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Book online «THE ENEMY by Guillaume Mwamba (best short books to read .txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Guillaume Mwamba

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  ‘It happened fast—————-

Could I believe such a man she trusted would do this to her—?  CIA Director Lucien Francine had a call from an unknown woman.“Hello, how may I help you?” Asked Director Francine. “Somebody help me, Director Francine! Some jerk man has kidnapped me—help me!” Screamed the woman. â€œHold on, who are you and what’s your name?” Lucien asked. “My name is Abigail Clark and I am held captive into the hotel of twenty-second and Alvernon,” cried Abigail. â€œAlright, help is in the way because Agent Mvuela is in that hotel just now. Maybe if you screamed for help, he will hear you,” Director Francine replied. When Abigail was about to say something, Director Francine heard some shouting while poor Abigail screams for help. â€œHowdy, Director? Don’t think Abigail needs your help,” said the voice. The phone was switch off with Abigail screaming for help. “Oh, boy Tamiel, that fool. He doesn’t know that Agent Mvuela a deadliest and a skillful Martial Arts combatant genius is there,” Director Francine growled—

“What are you? And what do you want with me? Please let me go!” Cried, Abigail. Frightening and scaring as she cried bitterly for somebody to help her. She was covered with the dark sackcloth on her head. When all of a sudden, she was pushed forcedly on the bed as a heavy being pushed itself on her. “Hey, no-no! Please don’t-please don’t! I beg of you!” She screamed. As she tried to escape but she couldn’t because the man was too heavy to push off her. “I beg of you don’t, no-no! Somebody-somebody please help me!” Screamed Abigail. Nobody was around although the door was wide open with three men of the man who was trying to force himself on her. Two men were guarding the entrance with pointy Blades in their hands. Abigail struggled with her might to pretend the man to not force himself on her and pushes him off her. “Who are you? And why you are trying to do this abominable act?” Abigail asked in tears. “You are asking who I am. Look I love you Abigail, but every time I tell you about my feelings. Y-you always ignored me! Now-now here it is my chance to get it whatever I wanted, ha-ha-ha-ha!” Shrieked the man. Reaping her beautiful navy shirt in half, but when he was about to force on her but couldn’t. “Stop doing that you stupid little girl!” He scolded. “Get off me you jerk!

   And I don’t know you either since I have been covered with this sackcloth on my head. Whosoever you are!” Abigail scolded. “Serious? Do you want to see me that bad?” The man blocked. “Yes, of course, whosoever you are,” Abigail said coolly. A moment late, the man was overflow with joy, has he took off the dark cloth. “Ugh, Diamond? What are you trying to do to me? And is how you described-this how you described your to love me-?” She snarled. “Hold on-hold on, Abigail! I am the one who is supposed to be angry not-!” Diamond roared. “Get off me you! I trusted you with my feelings but I guess I was wrong! Get off me you jerk!” Abigail snapped. “You know can’t do that! So why won’t you be a good girl and accept your fate!” Diamond pushed. Yet Abigail didn’t give up. “Accept my fate? What fate will I accept? By you trying to defiled me? Off me you, Diamond!” Abigail screamed. Diamond couldn’t be of her. Two hours Abigail was tired to pushes Diamond and was about to defile her. Although Abigail was crying and screaming for someone to help her. In a far distance of the hallways, because Agent Francine sent me on the mission to stop Agent Carter. He is the most serial killer from poisoning the hotel’s food. He wanted to poison everyone and commit suicide, but I arrived in the last minutes before he would dare try it.

  Entering the kitchen unknown and open fire on the back of his head. After I have done the mission, I was passing by the hotel’s hallways when I heard the commotions of the girl screaming for help. Henceforth I rushed as quickly as I could to help the crying woman. Arriving at it in time I saw two men guarding both of his sides. I clear my throat when I see a man trying to defile any innocent young woman. “Yes, what do you want? May we help you?” asked the huge muscular bodyguard. “Well—well, what we have here? Two idiots guarding a doofus old man who is trying to force himself on an innocent young lady.” I mocked. â€œWhat you got some nerves calling us names. Are you wishing for you death-a—a—ah!” interfered him. Well because I open fire at him with my revolver, but nothing happened. “What on earth? What are you legion?” I puzzled. “Howdy, Mvuela the Prince of Wahadiwa. “What’s brings you here to our little game?” Amon snickered. “My—my, if it isn’t Amon—Abor—and Tamiel themselves?” I scoffed. Amon chuckled as the hallway's lights began blinking and back to normal as he attacked me with his pointy spiritual weapon.

