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Chasing Dreams

Chasing Dreams

Once there was a little boy, he had a balloon,

 this balloon is special, it has a ball of sunshine in it,

the boy felt happy looking at the shining balloon while feeling its warmth,

the warmth filled his whole body no matter how cold the day was.

one day, there was a strong wind and the wind blew the blue balloon away,

the boy’s heart sank, he crazily sprinted after it as it flew upwards,

he ran and ran, till night he still ran following the ball of light,

he ran into a forest, through the gnarly branches of bushes full of thorns,

nothing stopped him, a fallen tree, he climbed over it, a little creek, he jumped over it

a big boulder, he went around it, a small cliff, he climbed over it,

he ran all night until sunrise,

there, on top of a tall cliff facing the deep blue,

was the balloon, stuck on an old tree

the cold ,exhausted, scratched, and bruised boy looked at it and smiled broadly

relieved that he would be reunited with his balloon

at that moment, a loud snap rang through the whole forest as the branch broke and time slowed,

The boy watched helplessly as the beautiful, shining, balloon floated up and flew toward the sun

and the smile  faded,

the warmth that once shown through the balloon was overwhelmed by coldness,

he started getting angry at his foolishness of chasing this balloon,

he told himself he would’ve never been able to get the balloon back

and should’ve known it when it was blown away,

he was angry because he never got to pop the balloon and hold the sunshine,

he was afraid of what might happen, if he unleashed the sunshine it might go away

or people would just laugh at him and spit upon it,

it was there, it was his, now, it’s gone

of all the emotions washing over him, he was afraid now more than ever,

he doesn’t know if he would ever get that chance of having his sunshine back and feeling its warmth  

he sat down at the cliff facing the sun with the sea crashing into the cliff at his feet,

he wept and screamed, screamed at the rising sun, cursing for its radiance

but doesn’t allow anyone to touch and feel it on the inside, he cursed at the balloon flying toward the

rising sun for sharing its wonders and leaving him,

he thrashed and wept unendingly until he could do no more and fell asleep

when he awoke, it was night and the was moon resting itself in the sea

the most extraordinary thing happened, he saw balloons,

filled with the same sunshine he had and the same warmness

but of different pulses, of joy and even more unbelievable wonders

and still more and more balloons came until balloons covered the whole night sky,

when he looked into the balloons, he saw people playing, smiling,

some had amazing inventions, some had interests, some had breath taking ideas

the boy whispered in awe, “a day in dreams”

the boy started to laugh and stood up, he twirled and twirled

and reveled in the flow of bright shining balloons that

gracefully drifted everywhere and out into the endless sky

finally, after a while the boy found himself holding a string,

and on the other end of that string was a golden balloon

he smiled warmly at it and turned his back at the endless stream of golden balloons,

and walked into the forest .


Publication Date: 03-17-2014

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