ADVENTURE books online

Reading books adventure Nowadays a big variety of genres are exist. In our electronic library you can choose any book that suits your mood, request and purpose. This website is full of free ebooks. Reading online is very popular and become mainstream. This website can provoke you to be smarter than anyone. You can read between work breaks, in public transport, in cafes over a cup of coffee and cheesecake.
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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » A girl always needs a little love by Z. Timol (classic novels for teens txt) 📖

Book online «A girl always needs a little love by Z. Timol (classic novels for teens txt) 📖». Author Z. Timol

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and changed into my pajamas,  I applied some night cream and tied my hair into a bun. I always go to sleep my with my hair up, I wake up with fewer knots and it makes my skin less oily. I packed away all the things that we bought and hung up the frame. I went back downstairs to find grandma sitting on the couch wrapped in a blanket. I went to the kitchen to put the kettle on, I took out the cups, there is this one cup that I love, I always use it, it's my cup and nobody's allowed to use it, it has little hearts on it. I poured the water into the cups with cocoa and went back into the lounge, giving her's to her, I sat down next to her on the couch.


''Thank you dear'' she smiled



We sat there in silence in front of the heater, it was freezing so I took the other blanket and covered myself with it. I remember doing this with my family, my mom would read us a story and we would always sit together and laugh at anything and everything. She and my dad were one of the happiest couples I know, yes, they had fights but they never went to bed angry at each other.


''Grandma? How did mom and dad meet?'' I asked

''Well darling, your parents love story is a very interesting one'' she said

''Well, let's hear it'' I said lying my head down on her lap


She laughed and put her cup down, stroking my hair.


''We and your mother's parents were neighbors but we weren't very close, just meet up once in a while. When I gave birth to your father they were there and when she gave birth to your mother I was there to help her, so casually we became good friends. One day, I think your father was about 7 years, he was playing outside with his ball and your mother happened to be playing with her dolls and Joseph, being the rough boy he was, accidently kicked the ball too hard and it hit Caroline's head, so she went inside crying, your father came in looking very sad so I asked him what's wrong and he told me what happened and in between he started crying, I comforted him, cleaned him up and told him we were going next door to apologize, so I took him there and he apologized and your mother, being the sweet little girl she always was, smiled and gave him a hug. They became best friends since that day. A few years later when your mother's parents passed away in an accident that was caused by a drunk man, she was broken and so fragile, she didn't want to move away from that house so we accepted her into our family, we sold that house and saved the money for her college funds. She had an older sister but she had already gotten married and moved out. She told me that her sister and their parents weren't on very good terms. She married without the blessings of their parents and at a young age, so she had no contact with them at all. Caroline was dear to us, she was always a present pleasure, always smiling and brightening up the mood. I think it was a few weeks before they both went off to college, I found her in her room crying. I calmed her down thinking she was crying because she was missing her parents so I told her that they would be very proud of her and then she told me 'I'm not only crying because I miss them, the real reason I was crying is because your son told me that he loves me'. I was shocked, I mean all these years living with them, I never really saw any romance spark between them. I told her that when my son loves someone, he loves forever, that seemed to make her feel better, we sat up that night laughing and talking about old times. And on their graduation day your father proposed, she said yes and they got married soon after''


''Wow, that is one love story'' I said

''Yes it is, but do you want to know what was the best part of all this to your parents?'' she asked


''The day you were born. I still remember that night your father went to see an old friend that came to visit the town. I was sitting in my room reading, your mother came in crying, telling me to rub her back for her, I asked her what kind of pain it was and she said 'It keeps on coming and going mom, please do something, it's terrible'. I looked at her shocked 'You're in labor you silly child'. She started screaming, I called your father and we took her to the hospital. A few hours later you were born, your parents were so happy, your father was in tears along with your mother. I had never seen such joy before in my life, they had the biggest smile on their faces Lizzie''


I looked at my grandma, she had tears in her eyes. I took a tissue and wipe her eyes then wiped mines, yes I was crying.


''Grandma, why don't you go and sleep, you must be really tired'' I said

''Yes I should go and sleep, you go too darling''

''I will grandma, goodnight'' I kissed her forehead and then she went to her bedroom.


I sat there for a while thinking about my parents, I got up and switched off all the lights and went to my room. I went to the bathroom and jumped into the bed.


