Read books online ยป Art ยป My Art 2014-Random Stuff in My Spare Time by isa Xxxx (read 50 shades of grey .txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซMy Art 2014-Random Stuff in My Spare Time by isa Xxxx (read 50 shades of grey .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author isa Xxxx

What this is about

i have to say recently I have not really been inspired regarding my artwork. I suppose this is mainly because I dont have much time as now I attend college, where's some of the work I had uploaded before was from my GCSE art in years 10/11. I am sorry I haven been putting up much stuff, either stories or books since I haven't had much time but here is my own "spare-time" pieces of art I have done.mlet me know what you think by commenting.





Did you like my work? Thanks for taking the time to look through, more art is on its way.

isa xoxo


Publication Date: 12-23-2014

All Rights Reserved

To my friends on bookrix, family, and my friends off the internet too haha

Free ebook ยซMy Art 2014-Random Stuff in My Spare Time by isa Xxxx (read 50 shades of grey .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป - read online now

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