ADVENTURE books online

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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Space Pirates & the Battle for Power by Amber Riel (iphone ebook reader TXT) 📖

Book online «Space Pirates & the Battle for Power by Amber Riel (iphone ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author Amber Riel

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shipmate escaped, but Zelda was probably scared off by Ryan."
"Why is this my fault?"
"Because if you didn't get in her face...."
"And tell her about ya'lls future life together, and ya'lls future kids, maybe we could of captured her and her shipmate before they snuck away," Shawn finished Aaron's sentence.
No one noticed that Olivia and John had arrived.
"You better be glad that the captain wasn't here to hear that," David jumped in.
"Hear what?" Olivia asked, walking into the crowd. She noticed that Zelda and Ben were gone. "And where's Zelda?" she asked.
"She got away," Shawn said, really fast.
"She what?"
"She got away," he said again, really fast.
"Say it again. But slower this time."
"She got away," Shawn said, slower.
Olivia pretended to laugh. "Oh. She got away, huh?" she stepped on Shawn's foot really hard. "How did she get away?"
"Captain." Shawn felt the pain in his foot. "Ow."
"She tricked us," David replied.
Olivia stepped off of Shawn's foot. "She tricked all of you? Oh, my gosh. You guys are morons. You all should know not to believe her."
They all looked down in shame.
"Let's go back to the ship," Olivia said, really ticked off.
They went back to the Black Velvet.

Zelda and Ben were walking around the town when they seen Keaton just standing there like an idiot. Zelda stopped. "Uh-oh." She was nervous. "There's Keaton. He's another bounty hunter." She thought about something. "But he's an idiot. I mean he can see me walking around in this captain's hat and it won't even dawn on him."
"What are you talking about?" Ben asked, confused.
"Watch. I'm going to act like his dead sister, who he thinks is still alive. Come on. Follow my lead."
They walked over to Keaton. Zelda gave Keaton a hug. "Keaton, brother, how have you been?" she asked.
Keaton kind of started tearing up. "Sarah. I've been great. How have you been?"
"I've been fine." Zelda faked a smile.
Keaton looked at Ben, kind of funny. "Who's he?"
They broke out of the hug. Zelda winked at Ben to get him to play along. "Oh. This is my husband, Jack. I tried to get an invation out to you.... To invite you to the wedding, but I didn't know where to send it."
Keaton smiled. "That's okay. I was probably working that day, anyways." He turned to Ben. "Jack, can I talk to you for a minute?" he asked.
Ben looked at Zelda for help. "Yea. I guess. Is that okay with you, Sara?"
Zelda smiled. "Yea."
Ben and Keaton walked over to a corner. "Zel-Sarah's," Ben cought himself before he said something that he was going to regret, "told me so much about you. So you're her older brother, huh?"
"Yep. Now, the reason that I wanted to talk to you, Jack, is because I wasn't at the wedding and I need to tell you something. Okay."
"Okay. What?"
"You were going to say something."
"Oh, yea. If you ever hurt my sister in any way, shape, or form.... Remember I am a bounty hunter and I will kill you...." Keaton smiled as if he didn't say any of that. "Okay, Jack."
Ben was kind of shocked. "Okay."
They walked back over to Zelda.
"Now," Keaton said to Ben, "remember what I told you."
"Well, that was more than a minute," Zelda said.
Romano showed up.
"Now, we have a problem," Zelda told Ben.
Romano was looking at a picture. "What are you doing, Keaton?"
"I'm talking to my sister and her husband."
Romano looked at Zelda. "Your sister looks like," he said to Keaton, showing him the picture, "Zelda."
Keaton looked at the picture. "No," he said to Romano, "she don't."
"Dude, your sister is Zelda."
"No, she's," he said, looking up, "not. They left. That was fast."
"Zelda and her shipmate escaped," Romano stated.
"NO! My sister's name is Sarah, not Zelda."
"That's because Zelda is Sarah."
"She lied about being your sister.... Your sister, Sarah, died not to long ago...." Romano took out a picture. "Here's a picture of your sister."
"Why do you have a picture of my sister?" Keaton asked, confused, but mad.
"Because...." Romano tried to lie. "You gave it to me."
Keaton looked at Romano, mad. He changed his expression. "Okay."
Romano sighed in relief. Scott Knows Nothing About Girls

