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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » The Seven Great Horses by Mistflower the cat (great novels TXT) 📖

Book online «The Seven Great Horses by Mistflower the cat (great novels TXT) 📖». Author Mistflower the cat

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remember the storm? You don't remember we're supposed to reunite?” asked Aqua. Terrae sighed an shook her head.

“This must be what happened to Tara's mom! The Dark one must've made her forget!” exclaimed Ignis. Terrae looked at her in disbalief.

“Can you girls please tell me the whole story?” begged Terrae. They all nodded and began to talk.


After several minutes of talking, Terrae finally understood that she played an important role.

“And if we miss just one horse, we won't be strong enough to fight her.” continued Aqua.

“That's why we were looking for you.” concluded Ignis. Terrae sighed and nodded.

“That made sense. The man always wanted to buy me, but the boy never let him.”

“So now you remember?” asked Ventus.

“Yes, now I sort of remember.” chuckled Terrae.

“It's getting quite dark...” pointed Aqua.

“Good night everyone!” yawned Ignis as she went to sleep.

“Good night...” replied Ventus. Aqua stood there, looking at the stars.

“What are you looking at?” asked Terrae.

“Don't you ever feel like the stars are telling us something? It's like they are encouraging us to continue and battle the Dark one.” explained Aqua.


“And each star forms a picture that tell a story.”

“Hey look! A shooting star!” cried Terrae. Aqua looked at the flaming hot star. It was bright red and orange.

“There's another one!” A blue shooting star flew by.

“And there!” A white shooting star zoomed past them.

“And there's a green one!” pointed Aqua as a green comet shot the sky.

“Stars are so magical...” sighed Terrae. Suddenly, a purple shooting star came straight at them.

“Watch out!” cried Aqua. The two horses ran for their lives.

“Wake up! A star is coming! Hurry!” shouted the two. The others woke up and started to run. The purple star hit the ground with a huge dark explosion. Purple and black smoke was everywhere.

“Hold your breath and close your eyes!” directed Ignis. Ventus couldn't see. She coughed and screamed.

“Well done dear...” said a dark voice. Out of the smoke was a dark purple horse and black hair. She had bat wings and a horn.

“I am Tenebris. As you may call me, the dark one. I'm here to tell you, if you ever want to reunite, it's too late. I have captured Lumen, horse of light, and now, she worships me. And soon, poor Ventus shall worship me too!” she chuckled. Suddenly, she disappeared into a mist of darkness.

“I can't see!” cried Ventus in pain.

“Poor Ventus! She's going to turn evil!” cried Ignis.

“Ah! It stings!” she shouted. Ventus slowly turned darker. Her skin turned dark blue and her hair turned black. She looked at the others and disappeared.

“Where did she go?!” exclaimed Aqua.

“Where Tenebris is.” sighed Ignis.

“We have to find her!” cried Terrae.

“She won't remember us. There's no way.” argued Ignis.

“Unless she meets the sun light!” jumped Aqua.

“That's right! Tenebris only attacked at night because that's the only time there's no sun!”

“Alright, we'll find her tomorrow. For now, we need rest.” yawned Ignis. Terrae nodded and fell asleep. Aqua stared at the horizon.

“We'll find you...” she whispered. Her sister, was now gone. They've been together forever. Not even the storm could separate them. But now, Tenebris took the relationship. She looked at the others and sighed. Aqua set off to find Ventus.

Chapter 5: Friends

The next morning, Terrae woke up and looked at the sun.

“Aqua?” wondered Terrae. In the sun, she saw a picture of Lumen, the horse of light.

“Help me... Aqua set off to find us. But she fell for Tenebris's trap...” murmured Lumen.

“Lumen? What?” exclaimed Terrae.

“Help us...” faded Lumen as a cloud covered the sun. A drop of rain fell on Terrae. Then another, and another. Then, it started to pour.

“Where's Aqua?” asked Ignis. Terrae stood there, frozen.

“Lumen... Aqua... Find... Ventus... Sisters...” whispered Terrae, trying to believe what just happened.

“What?!” You're telling me, Aqua set off to find Ventus and Lumen?! Tenebris now has three horses! How are we ever supposed to reunite?!” exclaimed Ignis. She started to walk in circles. The rain poured harder and harder.

“We have to find them, or we'll never make it to Moonlight Meadows!” pointed Terrae.

“You're right. The prophecy states that we can't find Moonlight Meadows without the four primary elemental horses.” sighed Ignis. Suddenly, a bright golden star flew past them. It stopped for a moment and waited. The star came back to the horses and flew around them.

"Follow..." it whispered. Terrae and Ignis looked at it with weird looks.

"Should we?" asked Terrae after a long moment of silence. Ignis sighed and nodded. The horses started to follow it.

“Will it lead us to Aqua and the others?” asked Terrae, remembering what Aqua said the night before.

“Maybe...” replied Ignis, "Maybe..."


The star floated in the air till they came upon a cave. The star faded and slowly disappeared. Terrae looked down and saw a puddle of blood.

“You don't think...” said Terrae with her eyes opened widely.

“Don't worry, it's not like they're dead...” stumbled Ignis. The horses started to walk towards the entrance.