My eyes popped open moments later, I silently got up and went to Daisy's room, I lifted up the sheets and my eyes widened, there under the bed was a slow globe, the exact same one I saw at the market, except this one had a small ballerina in the middle of the heart. I took it to my room, shook it and placed it on my dressing table, got back into the bed and snuggled under the sheets.


Thank you, Daisy.

Moving on

 I was in a car moving very fast, I looked around but I was alone and nobody was driving either. I started screaming.


''Why are you screaming?'' said a voice


I turned around to see a man with red hair and a long nose, then realized I was in a room filled with lights. I tried to speak but I couldn't.


''Move on Lizzie, go live your life'' I turned around to see my mom and dad

''But I miss you guys'' I whispered with tears

''We will always be by your side watching out for you'' my dad said

''Yeah and keep my globe safe'' said Daisy appearing from nowhere.


But before I could say anything they disappeared and in their place was that freaky man 


''I found you, darling'' he whispered

''Leave me alone, I hate you!!''

''You can run but you can't hide. I'm coming for you, soon''


I started running as fast as I could but then I suddenly stopped, I was being pulled into a large bowl of black water.




I woke up with a start, Thank god I didn't scream this time. I looked at the time, it was 9 in the morning. I laid back down thinking about the dream, it was scary and I really don't know what he meant by what he said. I got up because I couldn't go back to sleep, I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower, I got in. 

After about an hour I got out, feeling a bit relaxed. I stood in front of the cupboard deciding what to wear, I chose gray pants with a gray and white top with a long back. I made my bed and took out the diary that I got yesterday. I pushed the small button which said 'on'.


''Hi, I'm your new friend. You can talk to me anytime. I won't tell anybody our secrets. Don't forget to give me a name!!'' it said


I laughed and it's friendliness and then thought of a name. Lily. I love that name.


''Hi, I'm Lizzie and I'm naming you Lily'' I said

''I love that name, Thank you. Now tell me your secrets Lizzie'' she said

''Well for one, I'm an orphan and I'm staying with my grandma now. I really miss them. I had a small sister too. They all passed away in an accident on the way from the hospital'' 

''Oh god, that's terrible, I'm so sorry'' it said

''Thanks, I'll speak to you later, I'm gonna go eat breakfast'' I said when I heard grandma in the kitchen

''Ok bye, enjoy!'' it said and I switched it off.


I put it on top of my cupboard and ran downstairs. There's this one picture of me and my family on the day Daisy was born, hanging on the wall.



''Mom? What are we going to name her?'' I asked

''I don't know Lizzie, do you have any ideas for us?'' my mom said


I thought for a moment and then decided.


''I know! We can name her Daisy, I love that name, dad''

''Mmmm, Daisy, yes that's a nice name. What do you think love?'' dad asked mom

''I think it's lovely''


I smiled and climbed on the chair that was next to the bed. I kissed her on her forehead


''I love you, Daisy''




''Good Morning grandma'' I said walking into the kitchen

''Morning darling'' she said


I looked at her, she seemed troubled, like she was hiding something. She gave me an egg and a cup of tea


''Thanks, grandma'' I said

''Welcome sweety'' 


We ate in silence, none of us bothering to start a conversation. I ate and then took the dishes to the sink to wash. Grandma cleared the table and we both went to the lounge. I switched on the TV. There wasn't much to watch, the good shows only start coming on in the evening. I left the news on and turned around to see grandma fiddling with her thumbs.


''Grandma is something wrong?'' I asked 

''Oh nothing dear''

''Come on, you want to tell me something so say it'' 

''Oh ok, you see Lizzie, this house is a bit too big for us two, so I was thinking why don't we go back to Durban. I know it's going to be hard for you moving away from the house you grew up in. But we need to do this.''


Move? I knew that was going to happen someday, but I can't let this house go. I know that it's a bit stupid to have a big house when it's just two of us. But what about school? And my friends?. I didn't want to make it any harder for grandma because I know that she's trying hard to look after me and she herself is getting old, and there isn't anyone else to help. So I decided that I'm gonna be strong and move on just as my parents told me. And it wasn't like I was going to live here forever, sooner or later I was going to leave for college, so maybe this is a chance to get started. I mean I've only got another year to go so it really doesn't make a difference.


''I know grandma, I was expecting this. It's ok, you don't

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