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Book online «Heinz 57-revised 6-11-16 by Patrick Sean Lee (reading in the dark .txt) 📖». Author Patrick Sean Lee

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Jack follows.


                                                                                                                                    FADE OUT








Rollo, Myron, and Laverne stand with small, low, portable trolleys laden with flesh and ochre jars of paints. A variety of brushes protrude from mason jars. Each has a pallet and brush in hand, with Rollo facing one wall, Laverne another (on a stepladder, balancing forward on his crutches), and Myron the third. In front of them the walls are painted, continuous from right to rear to left, with Picasso's early masterpiece, "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon", as though if the three walls were laid flat, the painting hanging in the MoMA would leap to life. Each artist has completed better than two-thirds of the wall height. The lower sections of the figures, and the scant linen fabric begin to give the crowd gathered at the doorway reason to sit and stand in awe.


                    AN INMATE

       (sitting, gazing at Myron's section)

          I still say it's a baboon.


                    INMATE BESIDE HIM

                  (tilting his head radically)

No, no, no. Never seen a baboon that ugly. It's a devil woman.


                    ANOTHER INMATE

          He sure din't paint tits very good.


                    FIRST INMATE

          Stooge. It's called abstraction. Wait'll they're done with 'em.


Slashing a semi-circle of umber beneath his rendition of Picasso's figure's breast, Laverne rears his head back.



          More Thepia, thomeone!


                                                                                                                                      FADE OUT





Jack and Marsten are alone in the warm glow of the office, Jack seated comfortably in one of the chairs across from his boss. The music of Frederik Delius, The Florida Suite: By the River, is playing softly in the background.



          And so what happens when they finish, sir? You let them paint the whole block?



          Not them. Everyone, under their eyes.



          And when the inmates have finished all the cells?



          All but Zippo's


          Then...who knows? Maybe we build a new wing. A gigantic art studio. Maybe we get worthless criminals in...send Rennaisance Masters out.



          That's crazy...sorry, sir.



          Yes, I suppose it is.

         (looks up, eyes brightly lit)

          Just a dream I have. A crazy dream.


Marsten shakes his head a little; slightly, and then blinks. A jar of hard candy sits next to the picture of beautiful dark-haired Abigail sitting beside him on the lawn, a German Shepherd pup between them lounged across their thighs. Marsten picks up the photo, muses absently.



          King was only a pup...

  (pauses, looks dreamy-eyed at the photo)





Marsten blinks, and then sets the photo back down.



          God, where am I tonight?


He reaches for the jar of candy.



          Want one?


Jack waves the candy off.



          So. What's Saint Zippo up to?



          Same, sir.


          Yeah, on second thought, maybe I will have one of those candies.


Marsten picks the jar up and tilts it toward Jack. Jack rises and grabs two pieces. Nods a thanks.



          Let him out.


Jack hesitates as he backs toward his seat.






          Yeah, let him out.



        (unwrapping a red candy)

          Whatever you say, sir.




          Hey! Who's playing tonight? Lakers and the Mavericks?


                                                                                                                                         FADE OUT





The area outside cell 57 is packed shoulder to shoulder with inmates, murmuring in astonishment. Inside, Rollo and Myron stand on either side of the bunk set in the center of the room, small jars of paint in their hands. Laverne is lying atop doubled-up mattresses near the ceiling. He has the wooden handle of a brush in his teeth. In his right hand he holds a fine artist's brush. In the other a jar of pale blue paint.



          The aqua is much too deep, Laverne. Look at it compared to the blue of the linen below to the right.



          Ith perfect.



          No. In the painting by Picasso the top section is much lighter.



          He wath wrong. Thith blue ith correct.


                                                                                                                                          CUT TO




Zippo descends the stairs, a Gideon Bible in his right hand. Mercurio is several steps behind him. On reaching the main floor Zippo walks toward the crowd gathered outside cell 57. When he arrives, he taps the first inmate on the shoulder. Mercurio, his bible in hand, follows at a discreet distance; three other of Zippo's gang of converts follow Mercurio. The guards come to attention, but do not move.



   (to inmate at rear of gathering)

          Excuse me, friend.


The inmate turns. On seeing Zippo he reacts with surprise and fear and moves aside quickly. Zippo continues on until he has reached the opening where he stops and peers peaceful-looking in. The inmates mumble, begin to close ranks, but make way once again for Mercurio and the others. Mercurio has his bible raised overhead.



          Praise the Lord! Lemme' through, guys! The Lord is good!


Near the opening, Zippo takes a step in.


                                                                                                                                        CUT TO




On hearing Mercurio's words, Rollo and Myron whip their heads around. They see Zippo immediately. Zippo is smiling, holding the bible slightly out in his left hand. Mercurio arrives, enters, and then takes a knee. He bows his head, murmurs. The other two of Zippo's band of saints enter, smiling angelically. They all look up at the ceiling; scan the colorful walls. Laverne continues to work as though he's in another realm.



          Very impressive you guys. Very impressive.


Neither Rollo nor Myron answers. Continuing to look up, one of the converts moves slowly, casually, around the bunk on Rollo's side. Mercurio and the other muscled convert do the same on Myron's.



          Just about done, huh?






          What do you want?



          Jus' came ta' see how you was all doin'.

  (glances quickly at the nudes on the walls)

          I think maybe they needs some clothes. Ain't good ta' have naked women in a cell. Make the men horny, ya' know? God don't like that.



           (more suspiciously)

          God you say. I wonder...


