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Book online «Heinz 57-revised 6-11-16 by Patrick Sean Lee (reading in the dark .txt) 📖». Author Patrick Sean Lee

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armed guards enter. They take positions quickly, raising their shotguns.




          Hit the floor!


          Move! Move! Move!


The guard nearest Rollo stands both frightened and commanding, his shotgun held in a defensive, riot position covering his chest. Myron plows into him, knocking him out of the way. Myron arrives at Rollo's side, a portion of the yard visible beyond his friend.



        (anxiety in his voice, loudly)

          What? What happened?


Just as Rollo opens his mouth to answer, the guard regains his composure and smashes the butt of his gun into the back of Myron's head. Myron collapses.






Myron and Rollo stand in front of Marsten's desk, handcuffed. Myron's head is bandaged and he has a wearied look on his face. Rollo's head is hanging down.



          What in God's name were you thinking, Fleur?


Silence. Marsten is looking at the warden, but his eyes are slightly glazed.



          Okay, this. You are seen slouched over a guard on the floor, and then you attack another guard twenty feet away. The first guard's pistol is missing. It shows up under your mattress. steal the weapon while the guard is out, somehow pass it to one of your friends, and then run off to create a diversion by plowing over the second guard. Tell me differently.



          I stole no weapon. I ran into the second guard trying to get to Rollo. Laverne was in danger.



             (shaking his head)

          These are serious charges...for Christ sake, you only had a week left in here.



          Is he okay? How badly is he hurt?


Rollo raises his head.



          The guard?



          Yes, him too. I was only trying to help him...but Laverne.



          The guard's fine. Budd is in the hospital. He'll be okay, too. A broken leg and some bruises. Nothing serious.



          What happened, Warden? They were beating him! Laverne, of all people!



          (ignoring Rollo's question)

          How'd the gun get in your cell, Myron. That little fuck up, and attacking two guards...I don't buy any of it, but the charges are serious. Two inmates swear they saw you take the gun and throw it to one of your painter friends.



          You know as well as I do, Warden, that whoever those guys are, they're friends of Zippo. He was behind the stealing and planting of the gun. You must know that. I ran over the guard...I'll take my punishment there. That was adrenalin...I wouldn't have hurt him knowingly. But you know me well enough...I'd know how I feel about any kind of weapon, sir.


Marsten sighs. He sits back in his chair imperiously, but with a resigned look about him.



          Heinz. What have you got to say?



          You know the truth of it, Warden. You don't even have to think about it.




          Yeah, I do know.


Marsten bites his lower lip, drums his fingertips on the arms of the chair for a moment, and then taps the intercom.


                    ROSA (V.O.)

          Yes, Mister Dick?



          Rosa, send Jack in.


                    ROSA (V.O.)

          Right away, sir.


A second or two pass, and then the door swings in. Jack enters and walks to the desk.



          Get the cuffs off them. Take them back to their cell. After you have them safely inside, go up to Zippo's cell. Clear all his asshole friends out and lock him in. If anyone says a word, get them into their cells and lock them in.



          Sir, beggin' your pardon, we have lockdown now.




          Then unlockdown! Just make goddam' sure Zippo and his gang are secured. I don't want them in population except to eat...and then under guard.






          What'd I just say?



          Yes, sir.


Jack removes his ring of keys, walks behind Myron and Rollo, and unlocks their cuffs. He waits for them to go to the door. Tucked into the corner next to the bookcase end is a cart laden with paint, covered haphazardly by a paint-splattered canvas. Myron notices it first, and then Rollo. They move on, open the door, and leave.






Three days have elapsed since the riot. Inmates congregate quietly in small groups of two, three, and four on the main floor. Intermittently, curses are heard from Zippo's gang's cells, but not from his. Two additional guards stand in highly visible postures near the first floor corner walls. The door leading from the intake room hall opens. Laverne walks through on crutches, his right leg in a diminutive cast.


                    INMATE (O.S.)

          Hey! Look who's back!


Laverne smiles wanly, and then hobbles along the main aisle toward his cell, several inmates patting him on the back as he makes his way through the gentle gauntlet.


                    ANOTHER INMATE (O.S.)


          Another year?


Myron and Rollo fly out of their cell and dash the twenty feet between themselves and Laverne. He stops briefly, and then enters his cell. Above them, Zippo hangs onto the bars of his cell looking down. From two cells down from his, a prisoner yells.


                    ROLLO FRIEND

          Hey asshole! Too bad they didn't use their clubs on yer mouth! Fag!



           (to gang member)

          Shut the fuck up...all of ya'.


Below, Rollo and Myron arrive at Laverne's cell.

                                                                                                                                        CUT TO




Laverne walks across the narrow space to his bunk, carefully sets the crutches aside against the bed, and then with effort, pushes himself up onto the mattress. He flops down onto his back, the leg in the cast left dangling toward the floor. Rollo and Myron rush to his side and take knees beside him.



          What the heck happened?




          Welcome home little buddy.




          Yeth. For thix more month.




          Looks like we'll be friends for a while longer, then. When Rollo leaves I'll see about getting you transferred down to 57. Tell me you don't least with that terrible lisp.


Laverne bolts upright, wincing as he twists the cast leg.



          Theriothly? Yer thuck here for thix more month?



          Six months, three days.



          Hallelujah! Thath the beth newth I heard thith week! Why?


