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Book online «CROWNED by Gui Mwamba (free biff chip and kipper ebooks .txt) 📖». Author Gui Mwamba

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Chapter Twelve 




 "Thank you, Lord. Today I am praying for you to put it to leave me not to temptation, but protect me from it.


Protect me from the enemy who is seeking for my mama and my life." Dove prayed.


 "Good morning, Dove-!" Both shouted. "Gah, Ellie... Rey?" Dove stammered.


"Yes, what's wrong?" Rey asked. "Aren't you happy to see us?" "Well, I am it just that you startled me.


Besides, what are you doing here? I mean, you always go before me to school?" Dove puzzled.


"Yes, we do what we want to walk with you to school well, maybe rive?" Elle excited.


"Wow, thanks, guys, but you too, let's go to my mama isn't taking us to-." Dove paused.


 "Her mom, I can to open the door and discover if we want to be ready." Narrator reported. 


"Ell-Rey? Are you all ready?" Naama asked. "Um, yeah, we all are ready," all agreed. 


"When all of a sudden, Dove, her mama, and her best friends themselves in the car.


Everything was going pretty well, and it was sunny outside. Dove and her friends' school wasn't that far at the point they arrived in their school in time.


All three of the girls discovered themselves marching in the school's hallways." Narrator added.


"Ah, Dove, do you think you can find the hottest guy who made you walk again?" Elle asked.


"Well, I hope so and Mr. Narrator, what do you think? " Dove asked. "Hold your horses, Dove, jeez. Can't you be patient for a bit?" Narrator scolded.


"Alright-alright, jeez, I will be patient. And it seems like someone as wake on the wrong side of the bed," Dove laughed. 


"Maybe, and well, well, seems like someone is in a good mood?" Narrator added. "Yeah, of course, and if you excuse me," Dove repeated. 


"She and her friends went to open lockers and to take their notebooks where they usually write their notes for their exams or quizzes.


They were thinking of going to studies just in case Ms. Sermon took them by surprise.


Furthermore, Ms. Sermon always took them by surprise, but since they took their notes out their lockers and studies whenever they break time.


Continually, Dove was unable to forget the hottest man in white she saw, which made her be on her feet again.


She and her best friends help her to look for the black man she saw in whites all day. "The narrator answered.


 Chapter Thirteen 




"Girls, come on, let's go in class before the bell ring," Elle answered.


 "Yep, surely that's correct, " Dove agreed. "Lead the way, Elle!" Rey nodded. 


"As they were heading to the first class, Dove and her best friends, they met Dan talking to a rich girl." Narrator signed. 


"Morning, Dove, I would love to introduce you to my-!" Dan stopped.


"Dove ignore him as she looks away from his eye contact. "Well, not now, Kushida.


If you just excuse me, I got some notes to study." Dove begged. "Dove was about to walk away when Dan angry pushed her.


Dove Naamvidya fall belly first on the cement as she watched the students who were in their class laughed at her.


 Dove furiously walked up to him." Narrator added. "Dan? Are you daring me?" Dove snarled.


 "Oh, boy, it seems like someone is in big trouble. Kushida had me wanting you to stay away from it, Dove." Narrator warned. 


"Or else...whoa!" Dan wailed. "Someone pulled him on the behind and slammed him on the metal lockers wall." Narrator giggled. 


"Hey! how dare you touch me?" Dan gulped. "And I dare you standing in my way?" I asked.


"Alright, alright, have your way!" Dan whimpered. "Good, hey, Miss Naamvidya, are you all right?" I asked.


"Huh, you? Ah-ah, I am... that was nothing." Dove stammered. "Yeah, me. Howdy, Elle-Rey, it seems like you are truly her friends." I said.


"Sure, nice to meet you, um?" Elle wondered. "Oh, I'm so sorry. My name is Laume. Laume Mwamba, I'm just a new student who transfers here," I introduced.


"Hmph, nice to meet you, Laume. Besides, I've been looking all over for you here in the compass, oh, but I didn't see you anywhere." Dove said.


"Yuh, I know, but I was busy, so why were you looking for me?" I asked.


 "Uh, because without you, I would find myself on my feet again. I wouldn't remain in the wheelchair for eternity." Dove explained. 



Chapter Fourteen




 "Eternity that seems forever, besides you are welcome, but it wasn't me who gave you the strength to stand up. " I said.


"Wait, but if I may ask, why did I saw you in entirely white? " Dove asked.


"When because that's my favorite color. " I added. "No, no, no, the white color that I saw was shining very brightly," Dove said.


 "I have no idea, " I murmured.  "When Dove was about to ask another sentence, she was discontinued by Kushida." Narrator repeated. 


"Hey, Naamvidya, Elle, Rey, and newbie! How long would you keep staying out there?" Kushida scolded.


"Hey, Kushida shut up. Besides, this is none of your business. Why won't you just leave Dove alone and go back to the classroom?


And this newbie man, his name is Laume. Now beat it!" Narrator howled.


I got some business to do!" I said. "Dove stared at me amazement before she would have rushed inside of her mama and best friends.


He walked away unless he disappeared out of her side as Laume discover myself striking the two security guards down with his silent strike.


Entering inside CEO Director Miles' company, and murder whosoever wasn't responsible for Radina and Rehab's death at a point he busted Miles's office door into little pieces.


"What in the world? Mwamba, what are you-gah!" Miles screamed.


"Why, miles? Why did you murder for Radina and her innocent daughter?" I roared.


"Well, I don't know, maybe because she was the-wah!" Miles squealed.


Laume finished him off when he opened fire on his forehead." Narrator exclaimed.


Publication Date: 05-01-2020

All Rights Reserved

She is the princess—high grades in her senior years in high school. However, the only thing that is bothering her is to get a man before she lost all. When he's faith is tested after having his worst nightmare vision, Laume must put the whole armor of God and hope in to defeat the Devil.

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