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Book online «The perfect heart by clarryajeah fields (top 10 most read books in the world .TXT) 📖». Author clarryajeah fields

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Chapter 1 Life

I wake up as normal people, get washed get dressed head down stairs. make me something to eat and head out to class, I was tired but I knew that if I be a good student then I will get perfect grades. So  I rushed to school that way i'm early for presetaion. I get to school and the school ooks like it was never cleaned when it was built. I walk inside and it seems like I just enterd a dirty boys room, it smelt like dead food that was there for ten years. I walk to my class room  and every one in there looked like a zombie. I walked over to the left hand of the teachers desk and introuduced myself. " Good morning every one I am the new student here cinnomine pine I will be hoping that we will all be good friends and that no one will start having any fights okay?" I smiled as I finished my speach but everyone just stayed quiet, I said it again. " Okay, can I get a responce please?" every one said okay droned out as they were in wonder land some where barley listening to a word I was saying, So I said it again. "Okay can I get a answer with some life please. every body realized that the whole class would be going off of the same question untill some one did the right thing so thats what they did and we finnally started class. I wen't to sit next to a midnight haired dude with green eyes and a locket around his neck, with a adult of some kind sort of looked like his mother but I didn't pay him any mind, as I was saying he had on a black shirt that had long sleeves and blue jeen pants that looked like it was just bought. I was wondering if he knew why we were in a somewhat looking ambandonded school and why we were here in the first place. " Um excuse" I said while tipping myself over to the boy. " Do you by any chance know why we are in a school that looks like this?" He looked at me with if I knew who cares eyes. I leaned back over to my seat to make sure I wasn't spotted for bothering other students. After the opening cermony for all the new students in the class we had the school festival which ment that we didn't have to do school or anyhting like that. I walked over to the teriyaki stand which had all types of teriyaki. "Hello, can I please have the octopus please?" "Sure thing miss." I was starting to second guess about the teriyaki stand because he was a little to confident about the octopus teriyaki. "Thank you." I left with the food and went to another part. "Excuse me, would you like me to show you around?" I turned in back of me to see a small but hype boy standing there, he had red eyes, green hair, and a suit that was a normal color, black of course, wouldn't be normal if it wasn't black. "S-s-sure, why not?" I started to follow him after I was done with thinking over who he was. As we headed in to the school grounds I started hearing gun fires. I thought of running to see where it came from before I heard the guy say that it was inside of the swimming club and that it was most likely that they have started practice. I all was believed in people that was all ways true to me or was my friend but I never believed in a person who just came up to me out of the clear blue. I got a little worryed about those gun shots and how they sounded so real. "Um excuse me, I have a question about this school." " Yes what would that be?" " Well, why are we attending a run down school that looks to be abandond?" He didn't respond to my question. " I guess not even you know why, oh well guess I would just have to find out, right?" Right when I said that I seen he glare at me witht the corner of his eye to make sure that he was clear that I would not be finding out any time sooner if not never. I knew right there that I would be finding out some things that not even I would like to find out. " So what is your name?" I asked trying to sound very mormal and not curious about the situation about everything that I had asked him so far. " There is no need for me to give you my name because you wont be hear for much longer. When he said that he started to fade away like he wasn't there or something like that. I stopped at my tracks because there was no where else I could go other then maybe finding out what was in the room where I heard the gun shots or finding out why that guy was a little to confident about giving me my teriyaki. I decide to head back out side until I hear a shoot out. I heard screaming and a little bit of squealing coming from who ever brought thier babys here. I then knew that when I heard the gun shots there was going to be some trouble coming to or fro some where. I came to this school becasue they said they were the top school in the whole universe, but I don't believe that thier top number one, I think they are just in the the top ten best school contest of this years compitention. I ran out of the area I was at to see that I would be needing to run the other way. When I got to the end of the hall I see a mob of guys with guns in thier hands and they were not looking afraid when they seen me popping out of nowhere looking like a ghost. "A ghost, thats it!" I ran back to the spot I was at and ran farther to see if I could find any wepons to save the school. As I ran down the hall I started to hear foot steps that were trailing to my directions so I ran tot the nearest class room and hid there.


Curently the sun is down and I am still stuck in the class room, I was in a class room that was never entered for some odd reason. I got up and seen a mirror that shown some body else that I never seen in the room. I looked real hard to see if I could idenify who was in the mirror, because I knew for sure that it was not me. I don't remember ever coming to school with black pants, a black shirt and black hair that goes passed my back, my bangs were long pass this persons face and the posture is the worst I seen in a life time, hunched over and crocked looking like hunchback assiments. I stood up to see if I could find something that was usefull in my eyes, but what I came up with was nothing, there was nothing in this room trhat I could create that would stop the school from turning out this way or even worse. I started to look around in the room which was pitch dark so I started looking for some light. I started hearing foot steps and I magically apeared on the ceiling, I looked down to see a little couple that was running from the same horror I was running from. "Hey milly, remember the story of this cursed room, they said that if the ghost that haunts this place dies then it can reborn its self in some one else, and since we were in here first we are going to be the ghost that haunts the place and we will live for ever more together." "Yeah we will, then this will be our turpand anybody that comes to enter or confronts us will be scared, but just one problem." " What is it milly?" "Isn't the spell or curse supose to work by now?" I then thought about telling them but I was second guessing it until I turned back into my old self and fell straight on my face. "owch, that really does hurt." "Gasp!" they both was frightened about ether a, hearing thier plan or b, falling off the ceiling without notice. " Um hi, I am a knew student that ran in here when the shoot out was going out and I didn't know that there was any curse running around hear about any ghost or anything like that so please don't be mad at me I only came in here to find protection not to destroy ya'll plans or anything like that, so if you can please forgive me because I jumpped on the ceiling before you came running in here. I folded my hands together and put my head down that way they would know that I was serious about what I just said. " Okay milly this is what we will do, I am going to go grab a metal pole and we are going to kill her for the power that we need." Once I heard that I knew right there that they didn't except my speach that I made. I started heading towards the door when suddenly I went flying right into the wall becaus esome one wanted the same power that I had gotten which was not part of the plan that I was making. The plan that I was making was, get to a room that had wepons, defeat these evil guys and have the school just how its supose to be. I was wondering how in the world am I supose to get out if i'm not even certain that some one else is about to hit me with the door again, what am I a hitting machine used to get hit by the whole world or something? Well I guess it wouldn't be called a hitting machine if it didn't get hit by some thing huh? "Um can I please leave? I didn't know that there was a curse running around here in this school, I am only a new student who came here because of the school fest, I didn't plan this too happen." "Well miss lier what did you plan if it was not to get to the curse spirit of oge?" I was quiet, I was scared to a point, I was suprized, I couldn't believe tha I was cursed by some one who was already cursed if you get my point. " M-my plan was to run into a room which should had have wepons and shoot down all the eviil guys or get them locked up, not getting cursed with some kind of ghost that probablly forces you to huant the place or your body gets tooken over and you get posest by him or her, but at the look of things I can see tht it was most likely a girl that had died and not a boy." "LIER!!" They all screamed at me, I couldn't believe that I was that I am hated that much that I was going to get stringled down until I see my inner deaths, and besides, what did I ever do to them that makes them so angry? I told them already that I didn't know about this stupid curse, why are they getting so worked up sbout it,

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