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Book online «CROWNED by Gui Mwamba (free biff chip and kipper ebooks .txt) 📖». Author Gui Mwamba

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                 Chapter Eight




 "Have you ever dream of being someone special? Someone your parents would be proud instead of being a disappointment to them?


Someone taking every light on they can rely on you take care of them when they're old?


Have you ever dreamed of hos being successful, famous, a house, and a good healthy life?


Well, he always dreamed of becoming that kind of person. Someone who can save humankind created by God from the snaring of the ravenous adversary, the devil, or the shadow? 


Someone's who God knew since he was in his mother's womb and anointed him to be the prophet for the whole nation?


At least I didn't dream of that, but he is. He has the power which the dominions, and principality of darkness cannot withstand.


Anointed after having my worst nightmare office off is life, but he has.


His name is Laume, and yes, before he  would meet Dove he first met the girl by the name of Zeinab while being in the mission in India


Everyone knew that he was a Christian and just a simple, reasonable, and the only person the enemy can crush to dust if Jesus wasn't within him. He roars on the inside like a Lion of Judah.


Well, as he said, my name is Laume, but there is nothing special about him, nor he is an Anointed One who can stand against the adversary, and he's Legion but the simple guy.


So this is the beginning of my story. We, as children of Yahweh, always been protected from the snare of darkness, which walks among humans on earth.


Everyone thought of him to be the ordinary businessman, but within is a ravenous wolf in sheep clothing.


He had only one mission to incomplete, and he doesn't want anybody to get in his way.


And the mission he was Lucifer send to do is to turn down the heart from God the Creator.


And bring as many souls with him to hell furthermore is playing what free is master of all evil in the bondage of darkness.


He took Dove's uncle's is the most wicked man. He murdered his own older sister's husband because he wants the throne," Narrator announced.






Chapter Nine



           IN GRAVE DANGER

 "It seems like Dove and her mama Mrs. Naamvidya are in grave danger the worst nightmare man's wrath. I don't know what's going to happen after he gets rid of Dove. 


Once more, Laume seems like nothing to that human sight, but to them, he is their worst nightmare—a thorn in the flesh that just needs to be removed but afflicted Laume's heart with unimaginable pains.


Pains that would make him give up on God, however, his Redeemer lives. Whenever Laume thinks of his majesty, walking on the street of gold, it is the happiest day of his life, my dear life.


Furthermore, walking on the street of golden and someday sitting with Him around the table the excellent wedding day as he's bride as the church. It is the most delicious and astonishing breathtaking day, and what I'm saying is the truth. " Narrator announced.


Mwamba? Wait up!" the voice interrupted.  Laume turned around unless he came face to face with Zeinab." Narrator signed. 


"Zeinab, what do you want with me? Didn't your parents tell me that they don't want to see me Amir baby daughter?


And yes, I am Christian, but you, you are a Muslim girl. I just don't want any more per shirt adding up upon my life." I signed.


"I know that Mwamba, that you are a Christian, and those aren't my parents. " Zeinab said.


Besides, I am not a Muslim girl. I'm Native." "Huh, Native? But you have an Arabic name?" I wondered. "Yes, just because my mama is Arabic, and my papa is Native American.


My papa law of creation man people because he'd secretly hiding his faith in Jesus. So what do you say?" she asked.


"And those people who scolded you the other day are my uncle and aunt. You know that they are overprotective?" Zeinab replied.


"He just waves farewell to Zeinab, and never sent my eyes on Zeinab ever again." Narrator said.


 "Furthermore, he didn't hope that Laume will ever see her or talk to; however, who knows nobody ever tells the future.


Laume spent three years in India and having a call by CEO Director Miles' saying that Radina and her precious were found dead in her mansion.


Besides, the FBI had investigated to bring the killer to justice, but they did not found any proof." Narrator continued.






           Chapter Ten



              WHAT ARE YOU READING?

