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Book online «DOMINION by Gui Mwamba (bts book recommendations .txt) 📖». Author Gui Mwamba




   "A word comes to Jesus in Revelation 17:5, " And upon her head was the name is written, Mystery, Babylon the Great, and the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth. 

  Jesus' word, "Oh Babylon. Babylon, the great how long will your iniquity come before me? How long will your evil come before my Throne of judgment, glory, and honor?

I sent many of my Prophet before thee, yet you didn't happen to its iniquity is too much before me, and in you, you have killed many of my prophets.

And that innocent blood cried before me day and night. I the Lord Harkon, before you Alistar repent or ask my fiery anger, shall come upon thee, and I shall consume you with my furry anger fire and brimstone.

And thou shall know that I alone I am the Lord," says the Lord God.



Are you coming against me!" I replied before I would be the Princess' Royal Guard.

I was in DOD training when all of a sudden, overhearing the whirling sound of the helicopter, and that's where I knew that my opponents were coming.

    Looking outside of the window, I noticed to be the truth because I saw soldiers were coming towards the training gigantic headquarter in Washington, DC.

I responded once more, "target. Target. Are coming against me. Get yourself ready, agent." 

    Following that, I unleash my revolver after hiding on the inside wall of the headquarter, to prevent the enemies that I was training with from seeing me.

They were waiting for the enemy who was training with them to come in and attack me as their enemy.

   Before I would see the soldiers, overheard the roaring sound of the helicopter. 

I was looking at the corner of the window outside as they were about turn to stare at hiding behind the wall on the right. 

   I ran fast as I could so I might hide at the entrance of the quarter.

And when I saw them coming still hiding behind a wall of the inside of the headquarter waiting for them to come in and charged against me.

   When all of a sudden, the forde word can eat. I grabbed his arm, which was holding the gun on, and I slammed him on the wall of the gigantic headquarter.

I opened fire at the second who was coming towards me and beating a lesson of the enemy I slammed him on the wall and finished him off with a bullet to my revolver.

   After I killed my first opponent, I'll continue walking through the hallway of the headquarter, searching for more enemies to hunt down. "Target is in the South Quarter. 3rd floor." Said the director.

I couldn't see another opponent coming to my left unless he opens fire, which made me backflip and discover myself protecting myself on the wall against the hazardous bullets.

   After that, I open in fire at the opponent who was coming to the left has more kept coming, who I eliminated one by one as I continue working in the third-floor headquarter.

"Target is on the move. Target is on-uh!" He grunted. I threw the bomb which exploded how do I join down the second floor.

   "Target is on the second level." Shouted another. I ignited my revolver for the next enemies.

I couldn't expect the enemy before me at the entrance until he grabbed my hand, which is holding my revolver with and beat a lesson out of me.

   Yet I dodged the rest of his other strikes and smacking him on the wall, and kicking him downstairs while he falls backward. 

I flee towards the outside exit that I may escape the remaining enemies.

   I was looking up until I saw the helicopter flying above me. "Oh, come on. You can't be serious?" I punted.

I was out of breath as I was panting hard because the outside exit was at a further distance.

    "I think we have a vision of the target,"  reminded the director. Still having more revolver in my hands, I turned around, and opened fire at the enemy was about to shoot me.

Engaging in hand-to-hand combat and killed and killing them without holding back.

 I dodged all the bullets from the man in the early helicopter who was firing in my direction.





"Oh, come on. You can't be serious?" I punted.

I was out of breath as I was panting hard because the outside exit was at a further distance.

    "I think we have a vision of the target,"  reminded the director. Still having more revolver in my hands, I turned around, and opened fire at the enemy was about to shoot me.

Engaging in hand-to-hand combat and killed and killing them without holding back.

 I dodged all the bullets from the man in the early helicopter who was firing in my direction. Heading back toward the headquarter entrance and kill more of my enemies who were coming in my way. "All team move, move, move. Don't let the target escaped." Said their captain. I kept shooting at the enemies who waa or coming as they open fire on me.   I held one of them and whammed on the rampage. "Move it! Move it!" they shouted. While Dave Cantin Newark continuing opening fire with the sound of the bullets from their guns. Coming outside weedy appointed opening fire but a backflip to dodged his bullets and I finished him off with the bullets of my revolver.  "Well, well, well. Nice Liams. It seems like you defeated all of us." Said CEO Newt. "Yup, yup, yup Newt. It is game over for all of you," I said. "Ah! Oh, don't be too cocky Liams. You all know that you were lucky! And what's the meaning of you kicking me downstairs? You got a problem with me?" He cracked.  Hey! hey! Raven. Raven!" Shouted Newt. "What Newt? Are you so frightened that I will beat a lesson out of your special newbie here?" Raven grouched. If I were Raven, I wouldn't say that! You all know that Matondo here is the most skillful and very experienced tree need!" Newt chuckled. "Oh, nonsense! Come on, newbie. You and I mono y mono." Revan snickered. "Hmm, let me think. Nope nor can you do Reva because I do not want to break your neck. Would you love that? Sitting on a wheelchair for the rest of your dearest life?" I asked. "Gulp. No-no, come on, Matondo. I was just joking hehe,"  Revan gulped. "Yeah, that's right," I replied.  Revan marched away without even look at me. "Goodman, Raven and see you later. And Matando you must be careful, Raven will cut your throat it next time." Newt snickered. "Ah, nope new t. I believe Revan to be a nice man. He will not dare do such a thing." I replied. Later on


Publication Date: 04-12-2020

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