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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: Ā«Who discovered America?Ā»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online Ā» Adventure Ā» REVIVAL by Nick Venom (the red fox clan txt) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«REVIVAL by Nick Venom (the red fox clan txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Nick Venom

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chapter. These extra chapters will contain random information that ties itself to previous chapters or future ones. This extra chapter will introduce a new series that will take over the chapter slots of five series. With the current remakes of the pre-existing series, five of the chapters will be replaced with a new series that spans five episodes. Chapter Five originally held ā€˜FNAF 2: Terror in Dangerlandā€™, but is being replaced by ā€˜The Mage With Sealed Powers: Episode Oneā€™. The other chapters, being replaced, are: ā€˜The Zombie Infection 4: Connectionsā€™, ā€˜The Weakest Elementā€™, ā€˜The Legend of Two Heroesā€™, and ā€˜The Mage Swordsmanā€™ will be scrapped in exchange for four more episodes of The Mage With Sealed Powers. Chapter Five "The Mage With Sealed Powers S1 E1 - Merlin"

ā€œWelcome to Wrickar!ā€ The king announced. Enix and his classmates looked around wildly, not understanding how they changed settings within a brief moment. ā€œI am King Hiroth! I welcome you all, future heroes!ā€ He declared before standing up from his throne. Everybody in the room bowed their heads to the king, leaving the teenagers out of the loop.

ā€œWhatā€™s happening?ā€ A male classmate asked.

ā€œDid we die!ā€ A female classmate shouted.

ā€œDid we teleport to the past, this has to be a dream!ā€ shouted the third classmate. 

Enix, meanwhile, looked at the beautiful artwork that was painted all over the throne room with amazement. He stared at everything new in the throne room with his dark emerald eyes.

ā€œWere we summoned as heroes?ā€ Enix shouted, his voice filled with delight. He ran his hand through his messy black hair as a nervous tick of his.  

The king looked at him and, for a moment, displayed a nasty glare at him before adjusting his attitude to work with his image. 

ā€œYes, you all have been summoned as heroes! Now, heroes!ā€ The king shouted before motioning for a servant to bring something in. ā€œTo check for your potential, weā€™ll need to scan you.ā€ The servant reappeared, pushing a cart with a transparent orb on top of it. He pushed it to the kingā€™s side, flinching at every movement that the king made. The king dismissed him before glancing over at a man dressed in a black cloak. ā€œDiscard him,ā€ he mouthed to the man. The man nodded and disappeared into the shadows, taking the old servant with him. The king then put on a joyous smile when directing his attention to the heroes. 

ā€œOne by one, place your hand on the orb.ā€ He ordered them. Enix and his three classmates nodded their heads and went up to the orb, forming a single-file line. Enix prepared himself to receive his overpowered skills, hyping himself up while his classmates looked at him strangely. They whispered about him, insulting his actions.

ā€œThat kid is a littleā€¦ off.ā€ remarked one of the male classmates.

ā€œHe seems like such a wimp and a nerd. How much do you want to bet that heā€™s a virgin,ā€ whispered the female classmate. 

ā€œIā€™ll take you on that bet. That kid canā€™t be of any use. Hopefully, he gets a useless skill.ā€ the other male classmate muttered. They laughed and laughed at his excitement, which Enix ignored. He was used to being laughed at.

One by one, Enixā€™s classmates received their overpowered skills, leaving him the last one to the orb. Enix proudly placed his palm on the orb and waited for the good news to arrive. Unfortunately, it didnā€™t, instead, the king shot him a dirty glare as he read off Enixā€™s report. ā€œEnix, male, 5ā€™9, green eyes, black hair, tan skin, zero percent power, and no skills.ā€ The king kept up the fake happy tone as he directed Enixā€™s classmates to follow a priest to be baptized while Enix was ordered to follow the cloaked man.

ā€œIā€™ll take him,ā€ An older man who appeared to be in his late fifties. The man was overly tall, surpassing Enix by over a foot, and had long hair that went down to his chest. His beard surpassed his hair, descending to his stomach before suddenly stopping. The man, who took a step forward to address the king further, was dressed in a purple and gold cloak that covered his chin and below.

ā€œYouā€™ll take him?ā€ The king asked, raising an eyebrow.

ā€œI need some help with my experiments.ā€ The older guy said, winking at the king. The king smirked and nodded, allowing Enix to follow the guy out of the throne room. 

Once outside of the throne room, the guy grabbed Enixā€™s hand and dragged him to his research room where he sat him down in front of an open window. ā€œI donā€™t have much time to tell you this, but your real power and skills are being sealed by me.ā€

ā€œMy power and skills? Didnā€™t the king say that I donā€™t have any?ā€ Enix asked, scratching his head.

