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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Journey Into Pokémon! by Emily Poe (world of reading .TXT) 📖

Book online «Journey Into Pokémon! by Emily Poe (world of reading .TXT) 📖». Author Emily Poe

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 The following is a fanfiction story created for entertainment purposes.

All characters and settings from the Pokémon franchise are owned by The Pokémon Company International, Game Freak, Nintendo, Genius Sonority, Hudson Soft, and Creatues Inc.

Please support the companies' official releases.


Greetings and welcome. My name is Aspen, but people usually call me the Pokémon Professor.

This world is inhabited by mysterious creatures we call Pokémon. These creatures hold unique powers that they may use when in danger, and each Pokémon's powers are different from others. People may capture them and keep them as pets. Others may use them for battle. I myself study them as a profession, examining different Pokémon to find out more secrets behind their histories.

I guess you have a pretty good grasp on how this world works, so I'll move on to introducing the main characters of the story.

Two kids are about to start their journeys with Pokémon. Their names are Kuruko and Vilia. Kuruko is a bold and brave boy. He lets nothing stand in his way and protects others with all he has. He's a bit serious at times, but most times he's very peppy and enjoyable to be around. Vilia is a girl with lots of charm and optimism. She's much more relaxed than Kuruko, but still has some pep in her step.

Now their journeys are about to begin! We'll take you through the Koranei region as if you were right there in that place and time!


The Beginning

Kuruko opened his eyes and looked to the morning sun. He stepped out of bed and stretched his arms. He got his things and headed out the door without so much as a single word. Vilia busted out of the door in her house and ran up to Kuruko.

"Kuruko! Today is the day we can both get our first Pokémon!" she told him happily. He looked down seriously.

"I know. My choice is already made," he told her. She looked to him, surprised.

"Woah! I wouldn't have thought your mind could be made up that fast! That's great! So who are you picking?" she asked. He chuckled and crossed his arms.

"Tell YOU? Ha! You crack me up sometimes, you know that, Vilia?" he replied. Vilia frowned and her hands balled into fists.

"I was being serious, Kuru! Really! Just tell me which one you're getting already!" she yelled. Kuruko shook his head, grinning.

"You'll find out when we get to the lab," he answered. Vilia crossed her arms and sighed.

"Fine. We'll go, but don't even think of getting my Pokémon! You already know which one I'm getting!" she told him. Kuruko sighed and they made their way to the lab.

When they got there, the doors were closed shut and the dark windows made the large building look old and worn-down. Vilia looked nervously to the doorknob.

"It looks like the place is abandoned," she stuttered, fear escaping her eyes and piercing Kuruko's. Kuruko grabbed the knob and opened the door slowly. The hinges squeaked as the door made its way up to the wall. It hit the wall with a quiet thud that carried across the room.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" Kuruko called out. Nothing answered him, save for the echo of his cries. The two kids walked around the room, searching for a sign of anyone, but they found nothing.

"I think we have the wrong place, Kuruko. Let's go back," Vilia told Kuruko.

Suddenly, they heard a slight scratching sound. The two walked closer and closer until they came face-to-face with an old-looking table. On top of the table was three red-and-white balls.

"Dratini, Riolu, and Aron. All of these are pretty rare Pokemon," Kuruko whispered. Vilia nodded.

"And we both get to keep one for ourselves. I'm picking Dratini!" she repied, grabbing the ball to the left.

"I'm taking Riolu," Kuruko announced, picking up the ball to the right. The two children looked toward the last remaining ball. Vilia looked sadly to Kuruko.

"But that means poor Aron will be all alone! Who's gonna take it?" she asked him.

"That would be me." The door creaked open and a teal-haired boy came in and stood between the two.

"I've never seen you around here before. What's your name? Did the Professor invite you here too?" Kuruko asked. The boy chuckled evilly. Vilia looked spooked. Kuruko frowned.

"Why I'm here is none of you guys' business. I'll just be taking the Pokéball," the boy replied. He took the remaining Pokéball and started to leave. He turned around and grinned, "Oh, and you can call me Reyen."

He left the building as Kuruko stared out at the open door.

"Something's fishy about that guy. I think we should follow him," he told Vilia. Vilia shook her head in disagreement.

