Genre Adventure. Page - 101
A young boy in Aelford town is beginning his Pokémon journey and it turns out that his friend is also beginning hers as well!
This is great in a sense, but this hardheaded boy eventually develops a special feeling for his spunky and upbeat friend. That means that it's going to be hard for him to keep his cool around her, but he'll have to try because they are stuck together in one journey!
Will he confess to her or will they just stay as friends for the time being? Find out in this exciting story as you journey through the Pokémon world!
Captain Frederick Marryat (10 July 1792 – 9 August 1848) was a British Royal Navy officer, novelist, and a contemporary and acquaintance of Charles Dickens, noted today as an early pioneer of the sea story. He is now known particularly for the semi-autobiographical novel Mr Midshipman Easy and his children's novel The Children of the New Forest, and for a widely used system of maritime flag signalling, known as Marryat's Code.