ā€œIt was an illusion trick! The king is corrupted and wants to use you and your friends as pawns to further the ongoing war with the demons. Now that he believes that youā€™re useless to his plan, he intended on discarding you!ā€

ā€œSo, Iā€™m not useless?ā€ Enix asked. 

The man nodded his head. ā€œNo, you have an almost infinite source of raw power. Combine that with your world-devastating skills, you could easily defeat the demons and the entire royal family within a second. I couldnā€™t let him find that out or else heā€™ll mark you as a threat and begin a plan to gain your trust before betraying you. 

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m sending you to a town that I owned to begin your training with one of my disciples until you can garner enough control over your power to destroy the royal family and put a stop to this endless cycle of summoning heroes and using them as disposable powers for the kingā€™s profit while their citizens suffer. One of my trusted friends named Zeke owns a cargo plane and will be taking you to the town. Iā€™ll be returning to the town to raise your limiter.ā€ The guy said before raising three fingers and placing them on Enixā€™s forehead. ā€œNow, your limiter has been raised to one percent. You can use up to one percent of your power. Once you have control over that one percent, Iā€™ll increase it but, for now, I have to sneak you onto Zekeā€™s plane and get you to that town.ā€

ā€œWhy are you doing this for me?ā€ Enix asked, his blood boiling at the kingā€™s devastating actions and repulsive.

ā€œBecause you can surpass me one day and bring peace to this blood-soaked world. Now, letā€™s leave.ā€ The guy said before turning towards the door.

ā€œWait, who are you?ā€ 

The guy turned around and looked at Enix. ā€œIā€™m the Royal Court Mage, Merlin.ā€ He said before turning back towards the door and opening it.



Chapter Six "Final Moments IV"

Day Four


    Weā€™re on the third day of building the bunker. Mikael has been working hard on the bunker alongside me. The bunker is nearing its completion in a matter of days, giving us small hope towards a new era. I canā€™t remember why I began this bunker anymore. I canā€™t remember the names of my roommates aside from Emily anymore. I wonder why? Anyways, Emily hasnā€™t been back since she left. Wait? Wasnā€™t she here yesterday? I canā€™t remember anymore.

    Mikael has been changing slightly. I noticed that sheā€™s been talking to herself a lot, but none of the words are ever above a whisper, so I canā€™t hear anything sheā€™s saying. Waitā€¦ I shouldnā€™t be saying anything bad about her! Sheā€™s been a goodā€¦ hard worker for these past three days. I should be giving her an employee of the month award! Woah, Iā€™m f-f-fee-feeling kinda dizzy. Let me take a sip of my coffee real quick. I think Iā€™m sleep deprived at this point. The last time Iā€™ve slept wasā€¦ wasā€¦ Anyways, Iā€™m heading to sleep. Letā€™s hope that this can solve my memory loss problem. Apparently, Iā€™ve been forgetting memories. Mikael tells me that Iā€™ve been forgetting my promises and certain eventsā€¦ but I donā€™t think I did. Well, good night anyways.


Blyke John----2045

Chapter Seven "The Mage With Sealed Powers S1 E2 - Takeoff"

Merlin led Enix to the royal hanger---which held over twenty air fighter jets and five large cargo planes---being very careful to not draw much attention from any of the staff or guards Fortunately, the descriptions of the heroes hadnā€™t been given out so Enix and Merlin were able to swiftly pass by the staff and guards with relative ease. Merlin hoped that nobody would ask about Enix as they made their way towards Zekeā€™s plane, which was a hope answered. 

Merlin brought Enix to one of the large cargo planes where a man---with dirty blond hair wearing aviators and his silver air gear---waited for them. ā€œThis is Zeke, one of my trusted friends,ā€ Merlin said, shaking Zekeā€™s hand.

ā€œYou must be one of those.ā€ He then looked around before motioning him to follow after him. Enix nodded, turning around to face Merlin. 

ā€œGo along with him while I deal with the matters here,ā€ Merlin told him. Enix nodded and turned around, following Zeke into his plane---the word Hellbringer printed in black paint over the side. 

Zeke led Enix to the co-pilot seat and sat him down before going to the pilot seat. He turned on his plane and went through all of the procedures before beginning to move the plane into position. One of the supervisors of the port noticed Zekeā€™s Hellbringer entering the takeoff area---marked by a yellow chalked area that had two attendees clearing planes to leave the hangar and enter the runways. The supervisor waved Zeke down, bringing him to a rolling stop. Zeke opened the passenger door to see the supervisor. 

ā€œWhatā€™s the problem, Holt?ā€ He asked the supervisor, a middle-aged man with balding hair and a chubby figure.

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