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Isaiah 54:8 - Eternal grace.

Isaiah 55:3 – Eternal covenant .

Isaiah 60:19 – Eternal light.



1) Isaiah 7:14 - Matthew 1:22-25.

2) Isaiah 9:1, 2 - Matthew 4:12-16.

3) Isaiah 9:6 - Luke 2:11-12.

4) Isaiah 11:1 - Luke 3:23, Acts 13:22-23.

5) Isaiah 11:2 - Luke 3:22.

6) Isaiah 28:16 - I Peter 2:4-6.

7) Isaiah 40:3-5 - Matthew 3:1-3

8) Isaiah 42:1-4 - Matthew 12:16-21.

9) Isaiah 42:6 - Luke 2:29-32.

10) Isaiah 50:6 - Matthew 26:67, 27:26, 30 ch.

11) Isaiah 52:14 - Philippians 2:7-11.

12) Isaiah 53:3 - Luke 23:18, John 1:11, 7:5.

13) Isaiah 53:4-5 - Romans 5:6-8

14) Isaiah 53:7 - Matthew 27:12-14, John 1:29, I Peter 1:18.

15) Isaiah 53:9 - Matthew 27:57-60.

16) Isaiah 53:12 - Mark 15:28.

17) Isaiah 61:1-2 - Luke 4:17-21



Isaiah 2:6-22 Day of the LORD

Isaiah 3:15-23 About ornaments

Isaiah 29:13 These people come to me ……..hearts are far..

Isaiah 58 chapter – True fasting

Isaiah 59 chapter – confession

Isaiah 61:10 Garments of salvation

Isaiah 66 chapter Judgement & hope.




JEREMIAH (BC 627 - 586)



Jeremiah son of Hilkiah one of the priests at Anathoth in the territory of Benjamin (Jeremiah 1:1-6) LORD spoke to Jeremiah at a very young age. During the reigns of King Josiah to King Zedekiah when the people of Jerusalem went into exile (captive). He did not marry (Jeremiah16:2).

Israel and Judah forsaken the GOD, did idol worship and all sought of ungodly things .During the reign of King Josiah (Who did right in the eyes of the LORD and walked in all the ways of his father David……) (II kings22:1). King Josiah commanded to read the covenant and follow it. He renews the covenant (II kings23 chapter) but still Judah and Jerusalem did evil .LORD was angry with them (II kings23:24-27).

Jeremiah was always with burden heart .He was also named as Crying prophet .Jeremiah9:1, 13:7 ,15:18 ,36:20 ,20:14 ,26:8 .He was beaten by ministers ,elders and friends(Jeremiah20:1-2) .He was also persecuted by his own people( Jeremiah 11:19-21).He also suffered with many false prophets(Jeremiah26:8) 36:20. Jeremiah prophecies for 40years .He fulfilled all his work given by GOD.

Jeremiah means”GOD HAS APPOINTED”.He had a disciple name Baruch who wrote the prophesies dictated by Jeremiah on the scroll (Jerrmiah36:4).On a festival day when Baruch read the scroll at the temple, he was taken to the king. King got angry when he heard the prophesies and burnt the scroll. So Jeremiah dictated the prophesies once again and Baruch wrote it on the scroll (Jeremiah36:32).

Jeremiah prophecies that if they do not repent and leave the sinful ways king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon would destroy Jerusalem and take away the people and the king as captive for 70years .(II kings 25chapter ) (Jeremiah39 :6-7).Slaughtered the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes and also killed all the nobles of Judah .Then he put out Zedekiah’s eyes and bound him with bronze shackles to take him to Babylon “. (Jeremiah 52 chapter) and it happened just as he prophesised.






a) Prophet Jeremiah’s call by GOD - Jeremiah 1st chapter

b) Prophecy for the Jews - Jeremiah 2nd chapter to 45th chapter.

c) Prophecy for the unbelievers - 46th chapter to 51 chapter.

d) Fall of Jerusalem - 52nd chapter




Before the fall of Jerusalem Jeremiah 1st chapter to 32nd chapter

Fall of Jerusalem Jeremiah 34th ch to 35th ch

After the fall of Jerusalem Jeremiah 46th ch to 52nd

(It took 3 years to destroy the city)




Jeremiah 31:15 - Matthew 2:17, 18.