Myron halts. Zippo steps forward to the end of the bunk, takes his bible and taps Laverne on the forehead with it playfully. Laverne returns from his ecstasy.







          Purdy fuc...darn nice, shithead. Uh...sorry, I meant Mister Artist.


Laverne attempts to turn over quickly and spills the paint in his hand.






          Relax, relax. We just come ta' see whatcha'' offer some prayers for ya'.

          (looking over at Myron)

          All of ya'.




          Very nice of you.


Myron glares at Zippo, mistrust apparent on his face. Zippo grins, and then turns, looking about behind him. A dry paint-splattered stool stands in the corner near the front bars. He fetches it, brings it back to the place he was standing, a little closer to Myron this time, and then takes a seat. He tucks the closed bible under his left arm.



          When'd ya' start this? We was locked up tighter'n bull's ass in fly time, ya' know. Last week? Was it last week? Lost track o' time after them guards beat the sh...the heck outta' what's-his-name.




          Three days. The painting isn't overly complex.


Zippo glances around, and then up.



          Nah, guess it ain't. I kinda' like the chicks, 'cept they're all ugly as sin. Why din't ya' pick a better paintin' ta' do? Ya know, one with, chicks that was purdier?



          I picked it, Thippo. Why don't you go away? No one invited you. Juth go away.



      (standing quickly, acting hurt)

          Hey! That ain't how it is, lil' shithead. We was gonna' ask ya' when you was gonna' start on ours.


Zippo whirls in a half-circle, flinging his arms upward. The inmates visible outside the cell take a nervous step backward.



        (with feigned grandeur)

          And the Lord said, blessed is them that looks after their brothers! Them that fergives their brothers, too. That ain't lookin' fer revenge. I ain't.



          Yer cray-thee, Thippo.


                    JACK (O.S.)

          Outta' the way. Move it! Break it up.


Zippo lowers his arms, steps backward toward the bunk, and tucks the bible under his arm again. His two lackeys beside Myron, bibles in hand, cross their arms behind their backs. The other beside Rollo leans his free arm against the painted wall. Jack walks into the doorway where he stops. He looks quickly at the gang and the painters.



          What's going on in here? Zippo?



          Nuthin', Jack. I just came ta' see how the guys was doin' on their...

          (looking around, up)

          Woudja' look at this! Inspired by the Lord. Glory be.


Jack stares at Zippo for a long second and then shifts his weight, looks over at Myron.



          Any problem here, Myron?



          I don't think so, Jack. A little religion, perhaps. Other than problem.



          I don't need no relithon. I don't tru-th Thippo. We didn't invite him.


Zippo whips around and faces Laverne whose face is within a foot of his.




          Ah Laverne! That ain't fair. It's like...

(turning suddenly to face Jack again, rather pleadingly)

          ...I said, we just came to wish 'em well. Maybe tell 'em, too, about some of our experiences. You know...


Zippo raises the hand holding Gideon. He smiles innocently. Jack fixes his gaze on the bible.



          Why don't I believe that? Let me see that bible.


Zippo hesitates, then steps forward and hands Jack the bible. Jack places the spine in his left palm; begins to open the cover. While Jack's eyes are lowered on the book, Zippo knees him in the groin hard. Jack grimaces and stumbles backward, collapsing onto the floor. A jailhouse shiv falls out of the bible. Zippo lurches to grab it. The gang member to Myron's left already has a shiv at his throat. Myron freezes. The same at Rollo. Zippo grabs Jack's pistol and rises, turning to the thug at Myron's side. Laverne is screaming, along with the prisoners outside the cell.



(to Laverne, pointing the weapon at him)

          Shut the fuck up!

              (to the thug)

          Get over there and keep that sonofabitch down.


The gang member races to Jack, who is groaning, and forcefully puts a knee into his chest, the shiv to his throat. Zippo lurches toward Myron, pulling the chamber back to release a bullet into the chamber. He stabs the barrel into Myron's forehead. Myron draws his head back and closes his eyes for an instant, and then reopens them.


          Now you faggot sonofabitch. Say yer fuckin' last prayer.


Zippo pulls the trigger, hate in his eyes. The gun misfires. He reacts angrily, surprised, and tries to eject the bullet again and again.





Several guards arrive and rush in. The first smashes the butt of his shotgun into the thug with his knee on Jack. The next raises his shotgun and shoves the barrel into the back of Zippo's head.


                    SECOND GUARD

          One move and your head is gone. Drop it!


Zippo turns and freezes after raising his hands. The service pistol is still in his right hand.


                    SECOND GUARD

          I said drop it!


Mercurio, beside Myron, steps back, drops his shiv, as does the one threatening Rollo. Zippo begins to lower his hands, the weapon dangling, now, by the trigger ring. He stops when his arms are waist high.



          Ya' pull that trigger, ya' kill the queer nigger, too.


Myron raises his arms and hands to the ceiling. He makes a single fist with both hands, and then slams it down on Zippo's head. Zippo's head and neck appear to compress like a spring, and then he collapses in a heap. The guard trains the shotgun immediately on Mercurio.



          There was no need to kill him...or me. His gun was jammed.

          (he pauses, looks down)

          I think I hurt him.


Myron kneels down and places his hands on Zippo's head. Laverne is lying on his stomach on the mattresses, his hands covering his ears.



              (softly to Zippo)

          I'm sorry.

                                                                                                                                        CUT TO




The block floods with more guards who move in quickly and clear the inmates roughly. The inmates scatter to their cells. The door bangs inward and Marsten enters in a rush.



          Lock them down!


Marsten hurries to the opening of cell 57. He halts at the opening

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