ADVENTURE books online

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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Space Pirates & the Battle for Power by Amber Riel (iphone ebook reader TXT) 📖

Book online «Space Pirates & the Battle for Power by Amber Riel (iphone ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Amber Riel

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name's Ray, and his name is Paul."
"I know, Riley, but I can't think of anything better to call you."
"She's always called me, Paula Abdul," Paul told Ray. Paul was the youngest on the crew. He was thirteen while everyone else was sixteen or older. "Okay, Riley," he joked.
"My name's Ray," Ray said, mad.
"OH YEA!" Zelda had just remembered that she had forgot to say someone else on the crew. "I forgot, Scotty, go with them. Benjamin, stay here with me."
"Okay," Scott said. "But, captain, I hate it when you call me Scotty."
"Just go."
"Yes, captain."
Everyone, except for Zelda and Ben, left. Zelda walked over to a dock and Ben followed. "Captain," Ben started, "can I ask you something about last night?"
"What about last night?" She turned to face him, smiling.
"Well, remember last night when you, Austin, Jeremy, and me were hanging out, drinking some rum?" he asked.
"Well, after Austin and Jeremy left...."
Jeremy started to walk back over to them.
"Well, you told me that you liked me...."
Zelda's expression changed.
"I mean even before I became your first mate.... This is what you told me. Do you really like me?"
After Ben asked the question, Jeremy had shown up.
"Actually, I...." Zelda was trying to come up with a lie. "Um.... I tell everyone that when I get drunk. So, don't get your hopes up. See, when I get drunk, I don't know what I'm saying...." She walked over to Jeremy. "Heck, I even told Germany that. Right?"
"My name's Jeremy, and what are you talking about?"
Zelda looked at Jeremy to get him to play along. "Remember, when I was so drunk that I told you that I loved you?"
"Oh yea," he said, playing along. Even though it was a lie, he enjoyed it because he was making Ben mad. They were fighting over the girl and right then Jeremy was winning. Although, it was a lie. "I remember that. Then I kissed you."
Ben was starting to get depressed because of what he was hearing. He believed them. The thought that Zelda didn't like him hurt so bad, but he didn't let it show.
Zelda gave Jeremy a funny look. "You never kissed me. You kissed a broom, and that was a couple of days ago, Peter Pan was there too."
Ben started laughing at Jeremy.
"Oh yea," Jeremy said, embarrassed.
Ben was still laughing. "Yea, Peter told me about that. You were daydreaming about a girl that we know too."
"Can we leave now?"
"Yea, let's go," Zelda said, walking away from the deck, followed by the two guys.

Olivia, John, and Drake were talking on the deck of the Black Velvet. The deck of the Black Velvet wasn't any different from the White Rose's deck. "So, Shawn's spying on Captain Zelda and her crew, right?" Drake asked.
"Yes," Olivia said.
"Um.... Captain?" John asked.
"Yes, John."
"How are we going to know what information Shawn's going to get? I mean what if Captain Zelda figures out that he's spying on them and she locks him up?"
Olivia smiled. "She wouldn't figure it out."
"How do you know?"
"Because she's dumb. I know Zelda, because years ago, we worked from her cousin, Ryoko...."
"Isn't that a name from Tenchi's Universe or something?"
"Man, how would you know that? That sounds like something a little girl would watch."
"My cousin would watch it. Now, sorry to interrupt."
"See," Olivia continued, "Ryoko from that show is based off of Ryoko Zelda's cousin. Well, in a battle between our crew and the bounty hunters, Ryoko was killed. That's why Zelda chickens out when it comes to fighting."
Drake started to feel bad for Zelda. "Well, that would explain a lot."
"No, it wouldn't. See Ryoko wasn't killed by a bounty hunter.... Because I killed her. I enjoyed it too."
"That's why she's against you?" John asked.
"I hate the Griffens.... Working for them is like working for a dumb dog. I hate dogs."

Zelda seen Shawn on the White Rose, but didn't recognize him from her crew. She walked over to him. "Hey, you. You're not part of my crew."
Shawn was down on his hands and knees scrubbing the floor. "I don't know what you're talking about, captain...." he said, acting. "Um.... What's your name again?"
"If you were part of my crew, you'd remember my name."
"I have a hard time remembering names, captain."
"Wait a minute. I know you, you're Curly Fries from Olivia's ship."
Shawn stood up. "My name's Shawn."
"I know, but your hair is curly and it reminds me of curly fries."
"Captain, curly fries aren't hairy," Peter said, in the back.
"Benjamin, go shut Peter Pan up, again."
"Yes, captain." Ben walked over to Peter. "Hey, Peter Pan, if you don't shut up, then I'll go and make you and your fairy, Tinker Bell, go to Neverland."
"My last name's not Pan, and her name isn't Tinker Bell, it's Jazmine."
Ben gave Peter a funny look. "Dude, I was just joking."
Peter faked a smile. "I was too." He turned to "Jazmine". "Sorry about that Jazmine."
Ben was still giving Peter a funny look, then finally walked back over to Zelda and Shawn. "What should I do to you?" Zelda asked.
"Set me free."
Zelda started laughing. "Yea, I'll set you free, when pigs fly." She stopped laughing. "Do you think I'm stupid?"
"No. I think that you're pretty...." he said to her. "Yea, pretty dumb," he said to himself.
"Do you think that I can't hear you?"
"Uh-oh," he said to himself.
"Benjamin, Peter Pan, lock him up."
"Yes, captain," they both said, Ben and Peter brought Shawn to a cell. A wolf with beautiful silver and white fur walked over to Zelda. She sat down next to it and started petting him.
"Max," she asked, looking up at the sky, still petting him, "do you think that Ben likes me because I think that he does?" She already knew the answer, and she knew that Max couldn't answer her because he couldn't speak, but she just wanted to know. She wanted to be sure.
Max licked her cheek.
Zelda smiled. "I guess that's an yes, huh, boy?" Karaoke Night & Bar Fights