  Yet I dodged all of his attacks, as I whack him with my elbow on the nose. As he held back dropping his Blade, I pick up and turn it against him. Amon screams in agony. Throwing the Blade at Abor who was coming after me which pierced through his throat. Collapsing to the floor as he squealed in agony and breathe his last. “Goodness-gracious, two down one more to go,” I signed. Tamiel charged anxiously without a second thought as I backflip, picking up the Blade, and watched him pierce himself with his own medicine. “Ga—a—a—a—ah!” He screamed. When I had killed Tamiel, the frightened young woman ran towards me. “Thank you—thank you very much, Agent Mvuela. My name is Abigail Clark,” she thanked. â€œIt’s you Abigail Clark who CIA Director Francine, told me to rescue. My—my, what a coincidence DIA â€ I answered. Both she and I roared in laughter.





'Five years later since I save Miss Clark, this is what is be my next mission with Lucien Francine’s daughter. Her full name Agent Claire Francine who will want me to be her assistant—’ I paused. “Agent Francine?” Interfered the voice. Claire Francine the daughter of the CIA Director turns around towards the voice. “Howdy, Mvuela, I think I need your help?” Said Ms. Francine. “Well, CIA Director, my father has sent me to investigate the threat of the golden mining in the Zambezi. Henceforth, I was hoping since I don’t know their native language—you would—you would help me translate and help investigate. What do you say?” Francine pleaded. “Ugh, Francine, what am I going to do with? And no can do—I am not going to help you. By the way—by what transportation we are going on?” I asked.

“Well, by a ship. Come on, Mvuela, please?” Francine pleaded. “Nah, I cannot go by ship,” I insisted. “Mvuela, you can’t be serious—can you?” Miss Francine signed. “What did I do now? Oh, Mon Dieu. Quel genre de problùme c'est ceci?” I whined. “What is that French you spoke? And what does it mean?” Francine asked. Yes, it is French. And it means—oh my God. “What kind of problem is this? Happy? Now I need to focus on my work. Obviously can you please excuse me?” I said. Turning around since I didn’t have much to do, and was typing my novel book. “I can’t believe this Mvuela, you are really afraid of the water, are you? Ha-ha, hey, Gideon—Gideon!” Called Francine. “What Francine? And I am on my way!” Gideon replied.

“Hurry! Because you need to hear this!” Francine shouted. Gideon McCain stops doing what he was doing and came to hear what Francine will tell him. Furthermore, Gideon had deep feelings for Claire Francine, but he doesn’t know that Francine loved me. ‘Oh boy, here comes troubles that I wouldn’t want to expect. Francine always makes up things to make me goes with her to Africa. Sometimes I feel like she is just using me and soon or later she and her father are going to betray me,’ I thought. Gideon McCain dashed as his feet would carry him as he arrived before Claire Francine. Additionally, both of them are from England, henceforth, I always heard them speaking British. “Yeah, what is it—Francine?” Gideon panted.  “Can you believe that Mvuela here is afraid of the water?” Francine puzzled.

“What? Mvuela? Afraid of the water?” Gideon amazed. “Yup, he is—!” Francine replied. “No way! I always know Mvuela to be the best shooter and a highly skillful DIA to engage in Martial Arts combat. So—sorry, Francine. I don’t believe you,” Gideon scoffed. ‘Goodness-gracious, at least I have someone who believes in me or not,’ I wondered. Alright, Francine, I will come with you by ship to prove to you that I am not scared of the little water splash. You know when I was growing up, I use to be afraid of the water, but not anymore,” I signed. “Yay! Then it is decided. And I believe all of your clothes packed already—isn’t it?” Francine asked. “Of course, and why?” I asked. “Because I order my two bodyguards to pack your suitcase of clothes,” Francine answered. “What? You can be serious? We are leaving today?” I asked. “Yes.” She added. “What? How? And I have not packed my weapons yet?” I said. Who cares about your weapons? I told Gideon just told me that you are the best at Martials Arts combat? Why do you need your weapons?” Francine asked. ‘Um, this is getting weird—and weirder by the hour. But anyhow Francine doesn’t know that I have already packed my weapons into that huge case.’ I thought.

“Agent Miles? What’s brings you here and what is it?” Asked Francine. “Well, CIA Director Francine your father wants a word with you.” Agent Miles snickered.  “Er, thanks and I am glad to see you uncle. How is Aunt Dinah and Cousin Hannah?” Francine asked. “They’re all doing fine and I am to see you too my favorite niece.  Now, too-doos—I have a mission to accomplish!” Said Miles. “Alright, goodbye uncle!” Francine signed. “Morning, Francine is that your uncle I see?” I discontinued. “Yes, it is and he seems happy that he has been sent by my father on the mission. Henceforth, today is the time for him to shine. Because every time my father always sent you. Aren’t you happy that you have peace of mind and relaxation?” Miss Francine smirked. “Obviously, yes, I am happy so how are you this morning?” I asked. “I am good but talk to you when I return because my father just summoned me.” Francine grinned.

Claire Francine marched away, as I shook my head in disbelief. I watch her disappear out of my sight into the bright hallways. ‘Boy, she is one mysterious young woman, I signed. Returning to my huge office post. ‘Truly Agent Judas Miles is Claire’s uncle from her mother's side.

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