Jeremiah 7:11 - Mark 11:17, Luke 19:45, 46.

Jeremiah 31:31-34 - Romans 11:27, Hebrews 8:8-13.

Jeremiah 25:12 - Daniel 9:2.




1) Jeremiah 23:1-8 - The coming of the sheep shepherd. (John 10th chapter)

2) Jeremiah 2:21 - Right vine. (John 15th ch)

3) Jeremiah 33:15, 25:5 - Right God (Branch sprout)

4) Jeremiah 31:34 - I don’t remember their sin (means forgiveness of sins by Jesus Christ)


Our LORD Jesus Christ is the right vine when we remain in him he will remain in us so that we can bear good fruits (John 15th ch). What are these good fruits? As it says in Galatians 5:22-23 the fruits of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. So we should lead a fruitful life because Jesus said that any one who does not remain in him and bear good fruits will be thrown into the fire (Hell). Only Jesus Christ can forgive our sins because he is the good shepherd who lay down his life and by his blood we have the forgiveness of sins. (Hebrews 9:14 & 10:10)

Hebrews 9:22 says “without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness”. If we doesn’t accept LORD Jesus Christ as our personal saviour we will be taken as captive by Satan to suffer in the everlasting Hell.







This book was related to prophet Jeremiah so this book is written by him (II Chronicles 35:25 Jeremiah composed laments…….) Jeremiah was very sad and cried for the fall of Jerusalem ( Jeremiah 39th chapter ) As he prophesised the Babylon king Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the city killed the sons of king Zedekiah and took him and the people as captive only left the poor people and disable people (II kings 25chapter).Jeremiah was also left with the poor people .He saw with his own eyes how the city was destroyed, so he was filled with grief and Lamented (weep) for the city.


Lamentations is a poetic book


I SONG (chapter1): It is about the fall of Jerusalem the insult of Jews .How a beautiful city has been destroyed.


II SONG (chapter 2) God punished the Jews and hand it to their enemies

(Lamentations 2:16 - 19)


III SONG (chapter 3) Deep pain, troubles and suffering he told

To repent


IV SONG (chapter 4) Zion in its highest stage to its down fall


V SONG (chapter 5) Prayer to LORD for his grace and blessing

For the Jews


Compares ion with New Testament


Jerusalem-God’s living place

Babylon- satans living place

Temple- our body

Prophet Jeremiah mourned for the city 600 years later

Same Jerusalem mourned for Jesus Christ (matthew23:37)


Jesus Christ said in John 2:19 “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” This he referred to himself that he is going to die and rise on the 3 days. In I Corinthians 6:19 says “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price.” And in II Corinthians 6:21 says “For we are the temple of the living God….” So it is clear that we are the real temple of God as Babylon king destroyed the temple in Jerusalem so also in present generation Satan is destroying the people by different temptations of worldly desires. As our body is the temple of living God we should see that we keep our body, mind and spirit holy as God is holy.






Ezekiel means “GOD WILL GIVE STRENGTH”. He in BC 597 when Jehoiakim was king he was taken as captive to Babylon. He was a priest and a prophet. He prophesise to his people who were taken as captive for 70 years in Babylon. After 9 years in that city his wife died (Ezekiel 24:16-18) . He prophesies for 20 years BC 592-570(Ezekiel11:1-2).In this book many times he told that God’s hand was on him This shows that he always worship GOD and saw visions (Ezekiel 1:3,8:1,37:1, 40:1). In the beginning Judah did not accepted him as a prophet but slowly they listen to his words (Ezekiel 3:7, 14:1-4). In his trouble time when he lost his wife, when people did not accepted him. He did not live the living GOD and his faith towards him. (Ezekiel 3:14, 24:16-18-33)

As he prophesied in Ezekiel 37th chapter God shows a vision the dry bones came together, bone to bone so also God is going to bring back the Israel to their land. He also prophesied about the punishment that is going to come in the end time

He was killed by the idolaters he was buried n Baghdad. Ezekiel was a prophet in Babylon and Jeremiah was a prophet in Judah at the same time.




