ADVENTURE books online

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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Mt. Ohm - God Slayer by K. van Marshall (romantic love story reading .txt) 📖

Book online «Mt. Ohm - God Slayer by K. van Marshall (romantic love story reading .txt) 📖». Author K. van Marshall

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Knoah began bouncing up and down on the tree trunk, waving his arms wildly.


“Shey Syoooooo. Shey Syooooooo!”, the blur copied Knoah, with an added drunken slur, while still scampering.


Higher up the tree and quick on the uptake, Els and Judor follow suite - screaming and jumping. The large blur stopped its stalk. With the sudden noises bursting from two opposite levels of the tree, it had a choice to make. It did not take long for the camouflaged beast to change targets, quickly it spun and headed for Knoah; he had continued to climb while shouting as loud as his voice would allow. The lyremodo charged down the tree trunk as if it was on flat ground, straight towards its target. With a few metres left, the awkward background blending scales distorted upon the changing surface. The brown yellow patched reptile leapt to the same branch as Knoah - then readied to pounce, Knoah readied himself also. If he could dodge the initial leap everything would work out, or so he hoped. Saeko a few branches below, sat hands clasped praying to the creator of all.


However, as the reptiles short stout, four legs stamped across the branch, its tri-digit claws gripping it firmly - its powerful jagged tail raised high and spiky back scales raised - a blinding flash erupted from the heart of jungle. The purple light blast was so bright, even creatures underground were blinded; for the lyremodo which has very poor vision, the situation had suddenly become extremely advantageous.


Knoah regained sight to witness a gaping mouth, teeth unsheathed and the reptile airborne. Tongue salivating, the monstrous lizard could already taste its supper; as fate would have it, its meal would have to be postponed.


A wind pressure with the strength of a tornado tore through the jungle. The huge flash of purple light, was followed by an earth shattering explosion. The tree lifting shock wave, knocked the Venzecan's and lyremodo from the tree; saving Knoah’s life.  


Reactions like lightning. Knoah had the presence of mind to grab a vine, swinging towards the falling Saeko, and latching onto his ankle. “You ok?”.


“...”, Saeko couldn’t reply, he had just almost died three times in a row and was processing the situation as best he could.


Knoah swung through the air with the scared stiff Saeko, trailing behind. Knoah's tight grips securely held both Saeko and the vine, as the stomach churning ride slowly decelerated. Attached to the tree high above, the robust vine coiled around the trees trunk, until Knoah released his grip, dropping them into a thick yellow leaf filled branch below.


“Where is that lyremodo?”. Knoah looked around for the whereabouts of the man sized reptile.


“Don’t know, where are the others?”, said Saeko, finally able to breath, he rubbed his short tough brown hair in amazement..


However not everyone was able to land as gracefully. Judor ended up flying into a tree; the trunk came off worse in the exchange. Instantly, Judor thrust himself back into the air, using his stocky legs as springs. His target, Els. She seemed to be falling helplessly, and worryingly there was no movement at all. Judor rapidly approached, he was almost in place - sadly for him his heroic act would be in vain.


All of sudden Els span mid-air, turning her body to face the hard ground that waited patiently to violently embrace her. She was nowhere near a tree or anything useful to slow her fall, just stuck dead center of an open space, and out of luck. Nonetheless Els calmly, opened her arms as wide as they could go, and muttered a mantra. After a small blue glow enveloped her, a thin film of air materialized between her arms and hips - the web field caught the air like a kite, gifting her the ability to glide.


“Wow, Els the flying rodent”, said Knoah, turning to the gobsmacked Saeko. “Khaaa, I will save that joke for later”.


Regardless of Knoah’s useless joke, Saeko thought Els moved more like an elegant, eight winged dartfly. She gracefully, flowed through the air, fluttering in the subtle air currents of the humid and sticky jungle air; banking hard towards a nearby tree, she softly latches hold with a solid grasp.




A second later, Judor crashed into the same tree, just below her. Again Saeko’s jaw dropped, the crash landing made such an impact that Els joined him in the cosy crater; Saeko had witnessed many amazing feats from the threr ‘future genes’ during their Urha.


“What was that?!”, yelled Els, waving at Knoah; nestled next to an unbelievably alert Judor.


Knoah shrugged his shoulders. “Don't know. A blast? - a huge one!”.


After the blast, soul churning sounds of warfare penetrated the thick jungle. The young Venzecan’s paused listening to the disheartening disturbance in the distance. The ominous sounds, drove an increasing nervousness into the pits of their stomachs.


“What, is that?”, whispered Saeko.


“Nothing good”, replied Knoah. That beef is coming from Lonston, we’re not far. Sabo stay safe, I’m coming, thought Knoah. “Are the others okay?!".


“I lost track of them... They feel... It might be bad”, said Els, the concern clear in her voice.


“Th - they won’t last long”, said Saeko, solemnly.


“What do we do?”, asked Judor.


“We look for them, obviously”, replied Knoah.


“We need to get back”, said Judor.


“We are obviously under attack, and”, Els stopped, not wanting to say the cruel truth.


“I know, but we can’t just leave them to the wild. If we aren’t quick we all might die”, said Knoah.


“I know!”, shouted Els.


Knoah sighed, “Let’s do this! Whatever is going on sounds bonkers. I’m warning you now Sae, the beasts are gonna be a problem”. Knoah knew one thing, the jungle floor was a terrible place at the best of times - if they could not find the others before complete darkness fell, they would be in for the fight of their lives.