Myron stands, pulls the desk chair over to the bed, and then sits. Rollo is beaming. Laverne's eyes are wide. He smiles as though he'd just been informed he has won the lottery.






Zippo has a folded slip of paper in his hand, his elbows resting on the cross bars of his cell door.



          Sloog. Hey Sloog. C'mere.


GUARD SLOOG who is nearby on the tier walks to Zippo's cell.



           Yeah, what is it, Gonzalez?



          Would ya' take this ta' Warden Dick...please?


Sloog glances at the paper, then up at Zippo warily.



          No. Orders are to just keep an eye on you.


Sloog turns to walk away.



          Please. It's important.


Sloog stops, turns, and then returns. He looks at Zippo. The look on the inmate's face is imploring, sincere.



          All right. When my shift ends. What is it?



          It's personal. Please d'lver it for me.


Zippo extends his hand holding the note. Sloog eyes him again, and then takes it.



          Yeah, ok.



          I 'preciate it. I won't ferget it. Thanks.


Zippo draws his arms in, turns, and walks toward his bunk. Sloog stares in for a moment, then stuffs the note into his rear trouser pocket and leaves the front of the cell to return to his post.





Marsten is on the phone again, the note from Zippo lying beside his reading glasses on the desk. The late afternoon sun, a golden orange, floods through the window to the left, bathing his desk in a rich velvety patina. He switches the phone from one ear to the other, yawning.



           (suppressing the yawn)

          Not at all, Mayor. It was really minor...

          Well, yeah, but what else could they do but baton his leg?

          Of course he's all right. I'd given the guards orders to crack down on the inmates...just like you said.

          But he wouldn't come down.


Marsten switches the phone again, adjusts his rollered chair, absently picks up Zippo's note.



         That was also very minor. Just the guys reacting to Budd's getting his ass hammered. We locked them down to avoid any trouble.


He begins to read the note again, squinting slightly. Several seconds pass.



          Thank you, Mayor.

          You've got it. I'll personally keep you posted.

          And the same to you. Goodbye.


Marsten returns the phone to the cradle, picks up his glasses and slips them on.


INSERT-THE NOTE, which reads:


Wardin Dick,

You mite not by this and I woodent blame you, but I wood like to say something has come over me and i'm sorry i been a littl hard to handle and the guys what hang arond me a lot.too. I can clam them down becuz they repesct me you know. I wood like to ask your permission to come out of lockdon and maybe prove i'm sinseer to you. you was going to let Floor and them other guys paint there cell and i got to thinking that was maybe agood thing to. i wont cause no trooble and neether will any one else. If youll give me a shot. Thats a promis.

in jesus name, a new imnate,

Antonio Gonzalez




Marsten lays the note back onto the desk, sits back, and brings his fingers to his chin-the elbow perched on the padded arm of the chair. Moments pass and the sun's golden rays peter out. He reaches forward to tap the intercom, but then stops.


                    MARSTEN (V.0.)

          Found Jesus...

          And I found Yoda.

          Sorry Zip.







The door into cellblock 1 opens. Jack and another guard enter, pushing and pulling the cart of paints and supplies taken away a week earlier. Inmates lounging in the common area and on the tiers react with surprise. Clearing the entry, Jack and the other guard move it along toward cell 57. Marsten follows a few feet behind them. The inmates notice Marsten and burst out with cheers. Marsten approaches the cell where Jack has parked the cart. He stops and speaks to Jack.



          Go up to Zippo's cell and check on him.



          Okay, Warden.

                                                                                                                                        CUT TO




Marsten enters the cell to find Rollo and Myron standing near the end of the bed. Rollo is beside himself with glee. Myron merely smiles.



          Good morning, Warden.



          Good God! What's happening?



          Two things. One. It'd better be good, and two. What have you two seen up there?


Marsten points up toward the tird tier.



          He's been quiet as a nun in church, Warden.



          And his boys?



          The same, sir. Almost creepy. No cursing, nothing but quiet.


As they speak, Laverne hobble/dashes in, crutches outstretching his gait.




          What happened?-Whyth the paint here-Warden Dick-wath going on?-Did you chane-th your mind? You gonna' let uth paint?




          Easy. Slow down, Laverne. You'll wind up breaking your mouth as well as your leg. There'll be no casting it, though. We'll have to wire it shut.


Laverne moves forward clumsily and hugs Marsten's leg, and then as quickly backs off.



          'Scuthe me, thir. I'm juth e-thited. Thorry.



          No harm, you fella's get started. If it turns out worth a damn, we'll talk about other inmates' cells.



(hopping up and down on one leg, excited)

          We get to do it! We get to paint!


Marsten nods to Rollo and Myron and then turns and leaves.

                                                                                                                                       CUT TO




Marsten is assaulted by handshakes from the prisoners. He walks toward the exit, returning the handshakes quickly, and then stops and waits for Jack to return. A moment later Jack joins him.






          You're not going to believe this. Zippo and Mercurio...well...they're on their knees beside Zippo's bunk. I think they're...praying.



           Did you talk to Sloog?



          Yes sir. He said they've been at it for a solid three or four days.




          Christ-All-Mighty. Maybe miracles still happen.

                     (to Jack)

          Well, let's get out of here.


Jack pulls the door open for his boss. Marsten steps through, and

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