1st chapter -3rd chapter we can see Ezekiel’s vision of his call by GOD

4th chapter 24th chapter Judah’s sin and disobediences, GODS wrath and punishment.

25th chapter- 32nd chapter Punishment.

33rd chapter 48th Israel’s 70 years of captive in Babylon









Ezekiel 37:24-27. One shepherd “My servant David will be king over them, and they will all have one shepherd.” Jeremiah 23:5-7…I will raise up to David a righteous branch ….

Jeremiah 33:15 The LORD of righteousness…….

Ezekiel 34:14, 15 ……”I my self will tend my sheep

Ezekiel 21:26-27, 34:11 restored that he is only one

Rule the kingdom

Ezekiel 34:1- Shepherd of Israel “Son of man”.”The word of the LORD”

Ezekiel 8:2-3 “I looked and I saw a figure like that of a man…..”

Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel called JESUS CRIST as (GALA) means root.

The End has come: Ezekiel 7:19 (silver and gold will not able to save you in the day of the LORD)

From these references we can see prophet Ezekiel is referring LORD Jesus Christ as Son of man, a shepherd and David a righteous branch. He is our saviour, if we accept him we will be saved so that we can be lifted up in the Rapture. But those who have not accepted him and still living in the sinful life will suffer in the last days at that time our education, our property, gold or silver will not save us from God’s anger (Matthew 24th chapter).





Ezekiel 14:18 –“They alone would be saved”.

Ezekiel 18:7-9 “Do not lend to excessive interest

The soul who sins will Die – Ezekiel 18th chapter (full).

Ezekiel 28:13-17 Fallen Angle …..Earth

Ezekiel 33rd chapter 4th verse - If anyone heard the trumpet but does ……

Ezekiel 36:26 –“I will give you a new heart …… flesh…….

Ezekiel 37th chapter – The valley of Dry Bones (about the End time) one nation under one king (last day)

Ezekiel 39:28-29 (About Israel) “I will gather them to their own land. . . . . . . .


Ezekiel 47th chapter

1000 cubits ankle deep – Adam to Enoch.

Another 1000 cubits knee – deep – Moses time to 10 commandments) (deep – spirituality)

Another 1000 cubits waist – prophets – John the Baptist

Another 1000 cubits deep enough to swim – Holy Spirit.

When we are deep inside the water we cannot see the surrounding this so also when we are filled with Holy Spirit we will be not see he worldly things.

Trees – men

Fresh water – salvation

Fruits – spiritual gifts

Root – Jesus son of man

Salt sea - world.






Daniel means” GOD IS ONLY MY JUDGE”. This book is written in BC 605 to 364. Daniel belongs to king’s family but his family details are not written (Daniel 1:3, 4). In the reign of king Jehoiakim Daniel was taken as captive to Babylon along with his three friends and others. In the captive Daniel with some young Jews were given training to work in the king’s palace for three and half years (Daniel 1:5). King Nebuchadnezzar changed his name to Belteshazzar (means god of Babylon) Daniel 4:7, Jeremiah 51:44. In Bible he was the Gods loving person, highly esteemed (DANIEL 9:23). He prayed to GOD 3 times a day (Daniel 6:10). He told the dreams and interprets the dream to the king many times so king gave Daniel high position in his palace (Daniel 2:46) He prophesised for 70 years till the end of captive in Babylon. Jesus Christ himself told about Daniel in Matthew 24:15 about the sings of End of the age. He prophesised more about the coming of JESUS CHRIST and end time then any other prophets.





Both went to captive during their childhood.

(Daniel to Babylon and Joseph to Egypt).

Both of them were in high position in their Kingdom.

Both of

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