ADVENTURE books online

Reading books adventure Nowadays a big variety of genres are exist. In our electronic library you can choose any book that suits your mood, request and purpose. This website is full of free ebooks. Reading online is very popular and become mainstream. This website can provoke you to be smarter than anyone. You can read between work breaks, in public transport, in cafes over a cup of coffee and cheesecake.
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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » A girl always needs a little love by Z. Timol (classic novels for teens txt) 📖

Book online «A girl always needs a little love by Z. Timol (classic novels for teens txt) 📖». Author Z. Timol

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The unfamiliar usual

I woke up the next morning, the sun not seeming bright as it was 2 weeks ago. Thank God that it's holidays because I'm really not in the mood to get up. I closed my eyes and went back to sleep


I was back in the garden, there were flowers and butterflies everywhere, it was so peaceful and relaxing.


''Lizzie come on, we're going to be late'' I turned around to see my little sister Daisy

''Daisy!! You're alive!'' I shouted

''Huh? I don't know what you're saying. Hurry!! It's family picture time!!''


Family? That means....


''Mom? Dad? What are you guys doing here? I thought you were dead!''

''Darling you are talking absolute nonsense'' my dad said

''Ok now I want you all to stand together and say cheese'' the camera guy said, I recognized him, he was the same guy that took our picture at the festival.


We all stood together and shouted cheese.


''Lizzie darling?'' my mom called me

''Yes mom?'' I said

''Remember we will always be by your side, we love you, be strong little girl, mummy loves you''


And then she disappeared 


'' Lizzie honey?''

''Dad! Where did mom go?''

''Don't break yourself, I'm proud of you, you're daddy's girl forever''


Then he disappeared, I saw my sister running towards me.


''Lizzie! I love you very much, you are my hero!''


And she was gone, I could feel the tears running down my cheeks, I looked down at my hands and saw a picture of me and my family in the garden, the one we took just now. I looked up and saw a familiar figure, she was walking towards me calling my name.


''Lizzie! Lizzie!''




''Lizzie! Lizzie!''


I opened my eyes to see my grandma shaking me, I sat up and looked around looking for them, then realized it was just a dream.


''Darling, are you ok?'' she asked

''Yes grandma I'm fine, why?''

''You were smiling and crying in your sleep'' 


I reached up and touched my face, it was wet. I grabbed a tissue and wiped all the tears away.


''It was just a dream grandma'' I said

''You want to tell me about it?'' she asked


I wanted to, but I felt it was like a little secret between me and my family that I needed to keep safe.


''No it's ok grandma, thanks anyway''

''Okay then, when you're done getting dressed come down for lunch''

''Ok'' I reached out and gave her a peck on the cheek, she smiled and walked out.


I didn't realize it was so late already, wow I really slept for long. I got up and sat on the bed staring at the walls around me, my room walls were filled with frames and pictures, I loved to decorate my room otherwise it seems too boring and empty. I've got a picture that says




Whenever I read it for some reason I smile, I have no idea why. I finally got up and went to my bathroom to have a shower, I stopped halfway and looked in the mirror, I stared and then I smiled remembering my dream, there was a real meaning behind that dream and I loved it.


''Thanks, mom and dad, I love you too Daisy, you all are in my heart forever''



A little bit brighter

 Ahhh, the shower, it's so peaceful, I feel free. I don't know why but whenever I need to shower I feel lazy but when I get in I can't come out. After about half an hour I grabbed my towel and came out of the bathroom. I'm not really one of those girls who stand in front of the mirror and dump a lot of chemicals on my skin, I only apply some cream, eyeliner and a bit of gloss. And now the hardest task of my day, choosing what to wear, my closet is practically overflowing but I can never find something to wear.


'' Lizzie darling, breakfast's waiting'' my grandma called from downstairs

''Coming'' I shouted


After a debate between the two parts of my brain, I finally settle down on a lilac flower top with denim jeans. I get my cream and put some gloss, fight with my hair for 10 minutes, I end up putting it in a high pony, and then I'm ready. I run downstairs.


''There you are, I thought you got lost in your closet'' my grandma joked. She was really looking nice, she was wearing a long blue grannish-kind-of dress with white sandals.


