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Today let's analyze the genre adventure. Genre adventure is a reference book for adults and children. But it serve for adults and children in different purposes. If a boy or girl presents himself as a brave and courageous hero, doing noble deeds, then an adult with pleasure can be a little distracted from their daily worries.

A great interest to the reader is the adventure of a historical nature. For example, question: «Who discovered America?»
Today there are quite interesting descriptions of the adventures of Portuguese sailors, who visited this continent 20 years before Columbus.

It should be noted the different quality of literary works created in the genre of adventure. There is an understandable interest of generations of people in the classic adventure. At the same time, new works, which are created by contemporary authors, make classic works in the adventure genre quite worthy competition.
The close attention of readers to the genre of adventure is explained by the very essence of man, which involves constant movement, striving for something new, struggle and achievement of success. Adventure genre is very excited
Heroes of adventure books are always strong and brave. And we, off course, want to be like them. Unfortunately, book life is very different from real life.But that doesn't stop us from loving books even more.

Read books online » Adventure » Unforgettable Summer Break by Austin Gibson (chrome ebook reader txt) 📖

Book online «Unforgettable Summer Break by Austin Gibson (chrome ebook reader txt) 📖». Author Austin Gibson

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/> I think we just need to relax and enjoy the trip. I will see you later Mangello I’m going to try and get some sleep.
Mom, dad I have something to tell you. I’m in a better mood than I have been in all day. We know son. We could hear you. You guys were getting a little loud. We are very sorry mom. Oh another thing son it’s not your fault for all the bad things. Remember what we said while on the way to the airport. Oh right now I remember dad. That’s the spirit son.
Now you should get some sleep. We have a long day when we get there in about seven and a half hours. Yeah I know. Well I will see you later. See you later then to son.
Well since most of the people I know are going to sleep it would be best to go ahead and write in my journal about this very long day that has occurred. I wish we were already in South America at Rio de Jenero. Dear journal today has been a very long day. I know in my previous entry I said that the rest of this day was going to be long. Guess what? Today was a long day. First we were just about running late as we left our house. We were running late when we got to the airport because we were all talking and not moving. Then after we got through security we were told that the plane was delayed due to fog. My dad got the attendant at the gate to tell the story of how Iguana became her last name. Then I helped my dad from being sad. All in all the delay lasted about two hours. With the fog that was still left around we were five minutes later getting to Atlanta than usual.
We got to gate c4 just as Ms.Salu was closing the door. So as you can see we just made it.
As we were going toward the plane my mom told me that I repeated myself a lot like a broken record. I was upset.
When I got to my seat the captain said we will be delayed for a little bit. More delays. This delay was because they had to load up some baggage from the plane we were on. After his announcement I started yelling. I was yelling about delays and waiting. Saying how I hated them so. My parents were upset at me for saying that because a security officer was going to throw me off the plane. I was lucky they saved me. My friend Justin said he tried to help me, but I didn’t listen to him. After a twenty minute the plane was ready to go.
Justin told me that my parents were right. He said I did sound like a broken record.
The captain came on and said that we will be delayed more than usual because we have to wait a little longer than usual to get into the air. I’m sorry for all the wait, but these things do sometimes happens
I yelled More Waiting! Justin told me to calm down so I don’t get thrown off the plane. I told Justin that I just lost my cool again. I said that this has been going slower than usual because of what I heard about Bryan. Justin said I hope he is okay.
At that time I said look out the window we are finally in the air.
Justin told me that I need to think positive and not negative. He said that to me after I told him that the lord was out to punish me by making this day an unbearable one with all the stuff that has happened. I just hope nothing else wrong happens. After his talk I felt even better.
Well that was a little long, but I think it gets the highlight of the day across very well. Well we still got a lot of time before we arrive in South America.
I wonder what I should do next. I think I will just try and get some sleep. Trying to get some sleep on this plane is not going to be easy for me. Well this just sucks. This is bad because I will not be able to sleep off the remaining time until were in South America. Now what am I going to do? I guess I will just get out my book I brought and read for a little while.