 "Oh, I see. " I agreed.  I remember the answering while I was on the train on my way to the airport stop; I might take the airplane back home to America.


Zeinab was 20 years old of age, she usually we're not going to American black girl.


Although her Baba was African-American, her skin tone was like her Native American mama.


Well, I met her two years ago when I minded my own business by reading my Holy Bible.


As for now, I am in America what's the most breathtaking astonishing vibrating young woman.


I waved farewell te Dove as I was standing before her, who was seeing me in awws as she was resting on her wheelchair.


He saw me standing at her school, in my army jacket, and my Navy t-shirt, but I don't know what happened years ago.


Now I'm just sitting in the bus digging peacefully into the Word of Jesus. All of a sudden, I heard stepping sound coming to where I was.


He was standing while holding the bars as he looks down on me. I just peak at him strangely then get back on the word of God.


After a few minutes, he began laughing, yet I didn't get distracted by him." Narrator exclaimed. 


"And why are you laughing?" I asked. "My eyes still on my Bible. Besides, I wasn't afraid of you was. With that answering my question but still laughing. "Why? Why are you still laughing?" I asked.


"Hey, what are you reading?" He suggested. "As gasped in shocked and surprised when they such question coming from him." Narrator noted. "Well, I asked you first! So answer my question, " I snapped. "


And I said, what are you reading?" He answered. "What do you mean?" I asked.


"He's not coming back for you, and the rest of you who believe in Yahweh unless you prove me wrong that you are ready for Jesus Christ's second coming for all Christians.


Besides, my name is Lazarus if you are wondering who I am. " Lazarus said. 


"Humph, I think you are wrong there, Lazarus, because of I that my redeemer is coming back? And what he wants with me? And you're telling me that you're name is Lazarus just like in- whoa?" I screamed. 


"Because he grabbed him by his shirt throw and him hard on the back metal wall of the bus, which I walked on it hard." Narrator said. 




Chapter Eleven 




 "Laume remained pinned there how's that own taste blood. He falls hard on the metal floor off the bus.


Furthermore, Laume was going to school that early in the morning when he met Legions.


Legions walked up to him, laughing and mocking Laume proudly." Narrator suggested. "


"Um, just look at you, Mwamba, you are so weak and pathetic that I can crush you on the bus with you and your fellow disciples of Yahweh. Come on, Mwamba, proven me wrong.


If God chose you to be what he called you to be when you were in your mother's womb." Lazarus grimaced.


"Do you wish to die just like your best friend and her daughter who died years ago? 


Um, what were their names, oh yes, Radina and Rehab? Do you wish to die just like that? " Lazarus asked. 


"Ah, how rude for you to disrespect the dead. And every one of this bus because it is time for me to show Legions here two dead mess up with the children of God. Every one-off you go!" I commanded.  "


After that, oh, the bus drive stood while he and every one of they go out of the van.


Now since the bus was empty, I was left alone without any worry or being distracted." Narrator said. "Okie, Legions, I will ask you one more time.


Who sent you Miles? Or whosoever your boss is? " I asked. "Huh, no idea because of both of the names in one, which means the same.


Since what you humans say potato-potato? Or should I suggest tomato-tomato?" Lazarus asked. "


Lazarus grabbed the bar of the bus while he is discovering himself to be sticking on the bus' ceiling. I mean, he was kind of strange.


As he stare at downwards, but Laume just looked him with a smile. When all of a sudden, he jumped, grabbing his leg, and smashing to the floor.


As he watches him collapse flat like a rock on the bus' metal floor with the thunder." Narrator reported. 


"Ah, come on, is that all you got? " I  laughed. "Hmph, hey, don't be angry. I am the only messenger, but when Miles finds out that you are alive, he is going to come after you, and he will surely crush you like grains." Lazarus replied. 


"After that, Lazarus pushes the door hard, runaway, and varnished out of his sight." Narrator answered.

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