Zenntri and Kalelle had fallen dramatically during the trek; now they hung low in the sky, like a flower wilting in the absence of water. With the darkening sky, came a switch in the atmosphere as the group reached the jungle floor. The ambience went quickly from light and refreshing, to cold and soulless. It was eerily dark as Knoah, Saeko, Els and Judor searched the jungle ground.


Proceeding in a tight formation - a silent hunting style, perfected so not to alert unwanted attention while keeping in close contact with your squad. At the front of the formation lead Els. With her extraordinary omnisense, like a divining rod searching out water, she tuned her spirit to the frequency of the others. Judor stalked Els from no more than a metre away, leaving Knoah at the rear and Saeko sandwiched between them.


“There”, exclaimed Els, pointing into the distance. Her unique insight leading the group to Terick and Ivaerre. Having received minor injuries, they had hidden themselves in some shrubs and awaited rescue.


“These two will slow down the search”, said Knoah, observing the pair. The statement was more about their lack of fighting spirit, then physical condition.


“We can keep up”, said Terick.


“Don’t be stupid”, said Els.


“Ok”, agreed Terick instantly.


Knoah shook his head, Terrick was another example of a willing lap dog. “Judor, you and Saeko take them back”.


“What! No. Don’t tell me what to do, fool”, exclaimed Judor.


“No time to argue, go quickly. Bihei and Gulla should be fine, but their kirah is weak”, said Els. Although close, Els impressive omnisense was yet to lock on to their exact location.


“Look, Jud. I know the jungle better”, said Knoah, throwing an arm over the shoulder of Judor. “Els and I will be able to search more quickly like this”, he added smugly. Provoking Judor was a hobby, any time the slightest motion of boredom crept up on him he’d tease Judor - his reaction would usually be enough to lift his mood. With the constant howls of battle raging in the distance; he needed some uplifting.


Reaching up and flinging Knoah’s arm from Judor, Els took him gently to one side. “We are not far from Lonston, go find a canopy path. We will catch up, soon. You know we will be faster without the injured”, pleaded Els.


“Ok, but I will be waiting at the entrance for you”. Judor finally buckled and the group was split once more. Judor and Saeko took the injured pair, and begrudgingly went to find an access tree.  


“Let's go”, whispered Els, taking off into the thick jungle bush.


“We haven’t got long”, said Knoah, following closely behind.


Els picked up her pace, haste now stamping into the ground with her every step - the apprehension of her movements flowed into Knoah, who kicked his speed up a level also; something dangerous was up ahead.


The two bounced through a bush to be confronted with death. The smell was heinous, a vile stench of faeces permeated the damp jungle air and worse.


Bihei lay dead, drained of all his vitality, and the monstrous creature responsible about to finish Gulla. The pair stopped, Knoah horrified - looked at the zombie figure of Bihei - a blue-grey skinned husk, the purple hue drained along with all his blood.  


A girafbeetle, taller than two men stood over Gulla. Two of its six knife like legs pinning her down - acid spilling from its mouth, and pincers gnashing. Slowly it craned its long notched neck back into striking position. Covered in mould green and black stripes, the shadowy environment of the jungle floor was a perfect canvas for its camouflage.


Knoah cut through the jungle floor without hesitation, not stopping to think; it was probably best he didn't. What he is about to face is deadly. Girafbeetles are categorized as alpha predators, this means Knoah should be running away, but adrenaline and the instinct to fight took control; even Roru Zulon’s would not take them on lightly. Something inside Knoah would not leave Gulla to the same fate as Bihei. Just thinking of what must have happened to Bihei, stirred his urge to save her even more; no one should die like that.


Girafbeetles spew acid into their victims - liquidizing their insides, before sucking out the internal smoothie with their straw like mandibles.


“Stop! Its dangerrr”, Els words faded out, Knoah was focused on the coming battle.


Gulla was frozen, pinned between the long front legs of the giant insect. Looking away, she waited in horror as the giant bug prepared for feeding. As if savouring the fear, the girafbeetle slowly began to bring down its mandibles.


Unlike Gulla, who had accepted death, Knoah had not given up. Grabbing a stick from the ground he hurtled it into the back of the beast. The branch splintered into nothing, but, did as intended - stopping the giant insect movements before it could release its finishing blow. Allowing Knoah to close the distance.


ONYXIN; concentrating, Knoah pulled all his strength from within, to the surface. Breathing deeply, and calling on the kirah - forcing his inner energy to his hands - transforming them into pure black onyx fists; imagining their strength greater than the strongest stone.


His foe turned to focus on the meal running towards it. The giant insect raised its head high, gnashing its pincers in a display of power.


A small pebble flew over Knoah's shoulder, crashing into the large glassy, cone shaped, left eye of the beetle. Flinching, the beast swung its thin T shaped head in pain. Els had kept pace with Knoah - throwing a kirah infused rock as a decoy; the mantric spell gave it the force and heaviness of a boulder - continuing she darts towards Gulla’s aid.


With all his might, Knoah flew upwards - jumping high into the air above the Girafbeetle - gravity dulled his momentum stopping him, then dragging him back to the ground at a terrific velocity. Spinning nimbly, he came down - fists first. Streaking through the air, onyx fists activated. The impact of Knoah’s knuckles shatters

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