''You look really nice grandma'' I said

''Thank You dear and so do you'' she smiled


She placed a plate of waffles with ice cream and flake in front of me with a cup of tea. I dug in immediately, it was delicious, just like my.... moms.


''So Lizzie, I was wondering if you had any plans for today'' she asked 

''No grandma, my life is as boring as a turtle's one'' I said

''Not true, so anyway, I was wondering if you would like to go to the outdoor market today? You know, just to do some shopping''

''I would love that, so what time do we leave?'' I said eating the last of my waffle

''Now'' she said


First I was surprised then I remembered that it was late in the afternoon, and here I am eating waffles.


''Ok, I'll just go get my bag'' I said walking out of the kitchen


I run upstairs, feeling excited for today, I love going out, especially if it's for shopping. I grabbed my small purple bag, threw on a necklace and a bracelet, I took one last look in the mirror, wondering if I looked good.


''You look, beautiful, darling, now go and have fun'' I looked at me in the mirror and there she was, my mom

''MUM?'' I shouted but when I turned around she was gone, god now I'm imagining things

''Lizzie what's wrong?'' my grandma came running in.

''N....n..nothing I just bumped my head on the dressing table draw'' I said

''Well, aren't you clumsy? Come on let's go'' she said walking out.


I turned around once again but there was nobody. This is really bad. I shook my head and went down where my grandma was busy running all over looking for something.


''Grandma what's wrong'' I asked

''Oh Lizzie, I can't seem to find my car keys'' she panicked


I almost burst out laughing.


''Uh grandma? Can I tell you something?'' 

''Yes darling?'' she asked without looking at me

''Your, Uh, car keys are in your hand grandma''


She looked at her hands in shock then burst out laughing, I joined her.


''Oh God, so stupid of me, what would I do without you Lizzie?'' she said still laughing

''Nevermind grandma, it happens to all of us, come on let's go'' I smiled


I took the keys from her and locked up the house then skipped to the car. We jumped in and she started the car. Just as I was putting my seatbelt on I caught sight of something waving at me in the mirror.

It was dad!!! I turned around in my seat and stuck my head out the window but he was gone.


''Are you okay Lizzie?'' my grandma asked

''Yeah, I just thought I saw a lost kitten'' I lied. Again.

''Well our imaginations go crazy sometimes'' she laughed


Yeah, a little too crazy...



Small things mean alot

 We drove for 15 minutes in silence, the market is about 25 minutes away from the house.


''Do you want to switch the radio on Lizzie?'' grandma asked

'Sure'' I replied


I switched it on and a game show came on, I hate game shows, I changed it and the news came on, I saw my grandma's face light up, she loves to listen to the news so I left it. I stared out the window thinking about this past week, it was scary and a lot of unusual things have happened, then my thoughts drifted towards my grandma. It must be very hard for her, but she tries to keep on a brave face, I saw her when my grandpa passed away, she was broken, and for her to lose two people the closest to her, in a space of 3 years, must have been a nightmare. She and grandpa were the perfect couple, they did everything together, I don't think there was a time when they ever separated, not even for a night. My grandpa was a very nice person, he was kind and caring, he always gave without expecting anything back and I think that's why my grandma loved him. They had a very strong bond, and when he died, it was the worst thing that ever happened to my grandma, she cried for days, she wasn't eating, she was trying to kill herself. But then slowly she began to eat, laugh, enjoy. She became stronger than ever after his death, looking at her now, some stranger would think that she was the happiest person, always warm and caring. But I know that there is a very big scar that was left by his departure. And who can blame her?. It's never easy losing the one you love and spent most of your life with, ask me, I know.


''Come on darling, let's do some shopping!!'' she said all excited


Did I mention that grandma loves shopping? She can walk into a shop looking for one thing but come out with a whole shopping cart full of packets. Yup, that's her, but I'm glad it cheers her up.

We got off the car and walked towards the first stall.


''Now Lizzie since we don't need anything important, we can go crazy!! Just pick anything you want and I'll pay for it'' she said

''Thanks, grandma, you're the best'' I said 


We stopped at the stall with different kind of frames hanging everywhere.


''Welcome Welcome, please, come in my wonderful visitors'' I turned around to see a middle age man with a very big smile, he looked like a child in a man's body.


''Wow this is very interesting artwork'' my grandma said looking around

''Thank you, only the

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