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I under stand that they don't want to die but the yelling is just stupid, you could get cuaght at any moment thanks to thier loud big mouths screaming at me. "So, what do you have to say for your self before my boyfriend kills you?" I turned around to see the same guy that was talking about molly or tilly, or what ever her name was. " I can't believe you jerks, you don't even care about the other part about the curse do you?" When the said oge then I remembered the other half. "What is the other half of the story that my mother never told me?" "Those who have killed a person or have seen the death will not be excepted with the spirit, those who are in the room and have covered thier eyes and is in the room will be curse, the family will be put to death by force and the daughter will be abandond in a burnt house until it falls to the ground. I who is killed will be resurected anf I will be able to torture the ones you love and you will be bound in your grave, those who goes next to your grave will fall to thier death." After I was done explaining the situation the whole room went quiet and so did out side of the room. So I just got up and started leaving until I heard a loud shout that stopped me in my tracks. " Wait miss lier, if you know the other part to the story can you tell us what happens when you die?" I thought about it for a moment, I don't know if I was told that but I think I might know what it was. " Well I think it was if the ghost that is in you doesn't like you and you die then the the ghost will retun to the room where it has died and it will look for another companion until there is nobody left in the whole world. I think there was another part that goes with that but I can't remember because it was so long ago when I was like five so I won't be able to remember something like that because of I am still stuck with the ghost I didn't want." I closed my eyes to see if I could remember a little something from the other part when all of a sudden I was knocked out and I was surounded by black. I kept thinking even though I was pain from what ever happened. " Do you want me to tell you the other part of the stories or ahve you forgotten them?" I looked around, I seen the same girl that was in the mirror. I stood up from off the ground and started to look into her eyes, I thought that hesetation would be rude so I just looked at her. " Yes, I would like to hear the whole story or stories on how you became a ghost and why is this room cursed." " Alright then, I will tell you but you must promise to keep all of this a secret and to never forget me or that will bring the killer to you." "I under stand." I went on my knees and bowed to her trying to look as if I was going to be a fighter or something. " It all started when I first went to high school, first semester. I was very good at all the things I did and my grades were over the top! I was an anore student and was the most polite girl in the whole class. After I was done with the second class I went to the cafeteria like any other person after they've finished class, plus that was my every day thing. When I walked into the cafeteria a knife suddenlly went to attack me, I was startled at first until I realized that it was fake. All the kids were laughing at me for being scared of a fake knife, to be exact I didn't think it was funny at all because if you would to startle some one and they were haveng heart problems or failure then you would kill them. It's was just a blessing that I had a healthy heart and that I was not like the  other people that don't believe in eating healthy and stuff. I walked in the class room and sat down inside of my seat. I thought to my self, when is class going to start? I mean I was here late like normal and when I walk into the room I always get lectured about being late but todays was to different. The teacher wasn't there yet and the students were most likely giving me a hit about today or how my school work. I also realized that I was more late then ever, and I never, I never ate breakfast and I never said good bye to my parents, I just have a feeling that something went wrong. As the class started hearing foot steps every one started quieting down until we seen the teacher that was with the moderator of the school. I stood up to look at them with I knew something went wrong eyes. "What happened teach, why ain't the math teacher here yet?" "Now don't go ahead of yourselfs students, for now lets talk about the arangements. We are going to have this teacher ms imfa teach you for now on, she is the sister of your resent teacher who some how was smashed into half by her storage door. So I ask you to help her with her moneys and anything else she might need." Chapter 2 The new meanings of careless

 As we start class', out of no where the teacher starts coughing.  "Excuse me my dear students, it seems like I am coming down with a very terrible cold, I don't think that I will be able to teach you tomorrow, please force me." I floated over to the teacher that seemed to have been poisoned by someone that I have been trying to kill for days t still haven't completed. As the day gos on the teacher starts to cough more worse then from when she first coughed which not good. I floated over towards the new teachers office, I open the door to see that a lot of stiff that my sister usally uses for her strength. I see that the new teacher that was lastly seen in the class was lying on the ground, my sister must have been trying to have all the world dead or worshipping her til they die. I float out the room and made sure that the door was still open so that if the right person walks by they would end up calling the hospital but I thought ahead a little to quickly because of one student came pass laughed and walked away, I guess I was too coffident that my plan would work I guess that I will have think up a new plan. I walked over to the principals room to see the same thing that was happening to the new twacher happen to him. No doubt about it that it is my sisters fault that this is her doing, I float to the president of the school but the same thing was happening to her, and the students were thinking that they were playing so I couldn't get them to call the police because of the students wouldn't even know what they would be talking about.


Publication Date: 08-22-2015

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