"Forget it. Whatever this Reyen boy is after, it has nothing to do with us. Let's wait until he appears again," she argued. Kuruko trembled one of his fists, but released it back into a calm state, nodding to his friend. Vilia put a hand on Kuruko's shoulder and the both of them walked out of the room together.


Ready To Battle

Vilia and Kuruko were just about to leave the town. A tall woman stopped them in their tracks.

"Hold on, you two. Kuruko and Vilia, right? I'm Aspen, the Pokémon Professor. Now that you two have your Pokémon, there's something I must tell you," she told them. Vilia and Kuruko looked confused.

"The Professor?" Kuruko asked.

"Wait. How did you know we found the Pokémon?" Vilia asked. Professor Aspen ignored their questions and went on.

"Vilia's parents contacted me. They told me that you should travel with Kuruko until you plan to come back home," she replied. Vilia frowned.

"My parents? Why won't they just let me travel by myself?" she asked herself. Kuruko looked to her happily.

"Well, I guess it means that we can have our adventures together," he replied. Vilia saw the look on Kuruko's face and smiled.

"Y-Yeah! You're right! Thanks, Kuruko!" she cried out, hugging him close. Kuruko blushed and they both looked back to the Professor.

"So, now that that's out of the way, do you two want to test out those Pokémon's powers?" she asked them. The two kids looked to each other in determination.

"Looks like our first battle is against each other," Kuruko said. Vilia nodded.

"Yep," she agreed.

They faced each other in a grassy field. Dratini and Riolu were out of their Pokéballs, ready for battle. Kuruko took the first turn.

"Riolu! Start the battle off with a Force Palm!" he told Riolu. The blue Pokémon ran towards Dratini, facing out its right paw. The attack hit the dragon-type, then blasted it with an energy beam. Dratini skidded back by Vilia's side, frowning.

"Use Thunder Wave!" Vilia called out. Dratini released a charge of electricity toward Riolu and zapped it. Riolu crouched on the ground, crackling with electricity.

"That Thunder Wave paralyzed Riolu! It may not be able to move, either to dodge or attack!" Professor Aspen told Kuruko. Kuruko looked nervously to his Pokémon.

"Oh man. What should I do? Use Quick Attack!" Riolu started running toward Dratini, leaving a trail of white light behind it. But since Riolu was paralyzed, it was moving slower than normal. This made it easy for Dratini to jump and avoid the attack.

"Dratini! Wrap it up with your body!" Vilia commanded. Dratini dove down from the air and twisted itself around Riolu, placing it in a tight bind. Riolu tried to escape, but Dratini's grip was too strong. Kuruko glanced and saw that one of Riolu's arms was free, giving him a great idea.

"Riolu! Use your free arm to attack!" Riolu nodded and lifted up its arm. It started glowing an orange color. Then it slammed its arm hard, causing Dratini to cry out and release it to the ground. Dratini looked weak, but Vilia wasn't about to give up.

"Dratini! Finish Riolu with Twister!" Dratini started spinning around in the air as if it were caught in a cyclone. A large tornado of wind surrounded it as it sped toward Riolu.

"Endure the blast and give it a quick Force Palm!" Kuruko commanded. Riolu nodded and held its arms close to it as to sheild the attack. The tornado hit Riolu and pushed it back, but didn't knock it out. Riolu quickly ran and put its palm on Dratini, blasting it with another energy beam. The final attack proved too powerful and Dratini slumped into a faint.

"Dratini has fainted! The winner is Riolu!" Professor Aspen announced. Kuruko held out his arms and the happy Pokémon jumped into them with a proud smile on its face. Vilia bent down and picked up Dratini, who gave her a sad look of defeat. Vilia smiled and stroked the weak Pokémon's head.

"It's OK, Dratini. Next time, we'll win for sure," she told it caressingly. Dratini's eyes lit up and it crawled onto her shoulder, wrapping itself onto her arm.

"Tini! Tini!" They all laughed along as Dratini rubbed its face against Vilia's.

The dark figure of a person was watching them from in the shadows. He looked to his Pokémon, covered in black spots with a determined look in its blue eyes. The trainer grinned.

"So, it looks like we'll be seeing a bit more of them around, Aron... Guess we should start planning the ambush," he told the Pokémon. Aron nodded and followed him as he went out of sight.


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