Chapter 4
Arriving In South America
Hey Mangello. Oh hey Justin. I see you are awake. Indeed I am. Did you sleep at all? I tried to sleep, but I just wasn’t able to at all. So I decided to read the book I brought with me.
Are your parents awake? No, but it should be soon because they went to sleep a tad bit after you did.
I see your voice sounds so much calmer than it did before I went to sleep. Well I had a lot of time to spare and started to think about my behavior earlier. I really got to thinking when I was writing in my journal about what happened. It made me really think about what you said. You are so right. How could I have not listen to you? I don’t know, but I’m glad that you’re happy.
Hey I see you guys are up already. Yeah we woke up about five minutes ago. Well Justin woke up five minutes ago. I was just never able to go to sleep after I wrote in my journal so I decided to read the book I brought for a little while. What book did you bring? I brought Flying to Somewhere Special. I read that before. You have sweetie? Sure I have. I love it very much. Do you like it son? Sure I do. If I didn’t like it you wouldn’t be seeing it in my hand right now. Good point.
The plane is about forty minutes from landing in Rio de Jenario or South America! I wish those forty minutes would go by just like that, in a snap of a second. What have I told you about wishing? You never get anywhere by wishing. Mom! I know I’m annoying, but all the stuff I say you need to know no matter how silly. You know your mom is right my friend. I’m just so tired of people telling me to listen to them about all sorts of stuff I may not want to listen to or know about. Will everyone please leave me alone?
Yall are about to make me cry. Do not cry please. We will try and not upset you anymore.
Well this is your captain speaking. I just want to let you know that we got approximately thirty minutes before we land in Rio de Jenario. The reason I’m telling you this is because you need to fill out this card. After you fill out the card you will need to present it to the custom agent along with your passport. I hope you had a good flight. I look forward to maybe one day serving you again. Thanks.
Why do we have to fill out these cards? Well it is because they want proof that we were here. It is basically for their records. Oh I see. Oh and one more thing, make sure that you fill it out correctly. If don’t then you can get into a lot of trouble. I don’t want to see you get into trouble. I got it mom. Let me see what is on this card. I need to fill out my name, address I came from, passport number, and the address of the first place we will go.
Hey mom, do you have the address of the place we will be staying at? I sure do. It is right here on this piece of paper. Thanks mom. You wrote it on the back of the rental paper. I did that because I had to bring that paper, so why not write the address of the hotel on it
So how are you doing on your card over there? I only got to write down my passport number. I will do that after I get my passport out again. Okay you do that. When yall guys are done let me know so I can hold on to your card until you need it again. I will do that mom. I will also do that Mr.Sea. Good. We don’t want to lose this very important card. Without it we won’t be able to get through customs.
If we don’t get through customs we will get in trouble and have to go back home. We don’t want the trip to end when we just got here do we? No we don’t want that to happen. If that happened I would be mad for a long time.
Well here is our card to give you so it can be held on to for safe keeping
Well according to my watch we got about ten minutes before we land in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in South America.
This is your captain speaking again. We are beginning our decent into Rio de Janeiro airport. We will be landing in about eight and a half minutes. The temperature is eighty degrees. The weather here is partly cloudy with a seventy percent chance of rain. Oh man it might be raining. Well what do you expect? Brazil has a lot of jungle and forests. Since there near the equator they get a lot of rain.
Well look at all those planes. Were on the ground. I haven’t notice. I was talking too much with parents to even notice that we have landed on the ground at Rio de Jenario International Airport. This place looks great and that is just the outside. I wonder what it looks like on the inside of the airport. I know this view looks good.
By looking at the gates here, it looks like we will be going to terminal 2. Remember we got to follow the signs very well or otherwise we could delay this trip some more. Delay the trip even more. I can’t let that happen. If that happened I would be bouncing off the wall screaming.
Ladies and gentleman I would like to thank you for flying Delta. I hope you guys have a great time in Rio de Jenario and other parts of this great place. It was nice to be your captain and good luck with your travels.
Man I can’t believe were here. It likes I’m in a dream. It feels like I shouldn’t even be here, but I’m. We could send you right back on home, if that is what you want. No it is not what I want. I was just being sarcastic. Oh I knew that man. I was just playing with you because you were just playing with me.
Let’s just cut this out and grab our stuff so we can get off this plane and start our vacation. Your right. We need to get off this plane. Grab your stuff and let’s go. We don’t want things to happen later because we didn’t hurry. Your mom is right.
Are you ready Justin? I have been ready. I was just waiting on you guys to stop talking and get your stuff so we can get this show on the road. Yeah let’s go. Let’s go get through customs and get our bags so we can begin our adventure.
Oh I have done this one time when I was a young kid. They will want your passport, the card that I have with me and
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