I grabbed a large mouse and sat down beside him.
"Are you exited about becoming an apprentice?" He asked.
"Of course!" I told him.
"May all cats old enough to hunt their own prey gather under the highledge for a meeting." Firestar's voice boomed through the stone hollow.
"Oh my Starclan! I am so exited!" Mudkit cried.
I padded forward to the clearing the cats had made. When most of the cats had gathered, Firestar spoke. He padded up to Rainkit and said:
"Rainkit, you have made it obvious that you want to the best warrior possible, and for that, the mentor best for you would be Lionblaze. From this day forth, you shall be known as Rainpaw."
Rainpaw half walked, half ran to where Lionblaze was standing. They touched noses and watched as Mudkit stepped forward.
"Mudkit, your mentor will be Berrynose. You shall now be known as Mudpaw." Mudpaw trotted over to his new mentor and touched noses with him.
I knew that I was next.
"Mosskit, you care for your clan, the mentor best for you would be Jayfeather. You shall no longer be Mosskit, but Mosspaw."
So that was it. I was suposed to be a medicine cat with a grumpy,blind, cat as a mentor. I glanced back at Firestar to check that he didn't say that I was really meant to be a warrior and that Poppyfrost would be my mentor. But he didn't. I eventually realised that almost the whole clan was watching me. I padded over to Jayfeather and regretfully touched noses with him.
Then Rosepaw started calling "Rainpaw, Mudpaw, Mosspaw! Rainpaw, Mudpaw, Mosspaw!" Then her brother, Toadpaw, joined in and then the whole clan did.
The sun was just dissapearing behind the hills and I was watching what was going on in camp.
Rosepaw was chatting with Mudpaw, Rainpaw was practicing a fighting move he had learnt with Toadpaw and Poppyfrost was chomping on a vole the evening patrol had caught.
I decided to go up to her and ask her for advice on me becoming a medicine cat.
"Poppyfrost! Poppyfrost!" I bounded over to where Poppyfrost was sitting.
"What is it, Mosspaw?" Poppyfrost asked.
"I wanted to ask you about me becoming a medicine cat. I wanted to be a warrior and have you as a mentor, but I became a medicine cat and got grumpy Jayfeather as a mentor. What do you think I should do?"
"Mosspaw, my advice is that you give it a go." Poppyfrost told me.
"Mosspaw! There you are! I have been looking for you everywhere! We need to practice the herbs."
"Coming, Jayfeather." I moaned.
It was about a moon since I became an apprentice and already I was sick and tired of learning the herbs, what they looked like, what they were for, what they helped.
"Arent you exited about your first gathering tonight?"
Mudpaw was bounding up to me from where I was sunning myself outside the medicine den.
"Of course." I told him, trying to sound like I was looking forward to the gathering but in vain.
"You don't sound very exited." Mudpaw said.
"Well I am." I snapped.
"Don't snap at your brother!"
Mousefur called from the halfrock where she was sitting with Longtail.
"If you don't have anything to do, why don't you come and change our bedding?" Longtail sympathyised.
"Oh, all right then." I agreed.
"Longtail, tell us a story!"
Mudpaw demanded.
"Ooh, yes!" Bumblepaw came over as well and sat down ready to listen.
Soon all of the apprentices, Rainpaw, Mudpaw, Bumblepaw, Briarpaw, Rosepaw, Toadpaw, Blossompaw and me, were sitting in a huddle around Longtail.
"What do you want me to tell you about?" Longtail asked.
"Tell us about a missing warrior!" Briarpaw requested.
"Please do!" Rainpaw agreed.
"Well, Okay. There was once a young apprentice. His name was Bramblepaw. When he was going to be made a warrior, he had to swear that he would put his clan first and fight at all costs to defend it. However he refused, for his mother was of Shadowclan and he would kill to save her. His mentor, Thornclaw, called him disloyal. Bramblepaw said that he hated the clans. Riverclan, Windclan, Shadowclan, and even Thunderclan. Then his father sent him out to the forest until he came to his sences and agreed to be a warrior. Right before sunset, he agreed to be a warrior. He was named Bramblenose, but he lied. The day after he was named he dissapeared. He had ran away. Some say he would return, but it has been many moons since then, and he still has not come back."
"Wow! That was an amazing story!" Briarpaw exclaimed.
"Yes, it was!" Mudpaw agreed.
"Is Bramblenose really real?" I wondered.
"Yes." Longtail replied calmly.
"He must be really brave!" Birchpaw replied.
I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Swiftpath was padding towards us.
"It's time to go to the gathering." He told us.
"Yay! I am really, really, really exited!" Mudpaw cried.
"Well hurry up, or you won't be able to go." Spottedhead had come over to join the conversation.
As I was about to go and sit next to Thorntail, my half sister from Windclan, a young pale gray cat came over to me.
"I'm Petalpaw! Come and sit with us!" Petalpaw flicked her tail to where the other medicine cats were sitting.
I followed Petalpaw to sit in between her and Jayfeather.
"We have a new apprentice in Shadowclan. Olivepaw." Blackstar said.
"Newleaf has brought many rabbits to Windclans fresh kill pile." Onestar told us.
"Riverclan has an advantage of newleaf as well. One of our apprentices, Petalpaw, has found a supply of catmint." Leapordstar continued.
"We have three new apprentices in Thunderclan. Mosspaw, Rainpaw, and Mudpaw." Firestar reported.
"Is everyone finished?" Onestar asked.
"Yes." Leapordstar told him.
"All done." Blackstar agreed.
"Then this gathering is over." Firestar finished.
"Hey, Mosspaw, come over here!" Rainpaw called to me from where he was standing with my half brother, Icebreath.
" I made up this joke based on a real cat." Icebreath said."Why is your name Mosspaw?"
"Because your only worth moss!" Rainpaw cackled.
"Just leave me alone." I told them.
I was already depressed enough without Icebreath to annoy me. I really, really hated the Windclan warrior, however much we were related.
My eyes snapped open. I was standing in a familiar area, but I knew I had never been there before.
"Okay, now leap at me."
I realised that Lionblaze was standing in front of me, his front paws in the air, his hind legs on the ground.
I leaped at him, knocking him over.
"Good. Now try scraping at me."
I reached out my paws and slashed at his face.
I then realised that those weren't my paws, they were Rainpaw's!
I must be in the training hollow, doing Rainpaw's lesson!
"Well done! You will be a fantastic warrior!" Lionblaze exclaimed.
So this is what it feels like to be a warrior!
I must tell Jayfeather!
This has to be a message saying that I am meant to be a warrior!
"Mosspaw, I need you to go and collect some catmint!"
"What do you mean? Why would I need catmint for training?"
"Your a medicine cat! That's why!"
"Jayfeather?" I asked.
"Who else?" Jayfeather replied.
I remembered that I needed to tell Jayfeather that I had to be a warrior.
"But Jayfeather, I need to tell you something first!"
"Then tell me later." Jayfeather stalled.
"Okay, then." I agreed.
As I was out in the forest looking
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