"What do you suppose is in there?" asked Terrae a bit nervous.

"There's only one way to find out..." replied Ignis as she started to walk towards the cave entrance. Terrae ran up to her and suddenly, it was pitch black. Ignis made a tiny light with her powers and looked around them. Not too far in front of them were Aqua, Ventus and Lumen, sound asleep.

“It's raining, we can't make them have contact with light, they have an advantage. We'll have to save them tomorrow.” sighed Terrae.

“You're right.” replied Ignis. They started to head outside and the rain calmed down. As a bit of the sun shined, a beautiful ray of colours shined in the sky.

“Maybe we can save them today...” thought Terrae with a smile. Ignis looked at her in a confused way.


“Are you sure this is going to work?” asked Ignis for the fifth time.

“Of course!” exclaimed Terrae. She galloped into the cave. It was pitch black, again. She looked around and saw nothing.

“Hey you! Stop it! Leave!” cried a familiar voice. It was Ventus!

“Hey! If you want me out, then come after me!” exclaimed Terrae. Ventus started charging towards her. Instead of running, she shot out a blast of clouds to confuse Terrae.

"What?!" exclaimed Terrae, not knowing what just happened. Terrae started walking around in circles.

"That'll teach you!" cried Ventus. All of a sudden, a huge wave of water came towards them. Aqua galloped out and charged towards Ventus.

"Are you okay Terrae?" asked Aqua.

"You weren't affected?!" gasped Terrae.

"She wouldn't dare hurt us..." added Lumen from behind. As Ventus laid on the ground, the three of them dragged her towards the exit. They placed her under the rainbow. As soon as the light touched Ventus, she remembered everything.

“What happened?” she asked, blinking and shaking her head.

“We'll explain later...” said Ignis.

“Moonlight Meadows is still far from here, we better start moving.” suggested Ignis. They all nodded and grinned.

“We should find somewhere safe to sleep first,.” suggested Terrae. They all smiled and started to gallop.

“That makes five horses...” sighed Ignis.


The sun shined bright above the horses that looked at the dessert they were about to travel across.

“This is the most driest dessert! If we're ever gonna make it, it'll be impossible!” complained Lumen. Lumen was a yellow horse with golden hair. She was shy, but talked when she wants to. She also loves to complain about things.

“This is the only way to Moonlight Meadows!” argued Aqua.

“I should be with my owner! He's probably worried sick after seeing me get kidnapped by some mega flying bats!” exaggerated Lumen, remembering the evil bats taking her away.

“Will you two knock it off?! We need to find somewhere to stay for the night. We'll leave tomorrow.” concluded Ignis.

“How about the lake? There's one that's not too far from here.” suggested Ventus.

“Lake Loin? That lake smells worse than Ignis's breath after she eats a lump of soggy grass!” insulted Terrae. Ignis looked at Terrae with a surprised look. They laughed and agreed to go stay at Lake Loin.

“Let's fly there to save time...” suggested Ventus. They nodded and started to take off. Aqua started with a run. She galloped faster, and faster and flapped her wings. All of a sudden, she lifted off. After Aqua was Ventus. She followed and flew after Aqua. One by one, the rest mimicked Aqua and Ventus. But there was just one problem. Lumen had no wings. She was a secondary elemental horse. She only had a horn, like a unicorn.

“Don't worry about me, I'll follow you...” cried Lumen. She started to run after them. The sun slowly descended and they were there, Lake Loin.

“We'll rest here.” concluded Ignis. Aqua headed towards the polluted water. She looked down and saw a skull of a horse. She flinched and headed towards the tall grass.

“It feels almost like they are here.” sighed Ventus from behind.

“If only Tara and Luna were actually here. They're probably dead by now.” regretted Aqua. Suddenly, she heard a little rustle in the tall grass. A horn stuck out. It was light blue and resembled to and icicle.

A white light blue unicorn jumped out and charged at them. There was no escape...


It started to charge and stopped right in front of Aqua. It looked at her with wide eyes and stared at her in awe.

“Who are you?” he asked.

“I'm Aqua, there is no need to come charging towards us.” she said with a wise but firm voice.

“Aqua! Let's leave before he makes another move!” whispered Ventus cautiously.

“I'm Glacies.” he introduced. He stood a bit taller than Aqua and looked strong.

“I'm Aqua. You must be a secondary elemental horse!” she said. Glacies blushed and looked at the horizon.

“So, have you found the others?” he asked, breaking the silence.

“Yes, we have. They're right over there.” pointed Aqua. Ignis came up and smiled.

“Only one more horse to go!” she cheered.

“This is Ignis, that's Terrae, that's Lumen and this is Ventus.” introduced Aqua.

“It's nice to meet you, Glacies.” greeted Terrae. They took some time to know each other, after those centuries of not seeing each other.

“I never actually had an owner, I lived in the forest all alone. I never knew we had to reunite till I saw the stars the night before. That's when I started to make my way to this lake.” explained Glacies.

“So you were a wild unicorn ever since the storm?!” exclaimed Ventus.

“Well yes, I guess so.”

“It's getting dark, we'll have to sleep now.” sighed Ignis. They nodded and all fell asleep.


Publication Date: 07-14-2013


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