In a bedroom of the ice palace was a rectangler bed with fancy ice blue blankets. Now, a couple places from the bed was a vanity, which had a gold outline to it, and a chair. A girl with shoulder length, red hair was sitting in the chair, brushing her hair. She was kind of overwieght. Now, like Saphire, her sister, she was an ice princess. Her crown was on top of the vanity, next to her make-up kit. Someone knocked on the door.
"COME IN!" she shouted.
Gregory walked in. "Sorry, to interrupt, Princess Alaska, but yesterday your sister set a space pirate free...."
Alaska placed the brush down, mad. "What?" She turned to face Gregory.
"She made a deal with a space pirate.... I couldn't believe it myself, your highness."
Alaska was really ticked. "What space pirate did she make the deal with, Gregory?" she asked, shaking her head.
"Captain Zelda Samara Griffen."
Alaska was passed mad, she was furious. "HER!" she exclaimed. "She's the dumbest pirate there ever was, and besides everyone knows that pirates, especially space pirates, don't keep their word.... I have to go talk to my sister about this." She was now pacing back and forth.
"Okay, Princess Alaska, but she's not here in the castle...."
"Then where is she?" she asked, turning to Gregory, and stopped pacing.
"I believe that she went to visit the graves of your mother and father."
"Oh. Then, I'll talk to Saphire when she gets back.

Olivia and John were in the captain's office of the Black Velvet, talking. "See, now I need to come up with a plan to kill Zelda," Olivia told John. She was sitting in the chair behind the desk while John was standing in front of the desk.
"How are you going to do that?"
"Good question. Shawn hasn't come back yet." Olivia hadn't really thought through the plan before she had Shawn sneak onto the White Rose.
A boy with kind of short, blonde hair walked into the room, holding some kind of device. "Captain," he said.
"What, Aaron?" she asked.
"Well, I made a tracking device just incase Shawn didn't come back, and well, I know where we can find Captain Zelda and her crew."
"Oh really." Olivia was amazed at Aaron's intelligence. He was the smartest one on the crew. "Where are they?" she asked.
"They're at a Buck Ranch on the Planet Era."
"Oh, good. She's drunk, good time to kill her. John, tell everyone that we're going to Planet Era."
"Yes, captain."
"And, Aaron, good job."
"Thank you, captain."
"Now, the both of you leave."
"Yes, captain," they both said. John and Aaron left the room.
"I'll kill the last Griffen," she said to herself. She laughed, devilishly.

Zelda and her crew were in a Buck Ranch, which looked like an old bar which no one went to but pirates. The place was actually reserved for Zelda and her crew and besides Shawn, who was locked up in a gaint bird cage, was a bartender, who was about in his late forties, early fifthies. He ignored them, unless he was pouring rum for them. He let them get away without paying mostly because they were pirates and instead of giving him money, Zelda would give him five pieces of mints. Scott and Paul had just got some rum from the guy and walked over to Shawn.
Now, Paul and Scott looked like they could have been brothers, but they weren't. They both had long, dark brown hair. Scott was tall and Paul was short but he'd wind up growing in the next few years. "Hey, Scott," Paul said, walking. "We got ourselves a prisoner."
"Yea. He looks like a monkey with a fro in a cage."
Paul laughed. "No, more like someone, who was spying on us."
Scott was also laughing. "Yea, but that's the truth.... We need to make in fun of him."
"Oh. Right."
Shawn grabbed two bars, mad. "You guys are going to pay for this."
"No," Scott said, "not really. Just like you, we're also pirates...."
"Okay," Zelda said, drunk. "This next song is a.... A.... A song for.... Space pirates. It's called.... Um.... Um.... Space.... Pirate's..... Wrong."
"You mean song," Ben corrected.
"Yea.... Song.... I mean now everyone join in."
Everyone from Zelda's crew started singing:

"Sailing through space in a pirate ship
With my sword tied...."

Zelda held up her hands to stop them. She had two bottles of rum, one in each hand. She walked over to Shawn. "You can sing too, and here...." She handed him a bottle. "It's the drink of all pirates, unless you listen to Captain Olivia.... She hates the drink, but she'll never find out. Now, take it."
Shawn took a bottle of rum. "Okay." He took a sip. "That is good."
"Sing with us."
"Now, everyone. From

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