Zelda and Ben had arrived to the White Rose and walked onto the deck. "Okay, Riley," Zelda told Ray, "I want you to drive the ship."
"Where do you want me to drive the ship, captain?"
"Um...." Zelda had to think. She didn't know what to tell. "I'll tell you later. Okay."
Ray walked way. Scott and Paul walked over to them. Scott was holding a box of video games. "Here you go, captain," he said, handing Zelda the games.
"First of all, Scotty," Zelda said, looking at the games, "we don't have a TV, and second of all, we don't have a video game system."
"We solved that problem," Paul jumped in. "Follow us."
Paul and Scott had Ben and Zelda follow them under the deck to the room for the guys on the ship. They went into the room. Now, this room was the third biggest room on board. The walls of the room had seven beds built in. Three beds on each side wall and one on the wall opposite of the door. There was a small closet, which was on one of the side walls and the TV and video game system which was next to the door. The TV was small and the video game system was a Nintendo 64.
"Well, what do you know?" Zelda asked, looking at the TV and the Nintendo. "We got a TV, and a video game system now. Let me guess you guys robbed E-B Games. Huh?"
"Well, for the video games, yes. But for the TV and game system, no," Scott answered.
"Where'd you steal the TV and game system from?" she asked.
"From some guy's trash," Scott answered.
Zelda looked at him. "You know, Scotty, there's probably a reason why that guy put the TV and the game system in the trash.
"Well, actually. They both work. We already tested both of them. Okay, captain."
"Yea," Paul nodded. "You two can play them if you want."
"Okay," Zelda said.
Paul and Scott went to leave the room.
"Aren't you guys going to play?" Zelda asked, stopping them.
"Actually," Paul replied, lying, "we're going to go hang out with Peter and Austin."
"Yea," Scott agreed. "We're going to tell them about these two hot chicks that we met."
Paul and Scott left the room. Scott closed the door behind him, but him and Paul ease dropped on Zelda and Ben.

Zelda was looking at the video games. "OOH! Super Mario. I love this game." She looked at another game, which caught her eye. "OOH! Zelda and the Quest of Time. I love this game too.... You know my cousin, Ryoko, told me that my parents liked this game as well and this game is where they got my name from.... Can we?"
"Yea. Go ahead."
Zelda placed the game into the system and turned it on.

Scott and Paul were on the other side of the door, listening to what was going on. "So they're playing the game Zelda. Huh?" Scott whispered.
"Yea. That's what it sounds like," Paul agreed, also whispering.
"Oh my gosh. I used to play that game all the time.... I was Young Link going to save Princess Zelda...."
"And now, you're Teenage Scott working for Captain Zelda."
They both laughed.

Zelda was playing the game. "Another reason why I love this game," she stated, "is because you can call the horse with this flute type thing or whatever.... It actually looks kind of like a shelll, anyways, the horse will come to you even if you're far away from her, but that's later on in the game...." She looked at Ben. "Do you want to try?"
"Yea," he said, looking at Zelda.
Zelda smiled and handed the controller to Ben. He took it and started to play.
"Captain," Ben asked, confused, "why did you're parents name you after a guy?"
Zelda laughed. "NO! The princess's name is Zelda, not the boy's. His name is Link."
Ben was embarrassed. "Oh."
"Don't be embarrassed. I thought the same thing, when I first played the game."

"I think that she's flurting with him," Scott whispered.
"No. She'd say something flurty to him," Paul disagreed.
"What are you...." Peter started to ask, confused.
"SSSSH! Captain Zelda and Ben are in there playing video games, and we're listening to what they're talking about, but they don't know." Scott tried to get Peter to be quiet.
"So you guys are...."
"SSSSH! Man, keep it quiet, we don't want them to hear."
"Oh." Peter, finally, started whispering. "Well, what are they talking about?"
"They're talking about the game," Paul whispered with his ear still on the door.

Shawn and Blake were fixing a sail on the deck of the Black Velvet. "I think that Donny's sick," Blake told Shawn.
"Why do you say that?"
"Because when I'm driving the ship, it doesn't feel like there's enough energy to move it.... And the only energy that would be able to move the ship is from Donny, but he hasn't really looked strong enough to do that.... Honestly, I think he's dying. I mean everyday he doesn't move he just lies there and if you notice he hasn't been able to eat. Something's wrong with him."
"You know what? I think you're right. Poor Donny.... Poor captain. He's the only thing that's like family to her.... What's going to happen when he dies?"
"I don't know. I don't know," Blake repeated.
Olivia walked over to the sails. "YOU GUYS ARE DOING PRETTY GOOD!" she called to Blake and Shawn.
"Thank you, captain," Blake said.
"Have any of you seen John?"
"I think that he's in the kitchen with Ryan and David," Shawn answered.
"Okay." She went down to the kitchen.

Before Olivia showed up, Ryan, John, and David were drinking rum. "You know," David said, drunk. "I always wanted to be an animal doctor after watching Doctor Doolittle. I love that movie."
Ryan was also drunk. "I've always wanted to be a chicken.... I remember the first time I seen a chicken was when I was two years old.... Ever since then."
"Okay," David and John said, giving Ryan a funny look.
"That's very interesting, Ryan." David was going to add something else but decided not to. "So, John, I always wanted to be an animal doctor, and Ryan.... Wanted to be a.... Chicken. what did you want to be?"
"A singer."
"A singer, huh? Sing something."
"Okay." John sang "Baby Bottle Pop" the Jonas Brothers' version.
"Okay," David cut him off after the second line. "You can stop now. Isn't that a song off the Jonas Brothers CD?" he asked.
"Okay. Don't sing when you're drunk. Okay, John?"
They heard the kitchen door

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